~~~ ~t~567a~ ~e~~n~~o~4s~~
<br />M~ AGE
<br />~Ptdaa tsada a.d eet~ad islo thi, ~~ 'dam Af .vo~EA7`r~~~Q f .
<br />as ~j , >~ and ~..~. ~xxza~ Ez~(~.RUVC, srrc.
<br />4heteinaEtet ttetaemd to a. nzorEga$Or) and the Administrator of the Small Basinaa Adasioin~a¢itw, as agene~ of the
<br />Goveratttettt od tie United States of At6erica (hereinrfter referred eo au mort6asee), who araintaiaa as mice and
<br />~ ~ ~~! ~ Fhpise State Building, I9th aru3 Faznam, OtzNha, NE 68102
<br />R!!lt~Yt77I, that iar the eo~aidaratio® he~after warted. reeeipt oR` vrhirb is ~ adtawwied'tl, tha
<br />~~lw aaas y `, sep. Rsaat, atssi$e, and convey unto the woet~ee, hir waee~sw and aari~a, all
<br />al the YulbwLS issaiba~i pntpaety sitaated asd hmR in the Coanty of HALL
<br />State a[ Ate'
<br />Part of a tract of land camrising a part of the East Half of the
<br />Southeast ~uartex (E 1/2 SE I/4) of Section Twenty-Seven (27), Tbo-mship
<br />Elev~t (ll) Ivctrth, Ranye T'en (10) West of the 6th P.Di., in Hall Coiuaty,
<br />Nebraska, mrare particularly described as follows:
<br />~, ~~, at a L~^cint on t'~ °ast line of said Sz:cction Tk~:ty~Seven (27) ,
<br />said pciittt beiny Eight I3~ux3red Fifty Five (855.0) feet north of the
<br />souk oa~rxter of said Section Ttaerttyveven (27) ; thence westerly
<br />parallel to the? south line of saki Section `Itaenty-+Stwer~ (27) , a distance of
<br />Ekse T~lotts~ttd Clue litu~dred Ebu.-ty-jiiaa and Eiyhty Fuse Hunc~dths (1,142.85)
<br />feet to the s~atheasterly line of the [fiion Pacific Railroad; thence
<br />rtortlte~terly a]acxxl sari soettheasterly line of the union. Pacific Railroad.
<br />a diststtce of Q~e TYwusarrl ~Tluee Hurxixed Thirty-Eight aril Ninety c'A~e
<br />~ (I,338.91) feet to the east line of said Section TWimtyFeven (27),
<br />tht~e southerly aleny the a~.st line of said Section Ttventy°Seven (27)
<br />a dist~txae of Six i~ndred Ninety and Eleven Hutxiredths (690.11) feet to
<br />the plates of binning and containux3 4.053 acres amore or less of which
<br />0.515 at~t urn:e or less are occupied by Cauity right-of-wa;r.
<br />Popetiae .Kitdr armed t dl huiidif;a, ail i:tares indndtns but trot linsited to tril plntnhies, hea/itrR. iiRht-
<br />iwpi, verb telr~erditr~, irxiaetvatdt~ air awnd~ionittR apparatuk, anal elevranars (tire r hetreby
<br />drelrt~ fiat it is Grtandsd that the itemw herein entstataratad sitaii be tieetttatii to have been permaranUy in-
<br />wk~rtd aw Pa+t of tha realty ), swd all improvements tron+ or lterea[trr exi-tinK iherer-e; the hereditaaseab and
<br />appurtetuwr~ea atnd a0 Drier riiChts Iheetunto hshw~inR, or in anywise appertainintt, and the reversiatt and re-
<br />vcn+lonu, remainder atnd rrmaiaden,. aii ritthty of tedemptian, and the rents, issues, and profits of the above
<br />desrrtied plnspeety ~ parovided, however, Chit the mort~ur mohair he entitled to the pwwewsien of ~caid property
<br />atul to cwTtec! awd ertaiw the reefs, issaiaat, and pra$ts unttl default hereaader). To have and to hold the erttte
<br />onto the wort~{ee attd thr •ueeesson is inteeewt of the monp~a6ee farevar in fee simple or sueh mother erlate.
<br />ii . as i atn#d drain..
<br />Ties aaattppor ervaraNa fiat ire i. latr(nllt aeiaad aml patsered of and ha the rlsltt to moll and eoavay said
<br />prrrp+ee!)r: dire-ties aastte is f:e+r (now all ~ eaeatpt m leereiuahavs rsr#taw#: and that he Imtehy ~
<br />iboaalt a7t+~ !ice atseeernaa u interau w wurant and defaced tie title afonwid thereto and every put ehereod apiert
<br />bra dairits ii' a# panaer wiarttiavar.
<br />,~°~
<br />Tait ia+ttrnatrst is ~ivrn to aaeure Cite payment of a prontiswn cote deter tat V~;a+7~~,+<" ij-~3/ '
<br />iu tine !~ tu~ra of l{ 429, 2l~.(M). sitpoed by Prtmsidertt asd 5scretar} ~ ,
<br />~ is-;=?t e~ "~ ~ -~i3'34~, ifs.
<br />
<br />