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~~~~~~`5 <br />REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE <br />T,a~Tae E. Buryee, a single person, herein called the mortgagor <br />whether one ar more, ire consideration of TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND <br />FIVE HUNDRED DOLIaAR5 ($24,500.00) received from mortgagee, does <br />mortgage to Roy D. Stoltenberg and Mary P. Stoltenberg, husband <br />and wife, the following described premises, to wit: <br />A tract of Lund comprising a part of the South Half of <br />the Northwest Quarter (S~NW~) of Section Five (5), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven ~:~West of <br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska and mare parti- <br />cularly described as follows: First to ascertain <br />the paint of beginning, start at the northwest corner <br />of said S~N~1~; thence running southerly along the <br />west line of said S~NW~ a distance of Thirty One and <br />Five Tenths (31.5) feet to the ACT~AL point of be- <br />ginnin8; thence deflecting left 90 06'15" and running <br />easterly a distance of rive Hundred Fiic.y rv~,~. ~.,.,-~.~~ <br />feet- thence deflecting right 90 06'15" and running <br />southerly a distance of Three Hundred Fifty Five and <br />Thirty Sven HundredChs (355.37} feet; thence deflecting <br />right 9l U3'50" and running northwesterly a distance <br />of Four ~undred Eighteen (418.0) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 88 5b'10" and running northerly a distance o~ <br />'Twenty Nine (29.0) feet; thence deflecting left 88 56'10" <br />and running northwesterly a distance of One Hundred <br />Thirty Six (13b.U) feet to a paint on the west line of <br />said S~,NW~; thence running northerly along the west <br />lime of said S~N~T~ a distance of Three Hundred Fifteen <br />(315.00) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning and con- <br />taining 4.350 acres of which fl.239 acres is occupied <br />by public raced rig:~t of way. <br />And the martQagar does hereby covenant wibh the mortgagee <br />~~~_ xYich ~~~~aQe@'s heirs and assigns that marc$agax iw lawfully <br />_i_s ~_~-_cT ~; ~ ~~„~ _ t;;at t1~nv arg frge fY[ltit enCillRb ranee ; <br />that~martgagor ::a3 goad r?gczt BLtQ L3wfu1 ~u~i~fli.%y tv i:a~iavcj% mile <br />satm?, and that mortgagor warrants and will defend the title to <br />said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whamsnever. <br />'T`his mortgage is given to secure the payment of the promissory <br />note of this date made by mortgagor for $24,5UO.U0 payable in two <br />i.natallments, one an November lU, 1982 and the second an November <br />10, 1983 in accordance with a Nate of even date. <br />Mortga.go=~ shah pay all taxes and assessments levied upon <br />said real property and all other taxes levied an this mortgage or <br />the Hate which this mortgage is given to secure before the same be- <br />Cai~4k ael~:n~tuent anda[2ddLL ID€il.ilita3xt firm, ri:t.faccaa.vmw ~ncs, <br />c.~verege insurance with a mortgage clause an the buildings an said <br />gr'ses in the sut~ of X24,500,00. Zf mortgagor fails to pay such <br />