<br />~E!Et€~~'~i fs2F.=€ia~~t~t~.. iE~;er:'cr~r~r r„=,r~adl i_sa~ad~~r r3~e=i:tvnrttl a€usi altyret ss fafifo~ws:
<br />~ ~' ~ r~.'~F~ ?~~attu~gl. lr?€:t~o-yore sttsi4 ;tits=.?tf.ttly _ •t~ uu-}¢ dire t"a~: {t'iircidxa:d tree' c,=rail unrt •te±€ nn ih:c
<br />r~ #9~~v fi's*,~`~ir~ ?=s• f!~ s 1P~.~i. {Ste~t;uayvr.ttnvi a=rss~ taiti ~3maar'gts :~ l;.wv~dleri in llht i°tott, auv~,? tt~t~ prirv~ ppwi oaf arad int~>xs6
<br />4.: arty ~Et"s„3€e raeran~ sere:r ; z.:q :i•-ris ^~s'L-d Gf T -us .
<br />~, ; e. fs~,:.t trstap,°tficalsft fav+ as to a troritirat u,vi=s$r ~ I.tna~r, Bcrrvv~r s~.a3l paY
<br />to i~r t~ ~; : w=hy i~taT3rrstr=ts of pr-ittsi;.~T and i:ttetest ase payafrie r;r.:~_ t v s~s~, ua€i3 the !ti;.ic s; paid ;n !ctrl.
<br />a sv$t f'rter?tin ~"€~untis") dual is -sweltts`s of "sr e yearly rases and assessments •~•lticfa may strait, priority over this
<br />~ af'~t-cr~t, a.~;:: ~zm:r:i! rv:;ts att t9'~ Pror*.y, if any, etas ony-±welfth of yearly premicrrtg instaiimtnts for hazard insurarre;.
<br />plus r-s•~effff: €sf yearly prtxrai=~~:€ ia'tstallmet,ts far mongagc insurance, it arty, all as rtasunabty essimatcd iniually and from
<br />*ftt+~ eta fir?aa;i ~€ €ut iht ~ of as~~znsnts and bails at;d r~onalale esiimatts tlttreot.
<br />'1°€te Futile shah y ltelt9 io a+t itriEttu*.icin Ehe tftprssits or amounts of which arc insured ar guaranteed h} a Federal ur
<br />:Eaf6: wgEfR=j (ioctuding ~ erte;er ie €~.n#r is such an i:actifuttr:nS. l,ertdtr ells!! alrply the Funds to pay said Saxes, assesamr:nts.
<br />if~trat-,;.ir prettiittr;:s a;=.~i ~= and r~.^'. l.tttder may :tat cf€args €or sa ttfaielirtg and applying the Ftitads, anatynng cant accoum
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and trftis, te:~"tees l_snder pays Borrower mtcrest on the Fund.. and applicable iaw
<br />pgsri-sts !.ender so males such a charge. 8orrowsr attd Lender may agrr'<: in writing at the time of ezs:cutwn of this
<br />F°xed oP Trust that intcrzni vn sees rands shall f,. paid to for:owcr, aid unltr sac;: agrt:emem is made a -pplicab~ iaw
<br />.~~ustt~ stwlt inttr~t to ~ pair!, Ltnu~r sftafi nest ~ rcqutre'3 to pay 13orrawer any mterest ar carninos ua the Funds. !.ender
<br />alas!} gi;+e to Borrotues, wishout chary, an annual ascotmung of the Funds shaving credits and deli"sts to the Funds and !lilt
<br />pttrpt¢sa for wltisfi esaclt dtfift io the Funds was made. The Funds are pledgtd :as additional security for !fit sums suurtd
<br />by this Dttd of 'i"rust.
<br />If fist. a€5iist¢ni of eke fyursds fteid by Lender, ta$ether with the fuEtua monthly ieastallments of i"'unds payable pnur to
<br />t}t2 dtts dates of !sites, asstsstfsants, inrrtrance pzemic:ms and ground rents, shah exceed the amount regtnred to pay said taxes.
<br />asststntcnts, ft¢snranct premitinu attd ground rents as they fall due, such excess sfiall hc, a€ Barrower5 option, either
<br />prafttfdiy trpaid to ikat'rowxr ar credited to Borrower an monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />field by Linder spoil !tat be ra~citnt to yay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />6ataawer sfiall pay so i..tttder any arnauut ntccssary to rr3ake up the dtfieiency wrtfiin 30 days from the Mats notice is mailed
<br />&Y f.eEts$ts fa Borzrawtr ruytresfirig paycxnt thterta#.
<br />ilpon paynten! in fall of aii sums secured by !lire Deed of 'Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />fit4d tsy L.tndar. It under psragra~fi i8 hereof the PrtapVrty ss said ar the Property' rs otherwise acquired by i.endsr. Lender
<br />shall apply, net Sat°.r than: tmtrtedtattly prior to the sae of She Property or its acquisition 6y [.ender, any Funds held by
<br />fir =# YF" iit~ itf application as a cr~lii agates! !fie sums secured fiy this Df<ed of Trust.
<br />3, A ~ ?mptaretak. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. ail payments received by Lender under the
<br />Neste and paragrapfis 1 and 2 hetenf shall fee applied by !.ender first to paymem of amounts payable to I.entier by Borrower
<br />utsder paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest payable on the Notc, then to the princtpai of the Nate, and then to imcrest and
<br />prisci~..S oa arty Trufure r4dva.^~.
<br />a 5.'~; ?~~ drawer shalt pay all Sa Sts. assessmems and other charges. fines and tmpns+tiors au rihut::bk let
<br />_ _-_ -- ...1:er. ~_ _~ ek:. rL..t .:i T~...e ~...e Isnmknl.¢ n ~n/e n nnnet r~!nte i_f a n fAe
<br />maltlntr prt~vidad tarsdtrrfrttra$sapFi 2 fitreof ar, if nut paid fn such manner. 6y Bar€otver making payment, when dusvdi€ectly
<br />la IiBc pp&aget thcrsctf. Borrower shall praatpfty furnish to Lender aii notices of amounts due urttler this paragraph, and in the
<br />eWestf Bareota?trshali make paymtnf directly, Bortnurer shalt promptly tarnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />^~rf+tit~~r sltali proripfiy r3iscitarga akiy iitn which leas pria~riiy .,vcr this feed et Trus¢: pravideci, that dorrrwer shaE1 rso! tar
<br />r~uired to t3isclta,rgt any xuch lien sa long as Borrower shah agree in writing to the payment of the ahligannn secured by
<br />such lien in a rrtantixr act~{stable is I..tnckr, ar shat! in goad Earth contest earth hen by, or defend enforcement of such hen in.
<br />i r. ggroc rrs which o~tate 4o pt'rvent Ehe snforcemtnt of the lien nr forfeiture of the Property r.ir any part thereof.
<br />S. Barrawsr shah'keep the impras•ements now existing ar hereafter erected on the Pmper¢y instucd
<br />~a,~i.~t lass 'try fit's, fiarards ittciut~d within the term "extended coverage'. and such other hazards as fender may require
<br />ar¢d in such arna¢rnES a¢ni far eater periods as tender may require: pravtded, t hat l e^t.rer shat! nc: regtn rc that the amount of
<br />s*,uh coverage r:xcetd tfiat amount of coverage required to pay the sums secured by !lire i)ccd of !'rust.
<br />- Ott ~s;~~ e.`:~'icr prsviwng Slte insurance shall hs cMsen by Borrovvez sub;ect to :, :;:ova: by I enter: !!raved^.d.
<br />tom: a-~s~at'Wval ;Ball nai n unreasonably withbtld. AI! premiums an insurance {uriici.s~shat! fx paid in the manner
<br />prnvidad uttdtr ptragrap;a 2 hereof or, tt not paid m such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the
<br />~:~ :vim'.
<br />® All irsitratt+-:e palvci2s astd renewals ttirretif shah be ro form acceptable to I ~ndar and shall arts lad: a slard:srd mortgage
<br />elmt¢:ss in favor vi and in farm acceptatttt to ix+v:.tr. Lander shah have the right to hnltt the puiictes .end renewals thereat.
<br />aa~ °~~.;.~i-wxar sSt~li pn zi; tptiy to :sat €a Lind=r ;il retts;ral nvti_es and sit rrcetpis oI pan! p;emeiims. to ;hs rvx;nt at lass.
<br />mar==~_. ~>< a a:'>-c ~ f . - ~,. z. w..v .. ~+..lc.. _,.,_.. , - „~........,. r 't.s" ~.,t-
<br />$'tv ir4'ra.
<br />Unless !.coder and i'3orrawer atitcrwise agree in writing, rnsurancc pntcceda shall s,c sppirs°d t.. tc-~t.,ratir+n or ripiarr of
<br />tk^` !~'r~ 3? ti-~Tr=t~--°~ re. i i] - ~n r L r 1 1 1. rT 1-r -
<br />;~',~~-r ; pr. 4~- ., -3~4...4...Y,.., -....,a ~..~ - ..~„ ~_ ......t nil ~-o~,_ ._ : 'S !:_ '__..-. 7t.'- __ a~{:a
<br />rl~ rrY![3@ttttSi tits lfL,=P2.fCC A[{Y_+_"?£l§ Si11~ISt =~ ~pQrt!•d'IO ihC SnmS SCtn Cn n!' 1!!1] Fir~y' Ix - } ri. ~t .t.ij'. 4.un:
<br />en t~nimee~c It° rte-_-_ F+rxtr~rty is ahsnaf{nned 6v `ISorr~uwcr_ rx if Burrower fat4s act rrsuaniti t~ (.ender s~rrtt:n lrfhdavs irr)9~n the
<br />datC azsrict is mailed try Ltn~r iu ~+rro»tr !loaf +iac rnstirasc-c ~ s Et, --titre :..i:xrtvi t,:. ~..,. ~.,_.~, z..>r,`t. a.. t;t,.i.:r
<br />i3 anE^.^riwd ire eteit~ :lint 9~Pi'V lire insets ~[atc F':eg~-eua s_ _.=noel = -.--t.z. :ns-i tsl ~it•5 ~:+, a t`± T -a° ~ i _e i r+-?tr'=
<br />or sa tlta sums secured by tfiis~L~zd of `3'rust. ~ e t:.. , s..~e
<br />Unless lt:nder atsd Borrower at4r+:is:. agr~ rn vreitmg, any stash apptscat:un :,t ,trNerds to pent:}pt! ;hall nett extend
<br />ar posiprtne the due date of the tuanthly inatsllttunts referred act m pazagraptis I atn3 '_ hereal r,r 4hange th+: amount rat
<br />stu:h imiallttttnds. If under paragraph itt hereof the Property is acqusrcd try fender. ail r,gfit. !tile and interest :it Borrl,wcr
<br />in an+l to any insurance policies and in ;!tad to the prctcetds thereof resohmg tram damage to the Pretperiy rrutr tr, the .etc
<br />-- aequisitivn s,.aff ~ ~s . Lt€:-'t;r to €.,. 6 €crtE .-. i R Sams .~-ureal €~, this l?~.rd :>t S'rus; :;nmtrtrazvt~ pen+r tr. such >ats: or
<br />:.squisitix-m. .. ,
<br />tL ~''rt~.:s~vr ~ ;4a~a erf Frst~rty; 3.e~~; i':rra~uvtK:t;iune_; Y,=a~ tistit itTevefo~s-x[sis. Bar+e,.vet
<br />shat( k~~p the PrupttEy :n ~,od re#-izu ,neu shaft not crtrnt^u oast ,rr ~~~+:,,n ,m}t.+:rmcni ar rictcri,u.ri.rm ,.i the Pntnrriy
<br />ark sliafl comply waft ihr provtssorts ai an}' Sea.€~ .f tl:ss i?ccct ,+f l tiler :, : ie.teelraid it this fated of 'i rust >, ;tn a unit in a
<br />eundornfrtiunx or a plarinad unit devciaptncnt, Svtrowei shall {s:riorm ~,Il tit f9orrower'a ,+hligunoits under the cfeclanuon
<br />ear onvtnanis cr~tittg or gaeetnitig the curr3amiaturn or planned u,vt development, the by-taws :;ud rrµid:etic»r, n! the
<br />txtndma[+inium yr planttrd amt dtvefiapmcrtl. and .vnshturret dau:ument, if a rmdomutium or planucd unn Jevelnpnx-ni
<br />rider is exn~ut:.l l*Y Burrover ::uJ rccorctcci tagcth:r w:;h tn:s {}cod :•i i Weer. the ~ovrn;nets gird ayicenrrn~, Ott ,u:h rnlci
<br />stroll [ie s:sttsrfl.ssatcd in€es ant3 -::ai7 at€t~u ana suppe;e+~nt ?3t~. Gcv:errant; sn+i :grrrrurnts tit !lira Uc.:i <:t f'r.r,t .:s :t the r{dcr
<br />~~ n rmrt i~-.~i. {
<br />7, c+[ Gselcr's ;i€cy, if Borrower tatfs to pertorm the covenunfs attd a$retntcnrs cnntamed in tMs
<br />D~rcl of '1'ntai, or it :any action or prcxructltnkq rs cctmttttnctd which anateriaHy affects Lender's intertat :,t the Proper!},
<br />ittcltxliteg< httt ttrtt limited to cminant durnain.:nsoivencv. code en¢oixmtnt, or ar-angt;msn¢s ur prtxecdtnyt, :nsolvtng ,:
<br />- ~.-~-_~ ~: ~~ - _F__-~. ~'-, .s-i-_- ;_. "`°`-'n r ai=r
<br />y~.t -~ ,=~t; - _ r tx„-. t.r.~.n -I.. , _''..:- ~„it_ ¢ r , ti~h t .,t-.
<br />re~M~ aEtitrt~i arm entry unf ti'te t'ropcr;y ,,, rrrat:e~repatry ff4i.etsdct •rre~{utred rnortgagc i;ssctra t~'e~ -t- ,
<br />e~.v.,~ tnak5tig tt~ lean urn by tfic€ t~vrd of ire;s¢. ~trrvwer shall pay the prcmiunrs r~utrcd to ravuniaua =uch
<br />iu €ii~~s i[€~`rt asr~rsa :ar~sc ~ Ts~w % yazrc>E~.xz a ~~i rsaiEian4,; iee~ - ;r5 aii:ti-TdaI::S :, ~,h flctt~ ~ ni
<br />L::.u:c33Tt;.taa agrftrt~ ar applicatifm lasv. dorrawet~sttaii cay the amount nl elf mortgage +nsurantia nrennut~rs +:s the
<br />tisertaar priit+i<led unc6sr paragraph : hereo#.
<br />l ,
<br />- ~"~- f~-',.e.=vim d'ta'.zizi.~~ ~ l,.~z ~st:fff t€3 :~ p:iagrsp`' ~vst: let€e:~; it~r'~:r. ;h'i,l d~.,r' - -clu+itrle:ell
<br />_ ..,
<br />z- __"- sit !twat s€cttrse ley fnis arCea rat t test. ainfcsx iiarrawer urea t_enetc[ egret to ,ttncr rcrnrx u¢ pa}rnnen¢, *ui
<br />its mil Ps:•. F°•q~~ ulsen ntxicc iixtm L~~r [a $arr€iwts r~aueatnig puymenE thereat, and shall bear nacrest tiom rtic
<br />d~~?.~ at tlxx rate pays fremt tip to tune vn tzufstaanling p€incfpaf under thr'iote unless payment vi interest
<br />aE flt~tt tars -':sale=l fate 4_'ttift¢tty fa a¢vplisablt law. in wiar5{t evetu such amatrnts shall heal :nttrev at trio highe.t rmte
<br />~~ :,:e € eca;`+l; iaw, Nzrthin~ coaHained in this paragraph 'shalt rsc{uire !.ender to in:ur env e4~nse e=r fake
<br />at'sy Gar n ae°'s+,airi~.
<br />r,n l.ettr ray rrc w[ eat iu ~ mss tti'asiKtat~ie erttr~ts lap.,n att+l on,pa,~r:ttany at ,tee Pn prrt4•. }~r+>=tr.€c<i
<br />ihfiy %yet~br t<iiaif give atirrinveu nuEiee prsur is eery surf'! tnsptcz~on sptcriymg rsasatnahie cuue thrretr+t Aiatnf t++ f citder ~,
<br />