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l~t~~i'T~~GE ~ 1 ~.. v ~ 5 f <br />7th November 81 <br />Tftt~9 iPiDif~l1'tTRE, toads ehSa _. ---------..---- dry "f -----..--------- - _ _ , 14 --_-._. by end between <br />3amlts 0. ,Tahneon-and Fern M. 3ohnsoa, husband and wife, each in his and her awn <br />right and as spouse of the other, <br />of X82•'1 ('ouaty, Nebraska, u ttwrtgagtrr ~ .and Hotta Federal SavtttWs and Lout Association of Grusd Island, a corporation <br />, fed exParna urWer the laws of the United State of America with its pritttipai office and ptaa of business at Graff island, Nebraska, as <br />trartlinisc; <br />WITNES.+"ET7~: Thri said mmtgtrsor- a _,-., fm and in con+ideration of the stem of <br />**Titirty-sae Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-two and Va(104th_g~~~fs 31,482.00 ~, <br />the receipt of wltich is ftereby atknawlafged, do,. by these Presenu mortga@e acrd warrant unto said mortgagee: its successors and aasipta. <br />(ors~ar, slt the followitq descrebed real estate, situated in the Cotmty of Hal 1 <br />sad State at Nelrwka, to•wit: <br />Lot Six (6) in Block 'Phree (3), Dale Roush Second Subdivision, <br />Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />Togaiher+witlt aB i:ertitns, sir coaeiitioainrt. ligdtittg, end ptumbinpt e4ptipattatt and tixturka, includinrt arreetts, awnings. stnrm windowssnd <br />dtaare, ant{ window shades m blinds. used on m m CoattacUOn with said propdty, whether the same ere new !orated un wid pr~erty er.hertarfter <br />pksoad thteasa. <br />T6 ltAyE ANU 1b HULD'CHE SAM€. togetMr with all artd singular tix tenements, hw-~titamenw and appurtenances thereunw bo- <br />kmgirrg, or in rnywise appertav,ing, torevu. and warrane the cKia to the same. Said retorgagor.. S.htveby cevarrtti-.--- with Wald <br />thrt-... .._t.. l~-y__ era , et the delivery turaeof, ilx lawful owner fi--.. r,f the premiaen above canvaysd and descriF.tai, <br />Md &~ ___. _. saiaed of a good and imisfaasibk aerate of inMeritatax therein. free and clear of all encumbrances. and that .t- he ~'_, will <br />w~kt'rwaR ~--ddrrd the-tick therata forever egairnt the a-3eilaia and demasda of :d persona wttom.+never. <br />pRCMit1[fE'D dILWAYS. and thin itrtrttwrat m eaat'uted anal deltveraar to avrure tn- '[JMweri3 <br />_ --wE ti.r. >~ ~ - _~ :Vey Mt4,a *t~ur:3 of a_--.- -_._.._ ..,__., <br />re*~iY ana Thousand Fqur hundred Ei ht two and NoJ1 31 482.00 }, <br />pq~ tkTOn, ~t.9 auah °;t~P,as aw.l ervixw w Gray ~ dt~ acrd able to sod mortgagee nder the terms and etmdrta'una <br />~ ~ ~z~tg±ra d!t?a hetasrKID and w,e~rt. heraoy, rxat:uted by aa:ti :narir~agw said rmrri~. l.~sy_bte as exprserxd <br />kq ~ tuprta, emd Ta sates-i6e Part of s1i the terms and etia~s cantsinrat LtcYtri:t ~'isc tertne of seed nsa.a sre i,erehy incnrpnrat,~ <br />t4la ekes itataatiaa and agnsameM of ~ t~ka iia:aao sire Baia rnaut~r ihail elan ~arFa~Y futwo adsanees tts Bait! tgatt~-.~_,. <br />by rteid teari{~w, and say and a8 indebitafaes^ m ,aiditioo to the etrount abave statexi which said mtrigagora, ur any of them, may owes to <br />raid , however evtdatued, whatbsr by rote, beak acawnt or utherwisr. 1'hia mortftrge ahafl remain in toll force and effect hetwtrn <br />tin pestles itreeto and tlgir hairs. perwrtri rtprarrrtrtatives, successors and esaiXna, unt61 al! atnattnts secured hars".rnder, includirift future <br />advaror, era paid in fair with mtereat. <br />T®e toes/Artgor$.,..__ harrby aaeigrr _ - to sa,d ttwrtgrgea all rents end ua'osrrs arising et any red all ttmaa cram sand property and <br />htaahy auttpriw rake ttrortprgw or lees agwtt, rt :w option. upon default, to take chrrge of said pntparty and collacE ail ranee and intwme <br />tltert8rwa red apply thr saws to tlw pgtneK o! iriretatt, principri, tnsursnoe premiums, texas, asreasmnata, repairo ur rmpruvtrmmta <br />areeaatty~r trrYM! ~ WAPrdS fn laertstahltt t»Odtl+aa. cx to atlrr charrPr ur pryrnralr provided for haeia or in tin trata htaehy secunrtf. 'l:'fris <br />ntdt tsratiaarrrst a6atf mstiarr in facoe uaW tbs unpaid trahrrtee of said twee is fully paid- The taking of pnaseneiun hereunder nhali in na rnettnar <br /> retard raid ttseespt>jrr itt tM calkctian of aatai tomes by iorecioanre or ath~.iae. <br />Tglrp„hWsro ai Wtr t0 arrant rrty of its ~w Ftsteundrr rt any titres alall not br twnatnad w • waWar of in tigA6 Gi aewrti Lhe <br />wow rt Wry krYrr timr, a~ to irrairt upset at:d i;nfurce atrx# amrrpltatx~ wafir all the terms and p_ravraaeaa et earl :wee and ut this narrtt'taite'+- <br />Fl geld ~_ a akaU ceusr to hrr pad to earn! ma<tfWF*'v the wriirv amauni Joe rt hereundrr, atsti under the tvruee atal ptovtaions <br />at eNtitt naM iitgtily araawi, t talon edvaaraa. and ryy etttrtrioas m rrtsawals thetenf in a~ with tM t~nraa urd provisiuna <br />tiiMeal. sad Y raid ssa~tysr .- H-- rtialt carrply with aSl tin provirkmr a{ anal rote atsd of thin teori grgv, tbrn thaw tu+swnta ehaU ha veal, <br />~~ iEarr3 ta~~a ~~ `='aF;n:~:. i. pen ~ =.k pf may. n~f mar,. at !tx a~+titm. <br />dutare,tia teideai ttaidaw rrrd ~ ie r~ ~~?y to ftr itnr..wfirtdy du r„ # paya4fa, sad ~y tan~l~ t6a raa:raitayr <br />arr. taint arty at#rr ~ action to Prstaa its rfglt. weaved. <br />~ a~koilee opera ~ a#wff ararra t$ tktt -".~rsfit of the tnairs, aaefatara, ashnininiratarr- a,=r•~•,•-••,= anal a~ ~1 t h <br />ft+f Wf~f tki4Fdlt'i'. aa~ 3•iarypag,a'_~_ to Y~t__ hs_rs.tt_titn art ,_ ir,.-- .hand -&__ the day amt yew.brat alHrve <br />. wteti+s. - /~ <br />---- -- - - - -- -, b _.... _ - ... <br />~; o: ra ~ot1' <br />..,_ _... ~~ohneon <br />