~~~T~~taE ~~~utt~682
<br />THIS IAFI38APtS71tE, ma9a thL_--6th- - YcveAber Bl
<br />.-.---__.---day of--_`... .--. ---._._..- .. __- 19 ._-.-, by and txetworn
<br />Seraphine J. Aguilar and Dianne J_A~uilar,_husband_and wifeL each in_his and her own
<br />rigtat and as spot}se of the other,
<br />at Hall _ covtrty, !+f~raska, as mortgagor a _, and Home Federal Savings aa1 loan Assaciation of Grand IsWrd, a coryoration
<br />tcrganettd and axistittg under the laws of the United S[atev of America with its prineipwi office and place of tnuinaa a[ Grand }afand, Nebraska, as
<br />martgaftaa;
<br />W iThiE.SSET[i: That said mortgagor _ S ,for arxi in cutHicfera[fon of [he sum of ____ .~
<br />**Oae Thousand Five >itufdred Eighty-two and 06/100ths**~~~~~~~ )
<br />the recApt of whipr is frercby acknmvlixtged, da ._______~.e_______!n these Preun[s mortgage and Eva~,ii ypt4 ig[d.p)or~tyfctfca¢and assipts.
<br />Forever, a8 the folbwing dtxrihtd real esuta, situated in the County of ___ Hal l
<br />twd Sate of fafebraaka, tawu:
<br />?.nt One (1), in Block Five (5), ir. Evans' Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Titgnthrr with aU heating. +rir cunditromnq, lightintt, and plumbing rywpment aa1 tizturav:, mcludinK srrrrns, nwmnKs. swan wmdnws imd
<br />daora, and windnw ahadaa or blinds, used on ix m cnnnecimn with said property. whether the same err rtnw hxatrd nn said pmprrty ar hrreaf[rr
<br />placed thereon.
<br />T'G tiAYE ANU TO HOLA THE DAME. togetMrr wsth all anJ siryttaler the trnemenes, hrrtalrtantenta and appurtenanciw thrnwnw br~
<br />lwrgiRg, or in anywix appwtuntny, (starer. arsd warrant the title w thn seaae. Said murgattur y... harrhy covrtmnt with said
<br />3g+~ae t.~t t !~ ~ ~L~- nt t~ dulivcry tkrnal, t>hr tsw hal rzw~- _ __ of thr pn~rnt~ ub~ivr cunveynl wut cte!uritud,
<br />I
<br />aad._ ~'i~. - ``.~~ ;i €~ °~, s-'°r°..~°'"° ~°t£ aaf i.. ~:tsnr~ :hara.•-, f-~ atad ct~r =rt a!! €s,cumhran.E._. an:: that ~ 'sec Y xil:
<br />egarsat thr clauns amt denirt~s cat aU Parma whnmatievrr.
<br />warrant sad dalaati Ltw tuba tharaw [cravat _
<br />PROYtp~t! ALW AYE, and then rnatttstararet is estruteal acid ilehvrrn! to st+r:urr tlir pay [Went of the sum .+( _..,..,..
<br />f **~1€t~ Thttu3~nd €i~•g Hurt rid lei-,_~.h~y-t•~~ can _ ~h--~`~~.b~** Lrr,tfs,t~,~i~_t-s~23~_,-~ . }.
<br />. -
<br />f wst# ioptusrat thwrae,n, tnr wiur such cnarrtee scat adrancra as may im der and teayabte to said mt+raga~a antic? the ecrttas and ixmifitaan+
<br />`- 337 ~^^^...~~~. ~t.~w,ia,~ =~r~wi~a e~ ~~„v~i ia~t[te, ~f.~~- _' a* P~ Sr,nr~~€,r y.... ., ,~i.3 m.~~.~~en. ~~Fa~ta. yt r.apru.M±e,~i
<br />t __~ ___ _ ___ _
<br />In sa=d ~~, a~ tfn s_ar~ tie ~ cf :d t!?a ts_x_tssa _nx! eews3sras na cuntsuleef tfxFtein. The irrma of mid :nsie are hrreh_w irxc~wuuraCczl
<br />~ trssaio by this raiatenco.
<br />v
<br />!4 is the itrteatdn sad eRrsetnent n} tlw partsea tmreto [Tsar this mirtttagn shad also ae~urr any future advam:ea made w acid murtKagor 5
<br />I by said tg0et(taytla, sal sny aaf all italebtedneas in adduron to the arrwunt abort stated which said mixtgagucs, or any of them, may uwr to
<br />said ~, howavar rvidennad, whaKher ksy [sots, txaxk acnwnt r.r uthrrw ise. '(hie nxrtgagr alutil renwict in full faux and effort tsetwa~n
<br />the parties hersW and chair barite, purwnal rc~{nn~:tativrs, ~urrra~irv and asst[ its. until al! amuuntx srcurvl txvrundec, itxlut!ing !'uturr
<br />tatvracra, an paid in fail with intrrvwi.
<br />TAa taatYgagor ~._ haraby aaargsr to sea! murigsgw all rrnts and intcurn arising at any anti all tifna8 trtsm said lpniperty uetJ
<br />hereby authorize said mmtypg~aa ar its sprit[, at ate eeytatrn, upon tie}tali, to takr chargr of said pruprrty ant! collar[ ail rrnts and +m'ann.~
<br />tharofrtrm cal apply the carne w the payment of mterwit. pnneipal, maunnce premiums, toxra, asiteaamxnts, tefwus or improvrnrenta
<br />asCtrgary W kMapaald ItH1Mr-tY is taAaatah"Isr otrsditiaa, it W uttla charges ix paymtarts pruvklal frrr harous to in the mrta harehY secured. 'i'bis
<br />rvatt asaigwrtsaat shall eontinur in fonw until the utepatid tralanaY of sasd eaite is fully prW. 't'he taking of {rissxaeum hrraundrr ,Iwll to nu matmer
<br />prevent w tatard said rnortgrtgea En tlw cidlasaiun nt ssid scants by forec}o;wrr irr istluxwisn.
<br />Ttsa iaiisrre,~ the ~ w a+asrrt ply cat its rights ktaaeutulFr at aqv [term shat[ eau be eansirued as a waiver hf its right to assert the
<br />saws at say {atw time, and t~ [setae upon and enfurcr strict rnmphaace with alt the terms and provisinris at said trots end of this mnrtftegr.
<br />If said a rhrll Biwa w be past w card mrrtgeger thr asst ter amount due it hannrndrr. and undrr the trnna sad pmvi,inn,
<br />of aatd aaia hrrabr aetartrsd, iasleeLurg locate adwa~, scut any eatanaams au renrwsla Lhe,ra+of is accordarrre with thr trrnws and provr:.k na
<br />! thrx-rI, std iitstid flsa'ei_____ aiaii v with ati thr Pttivierafla ai said ntur end in this muttgrter, turn [twee t+rraenta shalt t>p .nid.
<br />otia~rias to evistaia to hit cores sad a#act, sad said mortgr6gae shad hr antit~d w the puaseasmn of all of :said prot,<cety. and may, at rte .+yt x+n.
<br />el0ebtre kCe wl~tda cal ss3d sate esd a8 was r~iesaer%t~! ti~.~e9xy tc !+a :^t.~tstrly dtx. uat± {eayahta, acid may tornM_~ thrs iro:rt~s;;t•
<br />to take say nthn lapel actuan t~ panteuw its right. Apprrrardstcnt waived.
<br />Thar nrortp~ shall hs binding upon std shall enure to the benaPit of thr hetta, eae+uwra, ndmnristraWrs, tiuccaawixa and umgns ~!( thr
<br />r~pe¢ttvae-patriipt ttsiraW, -
<br />IN wtiTNEt'sfa W1tk`>ttk:~lN. said Muttgagix S ha V~rvumo •wt thYix ~ ha ~Y thr day and yrar trr,t ah.,..•
<br />waittgn °'"'.~„~1 ''~~
<br />~ ff~`r ,
<br />>-' •~
<br />_ r,.,t~r:.~. .~._.._.~__.....
<br />~ i)i~nne *. Apulia[`
<br />