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~lo~~°'~~.~ fpAta Nf). J 24, 005 <br />$ A1d. Amt ilY'[KE~E Fl;~.~7d'S5: '19x4 j, ~'. iTitxyee r an 11SYttaT'Y7.2d wOm3*i y <br />Monger, wtgtber Otte or mote, ~ m»aderatina of the stem ~ <br />Tw~ttyfive Ttmusarxi at'itl Noj~OO ~ _. - D(Dd.LARS <br />tratuaed Grt ~ mort~gur by '[Ste £tpcitab3e $uddm6 std l.taar, Asoceatio" o[ eland IsYad, NeMaalca, Mortgagee, np«t 250 i of ~ <br />std 1A7St?SV, Cen~erate No. l 24,005 , do hereby grant, txmvey and monger tmto the said A'.+5+1]CIA'dS~i the foHtta~g <br />th~ihad real eRete, situ in ttaH f:otmty, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land cxrt~arising a part of ~Le South Half of the Norttrwest Quarter (St~J'~) <br />of Section k'ive (5), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the tit11 <br />, Hall CountyF Nebraska, and mole particularly described as follows: First, to <br />ascertain the point of beginning, start at the taorttvaest corner of said S~t$; thence <br />rtuutirig Southerly along the West line of said S'~NW'~ a distance of Thirty-oa'te and Five <br />Tenths (31.5) Feet to tE~ Actual point of begiruting; thence deflecting left 90006'15" <br />arm rruani.tr3 Easterly a t9ista[ice of rive Hundred Fifty-fair (554.0) Feet; thence <br />deflecting right 90006'15" and running Southerly a distance of Three Hundred Fifty-five <br />and Thix'ty--seven Hundredths (355.37) Feet; thence deflecting right 91003°50" and ,turning <br />Nortlrt~esterly a distance of Four tharxlred ~:ighteen (418.0) Feet; thence deflecting right <br />~8056'TO" and ~ Northerly a distance of Twenty-niz~ (29.0) Feet; thertce deflecting <br />left SSo56'10" aryl ruining Northwesterly a distance of One Hundred Thirty-six (136.0} <br />Feet to a point tom[ the West line of said S'SNFig; thence running Northerly along the <br />tVest line of said S~d~ a distance of `T'hree Hundred Fifteen (315.00) Feet to the Actual <br />point of beginning artci containing 4.356 Acres of which 0.239 Acres is occupied by <br />Public Road t2~' ght 0f Way <br />ta,Ayetbcr with ai< the truetnenu, hereditatnertts and appwtenames thereunto belonging, inclttditeg attached floor cnrtnm®t, all window ttaema, <br />vvtsmsbw shades, binds, storm wiodtnrs, awnings. hGatiog, rur aittditeorteog,ind plumbing and water equipment sad acaeaaoritx thereto, pump, stoves, <br />rt°frigxraturs,sad e4her fixtures and egsdpntent now ar hereafter attsclted to or tied in txmtxdwn with said rent estate. <br />And vrhe:rrss the said tttortg7l~or has agreed and ibex hereby agree Hutt the rsturtgagor shalt std will pay s!1 toes std asraaaauu kvin! or <br />asaossod upon said prettaiaes std upon tfiss tnangage and tttc bond serxtred thereby itefaro the same studl Itewme deliagtseat; to [isrt»eh approved <br />iawtraome uptsn rho tnrittlistgs on said. premises sattrafed en the sttm of S 25 OOO.OO payable to said ASSOC[A1SON std to deliver [o acid <br />ASSQCIASSt~f the pttticses far said itcsttraiuv;; std nrx to mtnmii ar periiii~any ~x:&te on or about said prem~: <br />In txr of 8e[auh in the performaetce of any of the terms and coantetions of this trtuts~e ar the bold secured hereby, the mottgttgee shall, <br />an demand, be eatetkd to imtoediate postssion of the vortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby sa~rts, ttattd'en and :u ottr to the <br />ttresrtg~te sH the nnu, rtwettttes sod ~trr to be derived tram the mortgaged ptxmeses dttrittg such titre as the tttortga®o indebiodms shall rettmia <br />~; std the aairrtgagee shirt have the power to appestat arty a®snt or trgtmu it may desire [or the PurPow of repartitts raid ptetoisea and rte <br />the aamo std co5eetiag the renu, revenues and ittoomie, std it may p.y out o[ said irritate all ettpettaea o[ repairitts sod pteasiaw and oeoesrsy <br />sxaat~osta a~ eaPtoses incurred io rentitg std rttanttgestg rte saute std of tplkctutg rrnub therefrom: the baiatta retmiaitsg, 9' arty, W be <br />[! [~ ~~ ate! _ ~ti ~n#€M; Lkesc ruts oi' tt~ rss_utga~ may ire €asr>~tl a[ any tune dtuarg tt~ s:~~ of ~§ <br />dafauft, irtesPetYeve of a0Y tetnporaty wailer of lire atime. <br />Tlrcse Prexetitx, Ivtwcves, ur; upxsrt tht l'cnsditicttt, That if ttte satJ Iilr"tgagcrr snail rcpetY sail brio it[i ar ttefcxrt the mattuity of sad skates i>y <br />pynteni: pry ttrmthly to aid AaSCiClATtfNi i°f ittc sarrt rpetafdd ttt the 8ottii scculed iteneby a interest and principal on said Itran, im or ba[ore <br />t~ ~ F.aatfi~iii liar w ~ ~ a.w ~.~*i ~.: h, tat3tii a.i:., ~; a t'arv;j pawl; P~7 w`l tsaR ant[ aaaQ>«r.znia l~:er.,i s~au.a-t sarwi' p~-rites and an iii iw'ui <br />i~ e.---J ~._--~ ,~-~, a,r.,.n ,~;~.,,~,-., ~ r,.,a;=s ~,,,.m,s °- -.. -- - -- ,~ ~,..;r.±s~. [.~;w.. ~ ['m ~, „r ems _ nnrt _ nn --- <br />tt5 acid A5~[7i~AS-S€i?:: t~ is stud A~3i:3i:lArF~ t~ derearid sib rmtaey by ii pZitt tar such taxes, atrsastnonis 3nw~ b'tartratmoo w'[[h mtarest a[ <br />,t ~ ~~„~,,...,~..,,w:vtn as ~f.~:-....r......,yM,.~~3`t~t~`~.~-.,.=ysy:~i~„TM4~~s~p.,~.~av"'C ~`'y""'R"'~ <br />wilts aq t~ agramsents isles +xiia~ twC if[e ~itr±d for s r5 OOO a OO this nay given fy the said htortgfgtar to ~ AJ~t~C-'IA~3It~l, and rsmpty <br />with aN the regttirementx of the CunatiftNian std Ry-l.:ws n~said ASSIX:fATiON; tften thcae presanis shall becottte null and void, uthenris tMy <br />slndi reet~n en [ttg Corte and rtnty be farecloxd st [he option of the sect ASSf)ClATION af[er faiitue for three tteontha to make airy o[ said <br />pa'stsmta arr be three matlhs in anears sa tusking xaa! mirttthty payments, of to keep and .~mtply with the egreettteots sad iut[dititun o! rid Bond; <br />sad lbrtgrtgnr ayitses m have a receiver ap}witeted forthwith w such C[rredcaure Wit. <br />![ [hare is any i h {qr o! the r[at Eina[e ttzartyri~od lt¢rab[. by Rde or oifxawine, than ~ enthe r~aiatg ' htaaby <br />msf.arsd >hdl, st the option ixt The Egeutahtr and l,om Association o[ Crtttd laitad, Nabraite, bttroma Y dsx sad pyabie without <br />ftQfhas rtotaoe, sad sNx aatanaas tesazstits dt~ under said bctevd. a[d any other band [ur sPy tak}isit~at adwaeas trptde , sAs$, [rum dse <br />fi$ttt a.[ mta~+aisa of said opiiia, ttmt e"terart at tAe ttratte~itos rapt rife, and thct tit tray [Yea ba fttsteeiaaad to ttatittiy the aaotmat i~a ai amid <br />bond, tai tmy o#har isoad for twnitwmai attvanexx, togother with ~ snots ptiiel by raid The F~tietabb titres sad i.o>a Awcia[ioa of Crtmd IsLad, <br />Pklaaalta bar erowaaee, taxes std assaawttenu, artti ttbmtracrtistg extctmatt charges. with enurest tltamn, tram dada of paymsnt at the tstasotmm <br />rate. <br />As pravvded in the lM"xi seiwed hereby, while then ttttxtpgy° remains ifl Cffect [he trturttpr~e may hereafter adtvtta additiwu! artna to tlrc <br />teas o[ lair,! ~mrl, il[ca aa(igter .ic sr:.aessu°s itt interest, which runts siwEl be wichtn cite stti.turty of rhea mctrt~sge the same a the funds origrrelly <br />tom, thr tats ssmt ccf Via! debt trot t., esxl at aaY tip tfte cxgitrat a~~"t of this rratrte. <br />this 10th., day al Novt~eberr A. D., is $1 <br />i. <br />~ e:. i.t: <br />~A'k~ o. (3n the 10th day of err l9 81 ' , bd'om tea, <br />txS11ldSY CtF 11Af.A. <br />i~ ltd. a Notary 1'ttblh: bt ~ for Cat_"tty, pmtatttsBy <br />Pia ~r an ut~rried wtaman, who ,ig pmwrndty known err <br />as taro ba tlsa irk w@waa asraa~s j,$ affixed to ttte a6.m stat[utaztst as tttw[~ar sad s11B ~d~4 <br />__ <br />- `- --'- ' rtw rand iaaar~erA to be her 'auuntary acs and dead. <br />d~ r~ h.r~ tdcd r° - . • .... rap .. ,r,x , . . <br />-- ---- -- -- -~~ ~ _ _ ~ ___. a` i t <br />a -• ~~~s <br />a-ar~a at <br />