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<br /> . . l�2-29-1098 DEEi� �F TRUST pmge 6 �;-
<br /> L�an hv 90fA��' QC�nllnued) ���1 �,����,,. ___._. ry
<br /> �_.�—_..--- ---.—.-:-�__-__.__.__-----_=-_- --
<br /> ,...._.__. ---�---
<br /> �Trutt oe unda Iho terme ol the Not�not Ihen r id,tnclu�lnp bui r�ot NrNtod lo I�cerued int�rest end Isto chsrpos, (Iq all olhar sume Ihnn ;�
<br /> ' .. ,':�� e�ctx6A heuby�tnd (I�)!M nm�lndK�ii anri to I►�Porson o►R�sara bGNY�nM"�cd Ihoreto. �
<br /> ' �°'� (o) T��Kt!�m!�y In the mannsr proNd�d by I�w poslpoM eW ol aN ar any portlan of tM Pro{�erhr• _
<br /> •,��' p��n�dq�Npt ExGtuNy�, Tru�1SN and 4�nd�r,tnd bch d th�rn,tMM bn snddsd to�ttacs paymrnt and pertormnnco o}any Indebiedness °"
<br /> + or obNp�No�e�cur�d by Ihh nNd o�7n»t and to�x�rcia�il riphb and pow�no und�r thh Oood of Trust,under ih�Nof�,und�r any oI Ih� .�.
<br /> P.��t!d Do-currrnh, a under eny oll►v�gnnrn�nt a any tnwi naw a hw�arias In lorco;nofwllh.ate�nding,some a ep af euch irtdebtednes:. gp
<br /> and obMp�tlons Naw�d by lhh DNd ol Trutt rtuiy now a twrNlt�r b�oth�rwis�s�cund�wh�thK by morit�u4a�ci�d of trual,pl�8pa,�:n, �:- :
<br /> ' �" aulpnmsnl a o1hKwIN. NatMr Ih��oo�ptanoa ol lhlt DMd af Tnnt nor Ib snlawm�n4 whelh�r by couA�cilon or purawr.t to th�power o!
<br /> _'l�'�`R`�, tW a olher powas Contained In thlf Dad ol Trust,thaN tuNudice a In any mannw aMac1 Trustao's a Lendx'e tlpt�t to nal�za upon or __
<br /> . --• enlora any othK acu�ty now a hanrtl�Aold by TrusMo a GnndN,i1 bNnp a�rMd ttul Tnxitw�nd l.endar,aod aach of lham,shaa be __
<br /> `��� �nt1tN►d to entora thh Dttd of Trunt Rnd any olhor�ecudtY naw a MrMfla►hNd by Landrr or Trustem U euch ordar and m�nr��e tMy ar
<br /> althNr oi them rtMy ln thok�bsdute diacntlon delwrNr►r• No remildy Conf�rted upon a rqse+ved to Trusteo a Lender,h Intend�d to ba
<br /> ��,'.� sx c lus i ve o f Qny o t l x x nme d y In lhFp Dwd d Tn�el a b y I�w provld�d aQ!�"Itted,but Kch shnp b�cumutaHw and dhaN b�in��dition to _
<br /> w�ry other nm�dy ghren ln Ihb Deed d Tnq1 a naw or MntM►�1stln9��w w or�n puNy o►by at�Sute. Ev�}r;�ow�or rem�dy plwn by Ihc+
<br /> Npt�or tny of Ih� R�kt�d Docum�Ma to Tna1N a LN►d�r a tu wNch Mlh�r of tlwm may be MMrow�o oniiUed, mwy l� �xerc�s�d. �-
<br /> cor�cur�ntty or Ind�p�nd�ntly,kom tlm�to tlma rnd a ofMr►w meY b�dMmsd�sdi�nf by Tnnie�ar Lender,and elthPr of tF�m may __
<br /> h ` puntun Inr,onsisNnt t�diM. N4tMnp tn tNh Dwd o1'fhut�h�M M constn�d te prohiblUrp Lender from s�Icinp a deA�s�noy Jud�ment
<br /> .'.,.�;°� . �qa{nnt Ihs TruuPUr to tM�xNn1 t:�c��ctlon b permkMd by law. ____
<br /> ':`.:;?� , q�qpqq Fpr tioqa�. Tru�ta,on b�M ot Trc�ta and LW�,h�nby nqu�sb that e copy of tny Notkv of Da Mu tt en d�copy o l any NaHca _-__
<br />�=•"4� e1 S�le ur►d�r tM10s�d�f Trust b�m�Md fo th�m d fh�addr�s eN tath In Ih�Iht pu+iynWh allhis�aed ot Tnr�G _�
<br /> -�� 11��piy�►i ENCtlon ot R�m�dNa A woiwr by any pury of a brwch ot�pruMston W thb Daad ai Trusl ahail not constitute a walver ni or _
<br />�����+� prtjuQ+ce the pe►Ars rlyhb o►harwis�to d�mand strk:tt campNtrww wRh that proviston a any other provislon. ElecUon by Lander to pursuo arry _-•
<br /> ����,� rsrtwdy provlded ln thb Dwd of'frust,tho NoM,In any Related Documont,or NroNdW by kw ahal�not exclude pursuit ot nny olnor rGnady,
<br /> and an M�cHo�to m�k��ndilura a to ttk�adWn to pMfam tn oblipntlon ol Trustor under this Deed of Yrust atter inI►uro oP Trustor to
<br />--�.;;�;^�i pertam tlwll not tt�+�ct l�ndwe�IgM fo deciuo�dMauN and to�x�nchs any of Hs r�dM�.
<br /> . r�..
<br />="'�:-?�� Atlo�rl�ya�FM�;E1r�nN�. It Lond�r Ir�Htutas�ny tuN or acUon lo�nforco any d ttw tirrta of thb Deed of Tr�st,Lender ohall be enUtkd tei --
<br /> ---- ncowr wch sum ss ths court nxy adJuaip�r�ason�bls��tian�y�'NM��trW�^d o^4ny�ppW. Whettwr a not any wurt acUon i�
<br />:`��'`'�� Invati�,cd rea:on:b!o e.�spen°"�lrtourcecf by LAneiee whfch In Leridr's opinion an rwaswy af any drtw fa tha protec8on ot ib interast or tlt�
<br />� —�LL �nMro�rt�nl of ib riphb slwN b�COrtw a p�ut d tM Ind�bMdMSa p�Y�b�����iRd�FuiN beu interest�t the Note rato tron tiw�ta�r
<br />��;;�;_i:� prp�ntlftun untq np�ld. E�pAns�e cownd bY�P+�W�Dh ir9dud��wiMwut MmHabion.how�wr tub�Ct fo�ny Nmib under aPD�iC�bN kw,
<br /> -===� Lw�dK's�narnyi't�M whaHtur or not thue b a Inwtult�Ind�Mtnp allorn�ya'N�s ta bankr►�ptaY p+a'Aedirps Qnciudinp eMafs to modily or
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