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~t~~~~ <br />q. f'".a~eanrtact. Tire prrxtix3s csf airy award or' cia,nn tsar ~damagc_s. direct or cnnsequemiat, in rorttntction with any <br />cnrsdtmastion or other #aicing a# the Presg, ry, or par iltereaf, cr far conveyance in Yitn of cnndemnatian, are hereby assigmd <br />and shall be ~A °o Lender. <br />Er: ti"~ evtst of a rota: iakittg of the Prapzrty, the prix;teds shag tx apptitd to the su.~;s ~euru€ by this Dttd of T:lmt, <br />with the excess: if any, paid to Honower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, un;ess Borrower and Leader <br />uzherwise ague in westing, there steal! he appiitd to the sttrr~ secured by this Deed of Trust such prapanian of the proceeds <br />asss equal to that propnrtian which the amount rf the sums secured €ty !his Detd of Trust imrnediatety prior to dhr date of <br />tatting brats to the fair market valor of the Prnpery immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />patd t6 HF1rrt?Wtr. <br />ft the Property is abandoned by "'nrrower. or if, after natter by tender to Borrower that the candemnar atkrs to make <br />ors award or seine a claim for damages. Bormwtr faits to respond to i_endrr within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />maik~t. f.entier is authorized to caltect a..^.d apply the proceeds, at l.endtr's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Pmpeny or io the sums secured fsy this Deed of Trust. <br />iJitless Let>der and Hnrrnwer otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or gvstpunt the due date of the monthly instatlmeats referred to in paragraphs) and 2 fiereoF or change the amount of <br />such instailmems. <br />i®. Sa.-reWrr NoE Retes:td. Extension of the tirrte for payment ar mnEiificariun of amortization of the sums arctrrtd <br />by thin Deed of Trust granted by t.cnder ro any successor in interest n( Borrower shalt not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the iisbility of stet original Barmwer and Borrower's successors in interest, t.tnder shat! not be required to commence <br />prucrxdings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortiration of the sums <br />secured ttv this Deers of 't'rust by reason of ant` demand made rty the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />l t. •Fortrearanre by Lttder No! a Waiver. .hnv f'orbearancc by Lender in exercising •any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by appiicahle law. shall not rte a waiver of ur preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the paymem of [axes or other liens or charges by Lender shall cot be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to at:celerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />t1. Retnedks Camtdative. All remedies provided +n th[s Deed of Tntst are distinct and cumulative to any other rigfit <br />of remedy under this Deed of 't'rust ur afoorded by law or equity, and may hr exercised concurrently, independently or <br />successively. <br />/3. Sarctsoars and Asstgtrs (iband; Joint and Sereroi I.iabB-ty; t'aptbns. 't'he covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shat! bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of tender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provrsions al paragraph 17 hcrtnt. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall rte joint and several. <br />Tate captions and headings of ette paragraphs of this Detd of Tntst art for convenience only and are not to he used to <br />interpret ur aleJint the provisions hereof. <br />t4. NrsHrr. Except for any nonce required under applicabic saw to he given in another manner, {a) any notice to <br />Borrower provrdari far in this Deed of Truss shah rte given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />tka Propzrty Address a: at such other address as Borrower may desrgnatc by nonce to Lender as provided herein, attd <br />(b) any outset to Lender shall rte gtven by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein or to <br />such other address as !,ender may designate by notice to Borrower as pmvtded herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Tntst shalt he dterned to have ix^tn given to Etnrrower or Lender when given in the manner designattd herein. <br />(S. Grrifatsn Deed ref Trost; Gnrertsityt Law; Serentttlity. this farm of cletd of trust comhines uniform covenants for <br />national use anal non-uniform cav`enants with limited vartatinns by )urisdictwn to constitute a uniform security instrument <br />courting real property. This Drell nt Trust shall he governed try the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. <br />in stet even that any provision ar clause of thts E)eed of Trust ar the Note aanflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall <br />nut affect other pmvisians of this Deed of trust or the Note which can ere given effect without the conflicting provision, <br />and to this end the protrisions of the !teed of Tnnt and the Note are declared to trt sevtrabit. <br />t6. Rasarower's fapy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy at tree Natc and of this 1)ted of Trust at the time <br />of cxtctUion or after recordation hereof. <br />t"F. 'H'rrw:ftr of the 1Prrlprrty; Asa: if all ur any part of the Pmperty or an interest therein rs sold or transferred <br />key $arrower without Lenders prior wrtnen consent, excittding ta) the. creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />this E)eed of Truss. €hj the creation of a purchase money security inttrest for household :+ppliancts, (c) a transfer by devise, <br />(iesctnt or by operation of €aw upon test death of a )c,-im tcnaat ur t d 3 the grant of any leasehold interest of three: years or ins <br />nor containing an upuon to purchase„ tender may, ;d € crtder's opunn, dcelare a!1 the sums secured h>' thts Dced of Trust to rte <br />,^strtcrfiatcty dur• : ad pay'alslt- ! ender sha}I have waived such nptton to acccitra#e ;f, poor to the salt ar transfer, Lcmkr <br />attd the person to whom the Property is to Lx said ur transferred reach agrccrttcnt rn wrnrng that the credit of such person <br />is sarisfaetoty to Lender :end that .etc interest payatttc nn the sums scented sty this i3eetl of Trust shalt tr at such rate as <br />Lender strait rcyuest. tf Exnater has watvtd the ap:ion to a(:>:tterate prtlvtded in thrs paragraph t 7, and if Borrower s succeswr <br />r[t tn!_rrst has axtcutrd a wrrtirrt assumption ugrrcntcnt accepted in wrung by tender, 1_tndcr shall release Borrower from <br />ai€ utfriw~s rt: r.~e tt;a t)ivrt; pit Tr:.°s3 „etc! the Nttie. <br />€f Ler=~ esasris% ~ Bch llu[iun to acetz•:rate_ ;.ender strati tna[i t3urrower notice of acceitratiun to ac4urdatsce wish <br />rya:=yam 1 _ _ _ ... .>.sh . _.+__ ,4a3! pea .(.ta r~ ..t + 3s ,..a:l ! }= f: ~rl i::s ` ~ 1tY tt t, ";stl~f witfitn <br />t>fhich ~.rr. --- - )arm If °_.r~,. - , - __ -.cch s .. - _`:ht e ..g'_ _..._..s>~, <br />L-ender may, w+that:t further ttori(e or danand rm $arrowtr4~mvoke xnv rtmrdits permuted by oarauaph?~) S.htrrof,~~ <br />Ntiav•E)NiFOaMI (.nVF'.NANTS. ttarinM.rf and i ender further covenam and agree as toltaws: <br />ttl. Accrterstliart; Remrd6ea. l;acep3 ~ prart$r~ fn pnsrsrgrr~6 I7 hereof, opus lilatrawer's breach ell stay rarsnart ar <br />atlraawa-t of t/orrvwer io thin Deed ui 7'rast, iaclydittg the covetEaatr to pay Wllea Jae any sttnat seeerN by tlds Drell <br />of Ytvsi. I,e~r prior to accekratinn chadl writ rtrrtice to Harrower as provided to parttgratrh 14 hereof speeifyhttl: (11 the <br />hraarh: (21 ttu ac6i~ r~uirtd in Tarr such ftatuh; t3) a date, rse! Irar than 30 days troy the dNe the ttatkt b incited to <br />tdOarrswer, by Which such brrrch mlMt br cured: and (Si that ttrilrrce to cure sash bstrach rsn or beivre site dNe sprcitled <br />to the nrNire may rtsrdt is accekratian of the snort aecared by this Decd of 'trot! sad trale of the Property. Ttte oatlee <br />trtastt tpttthtr 'vntarm borrower d the rttlht io teiostNe after arreierati~ and the rim M brirra a coact rrctipn to asrM <br />[he n+xt-eafotenre of a ~w~l or any nEher drfrare of 13ntrraWCr to acrrkrM sad sale. tf the ttretrcfi is trot c <br />as or hefarr the e6Ne apec~ad is lire nrNice, t,tader at (.etdrPs opttaa rtsay dretare art of ttx sums secntred by this Deed <br />!~'t'!`~E ~ ~ ia>~~ Jar sad ~rahlr WitheW tffi'EfW' demand and ttnY iarat[e the Dower of ttalr amt oar other reraedks <br />pxrtnilErd by app4icabk taw. Learkr shatl be roitt(td to colkrr a!1 reasnnablr roab tad rxpearea incurred in parsahttl the <br />nrawsdtes provided in this prsrapiraph ttl, fnctodbttl, tsrt cal timiled to, rrarnaaitk atloenry'a trees. <br />M tfEr }t±:wrar of fs tars T:stx[tee sha18 reeexd a satire of drtaalt is each coaaty it wWeh the Propeerty w same <br />~t tR-acre! ~ tsr~lyd r c et tteties is tie tg_ewnrr psasrrtl!!rd !+y tehk taw to lterro+rrr ~ to test <br />attar psawaus prracrihed by apptlrrble taw. Attar the taper ref such titer ~ nray br rrgatrxd by applkrbte taw, Trustee slydi <br />Kier asNice d W tpe persons awd in the ttsaaaer persrribed by trpplicttrbk tow. '1'tsWHr, without deaasad nit <br />Marreawer. stEalt aeN the Pr4prrty at pakNc sexdan to the highe~tt bitwter at the titaK rind pkrcr and unrkr rb: rector dNlisaWed <br />hs ehr optkr of stdr to oar rsr msxe parcels std is sarh ardor as 1'rastre ~' r~trrmi~. Trartee may paatpoae axle ~ aN <br />or try psarEt at tier iTr~erty by paidit assist time sad p~aer of any prrrltwniy scitednard ~Ie. E.zaaier ar <br />iwaisr's+ may ourr6ase ~ f!trga,<rrr at ~°t' ~, <br />l3pw rere~t of twyt at the price idd. Trasdar sha3i deiirrr to tht parahoer Ttsairi s Ord cogrryin[R the Property <br />. Ttrr rrrt is Else Tt~9ra's d °s.~ ~ r~riasa f~:. ,sidrs:t ::f tt~ try?' ctt tk.: sttiErtt=xMMr tn~°a°.. tt:rtta. 'tY~4rr <br />r apapty tltite ~pao~~ccmrttda a~ E#a seta is the lcdtOwEw[g ardor: tat Ee ~ reams corlta a•d eaptcsarrrt at the ssk, inrladiag, trot <br />trot tip ~, 7rrrtee'a treat of Dal taare tttao 3+~~ of 2 "-~ of the xrrtes torte price, reaaarreble tNiarrary's fees end coats of <br />tkAr erldaace:;let Ea ~ saroF esearrd by the i of Trash and fr- Eire earesa, if say. 1n she peraao ar per>sorrs leltdly rnlltltd <br />:p. t~rroaaa"a >tl~At &a i~r~w"adr. Notwithstanding txntitrr's acceicration ni the sums secured by stets (h'rd of Truss. <br />Boarowtr strati have the right to have any proctrdirtgs ftegun by Lender to etafatrct this [krd tit t?use. discuntintrcd at <br />arty tem7 ~ssx to ~~ eartirr to txrur of {t! thx lath day lftfare the. sale t:f the Properly pt:rsuattt to the power of sak eenta+rtcd <br />in this t}rsd of Trrsst at (rip entry of >w j+afgtntnt ettfarcing this i)etrd of Trust if fa) Etarrnwtr pays t.etwier alt sums whtch wroulcf <br />rte then clot ur+der ties Deem of Trersr, the Nutt aed notes ststrrmY P+rturt Advatxes. if any, had no aCCtletatian orcurnd; <br />fb) ~xr~wgt ~tarrrf ail isth~ a+f arty axtusr casrtsttants rH agiertn€a of Borrower ttsrtt;uned in this shod of Truss: <br />[~i atrrt;~we ..s gll r .e~sF.7~ a __.. ~ai hp r eu.iwr axsi 'Tr..%tty nnfry~e 6 fi,n ~ „m„ tits anx .:.wnasn[s ~.f <br />+~.,.r_.,,~.::~f: ~,.~:t :„ tb s rat f r ,mot a >a rni fle L . ~• tad x.,,xt>:t'`s _n_~ii%~~ as~*+ ^•~,!~d~~+n ~vr~•_ph t a <br />tstrf. ut~it~itvd. hot~nEtt hnteted [o, ltas.mabie attt;rnsy § fee}.:end [.t) f4ar: `ewer iai(ts vue'h ac[+onta_+ LeF[ckr may rxasunabl} <br />rtSr'ttlrC #r.` '3S'-U'.~ iregt tCtC €+Lrl <+i ?nix t'Irlt~ x3i 3T?[SS. i.endrr ~ Eft?CbKSt !Fr t?SF t'rysfagryy ,lad i#fafi?,Wrr's attttan„a€aar: Y~ j''.li' <br />