~tDRT~AC~ ,~1--> ~ii5~79
<br />1'Hi8 LiRi?SIidVR~. taada thb.__9~1.._--_~. _ .day of _-Ht2S2P~3f?1L-. . _- ___ 19 ~._.. by and between
<br />- --~"`tr~f7~--~-'~'~3 I;KL~~~g~~ _1~~_Fd2Lt..C~~_ h[rA asad [!"nrl t~~P
<br />of f~rLfQ_ ComaY, tVebraska. u mnrtgagar __Ll...s-, aced Horne Federal Savings and t.oan Assutdation of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />and r7diting under the taws of the tGnited States of America with its pzitrepa! affi« and Pla« of busiRr~ a[ Cirat[d Island, Atebtaska, as
<br />W Pt'IVE~SETtf: That said mortgatlor_.~----, Cor and in considdvtion otthe sum of _. -
<br />Two Tievfseand flue Hl.tndlted S~.x do.C.2ane_and 25/100 ------ ~ 2,5Q6.25 _ _i,
<br />for receipt of whidt is 4etYby acktttrwkd~ed. do ___. _.~.. by t here Presents mortgage and warrantittno wi6trtortga6ee, iu suoettsors and trsdgnt,
<br />forever, all the frrYatwittg described rest estste, situated in the County of . HaY.f __~._... --
<br />and Satre of l+lebrasta, to-wit:
<br />1'oipttMr with ali ltesaing, air cueditiontng, bghttag, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including sereens, ewnittgs, »tonn windows and
<br />doers, and widow ahatiu ur blinds, used cell or to connection wit.b soot property, whrther the »eme are now located on said property ar hereefkrr
<br />placed thereon.
<br />'PD HAVE AND 1`O HOLD THE SAME, togetltet' with aii sad sittguiar the tenements, herrditament-s and appurtenantxa thrnvxnto be~
<br />- lon8iag• nr in attywip appsrtaintag, kvevar, sad warrant the utk Co the same. Sad morgsgor '~__. hereby covemnt - with said
<br />~at>!w that -. _.... ~.~.. - .Rlte _ . at the ddivtny htmroE, tM latrful owt~r ,4. of the premises »bave ca,nveyed and drveni,rd.
<br />tqd_._,.,,,.~,(~.. aeimd d a good and iridefaasdrle sWate of inlmntanit therein, tree and clear of alt encumbranrx~s, end that ~Ite ~- wdl
<br />+aivRattE-,teed dahad the title thereth tosswer against [he ciaitna and aerttitnds of all peraur[a whomsnaver.
<br />~, _. and f iron ,trsir[tmm[t ut aaaruted atxi delivered to soe[trre the payment [,f the sum of .. _..__ _. _ -
<br />VlDiIbALWAYS,
<br />~.t~~ :~_~li ~ X dLi~t~"Lt1 t2tT~ ~1~1-1.QQ '~^_-[krllarst3_ 2_SQfi_25 t.
<br />_ ~.
<br />- rrr'a6~t Lt~isl'~[. thtrean, wiin __h ehar~ asi advara~ ai, tnay !~ due ssd PeYs4M tt=. said atartgat;Ne under tl:e careen aryl cottdiir?na
<br />'' :~,s.-t.r ~;. °^---~ >~ ~nv_ ~cecuten# by a+stci mortKaanr ~ to Said trarrtt.-. paysbha ar rzpr~ +~
<br />iet liahd'netta..~ W aa~ the pan~aass of a}i thr iwsna aced conditituta ctentaitrrd thatt=in~ 'fhn terms of aag3 rxrte snr ixretry~ 6rxretkettratud
<br />h~aaa ~ tea ~.
<br />Et is ilta i6eiaatlaa aed a at the psrtma hereto that this taRKgage »ltaii-ohs, seetrre any t-ururo advan.~a ~' a t, amt ~ -
<br />by aaJd . ari any and aU iadshtadrteea m eddiwn to ttre amount above »trtad which sad [re,rtgagon, ar any of tlvam, may owr to
<br />acid eaatpgpa, however evidattoed, whether by etote. boot[ account ar niharwise. Thin mortgage »hati rrmam m full ttrtsb and rffact I.rtvicean
<br />tba portiw honor aced chair hate, paraonaf rpreaaouttvo», succeswcs sad ass[gne. until all amounts aetarrtd hetturtdm. trxludtna future
<br />edyawa. an paid in fill: with iatcraet.
<br />'1'ha ~PAaA-_, hrtr~6y aariga -. to said mortgareia alt rert» and ertcotne art+ing at any attd sll tune. trren srd ixrgrrrty and
<br />hatatrY tredharw aced ur iw eEettt. at its aptton, uptm default. to take charge of »eid property aed collect all rents and eeaY,mr
<br />pteasadnta std apgfy tM .awe w the paymrit nt intavaat. prtrctpal. enwrancr. peemittms. team, asalsemtwta. re'ttetr'e or ,[nprave»rreats
<br />rieeahaarlrGtiMt/ eed t7' is tateaeuhia aaeditaee, oe to dJsar slrTfar ar paymeaua prwtdad hx bleats a ie the note harahY seau[wt'i:. Thta
<br />eclat aniparat tehail osntiar is ttaea utsul tlta unpaid halaaoe at said ante is fully pad. 'Cim taking of poeeeeerm hereutsdss shall en tr', manor,
<br />prasraat tr retold aaM taett/osae in tM caliettkee ut sad soma by fnrecloaure ,v ,ithet+rtse.
<br />'t'he ta~rrwd clan mwt#ape W aaaart say d its nghta lteteander at any time eltall not be roaatntad a a sratva-al ks tt[tlrt to aaaett the
<br />aattta a# say later tires, sad to iaslet uprut sad enforee strii't cotnpliam'r wtth aU the tFmra anti ;rra+:axrae .,1 s,.ud nr~e sad ai the tta.ttyta#te
<br />1t atdd t-'a shah nrtaa W 6a poet to said mortgaifa+the entire amount dire it hereunder. and order the lances and pn=cxswns
<br />d said [tats Atasiy saatuad, iatde~ futnra advances, sad any eatsasktm w raoerrda tlxter,i in a4ronletw.e wait cite lance, and pravtawrns
<br />/fatnaat, and ial said nealE~w _$_._. aheil oeotply with aU the ptvvteiaaa rrf arwl ttrirt cad of clue rmngaae. ehen these preaenta shakl he vod:
<br />aiitarertaaie teiaar`e ie i`iilrfaaar-~aRllt~. aced said-tsartpwaa a>taii ba tartitlod w fra~.,--`a ~ a#i :?# tea; r=r=-Y~ "~`, ~ Its rte:.
<br />dltdse! ~ istlaLi a! sa~iL salts ssd sld iaiahtadesarr tkeeahp to ha immediately dur aced PaY+i,~. and tea: torsrh,xe Eh}a trtitstgs„e
<br />ar taYgr say slAts itlgal attisa tQ tAeWet iw tight. Apprameneertt waiseed. ,
<br />~~Altrasott@tda abap,be bid upon road atiait aroma to the bandit of the baits. azoetttars. atim:ntattatars. sutessaor+ and asatgnv +d ~hr
<br />trrstrae~va'pattiea herwri. . ~.~
<br />LN.'4YL"i`Pl WiLL~Rl~1F, said ~ ~. - ![a yfg i,mxunia ,~C' _ __ hsttd~ - -the d~ mtd yrar tir»t ale,v,~
<br />~, :~
<br />t` ft "~~ E~QIr~C~t ~, ~,,-
<br />~t+x A. EdJti.CE>a
<br />