<br />~~ rr.~ -, ~ .~ t~ ~3 eS t& z
<br />xr~•tt t
<br />lfen•~rid: 7'v Stn;.urs ~r':r<!san2 and Fut:nre Ctalegations rand Advauaces)
<br />gate GctoSer 13, 1~i21
<br />-__,_u~~n ~ ~t~ahQ~ and i~i~ 7 Hu his
<br />NRortr}~or#a}<
<br />~ Hal1 ..~ County. fvehraska _~______ . in
<br />•--. at ttm a~ruanr_ ~ the pr€;tsipal sum, plus advances for the purthaae at Crass B stack andJor pertltlpstko!i
<br />eerRdtio~a of the t~Rgagee as inquired by A~ortgsgee's bylaa:s and by determination by the lYlartgagee's Board of
<br />€A•'^r said ayEaws, par-uetst to federaR law,` to tsupport the outstanding trrdebtedneas, recited in the natahem-
<br />l~,a~r da`.cF: ~ l°. cans!-~ratlon at !afore advances ~~ !ty hlss~gagee to lUtartgagor(s} or any of them as hereln-
<br />eQter pnsvlded, h'greby mortgages and conveys la rdn 1 S ana0 Raroductlon
<br />Credit Asaoti~ion, whose principal otttce is at tiran~Jcli3-n-d , Nebraska,
<br />~; the foliowhig-destrft~d mai properly in ua ~2 County, Nebraska, wb}eCt to oil,
<br />gas, and mlrreral rights ov+ttied by parties other fhan RAortgagar#a}; existing easements at retard; reaervatians In tJnlted
<br />BtiHa acrd SGHe patents; and the rigtrts of the public In all highways:
<br />The West W,alf of the Northwest Quarter (WNW;) of Section Five (5), Township
<br />Eleven {11) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.Nl., Hall County, NE
<br />containing 8a acres, more or less, according io faoremment survey; together with all of the fight, title, and
<br />irrtarest at rite klartgagar#s} in said property now owned. or hemafler acquired, srM tneluding all buildings and impraare-
<br />tnerits now an. or Mrea-ter placed upon, sold rest Property: including also all water, trrigatlon, grid drainage rights.
<br />This mortgage is given to secure:
<br />(a} A prertiissory nave dated Sejatettlb~r 30. 1981 ,given by Mortgagors} to tisortgagee, in the
<br />printipai sum al (tna ii rn--rfr rr fill yaan~in6{ ~{1QI~ - -170t.t_A6i$.
<br />plus advsntea far the purchase at Crass 8 stork or partletpatW,^i ceriillestes of the Mortgagee w requtmd by Mort-
<br />gagee's by4ewa and by determination by the Mortgagee's Board a9 Dlreetam under said bylaws, pumuan4 to fedora!
<br />kaw, to support the outstanding irtdebtedneas, Payable with interest according to fire terms of said note and arty ieisirir-
<br />nrenb taken in mtlnanting, extsndMg, or rertewing said Mdebadneaa or any part Ihareot;
<br />#r} j„ny fut+.rre adv-,.....#a}. with irterest, which may be mays from time to time by Mortgagee, ai its aptton, to Mort-
<br />gapor{aj, ar imy of them or their successors in title, for arty purpoao, including, bui not Umited to, Initial and fuium
<br />-•---- tar the pure sf Class B stark azd:ar partlttpatian carltftcstaa of the tlartgagee ~ requir;irE by 0."art-
<br />g~ee's bylaws Ar-rd tsy ,;.atarmMatian by Else IBwtgagee's Board of Directors under said bylaws, pursuant to federal
<br />Iaw, to support the outstmding indebtedrwas, In any amount ar amounts, proridsd, however, that such future and
<br />e~}tiianst sdvaette#s} shall lie sa limited that the fatal prtnei 7 arrrau.-rK outstaadtrrg at any Dire fl ;,a shaft net axtead
<br />the sum of T,laltl HunrirQd FnrYy Thnucand and Nn{1---------------------------~OLIARS,
<br />p., :.~ - - v ;..:r :: at ~.~e B st~k or :-g'a =litatton e2r!!tea a# the aa,~ _.,~ to ~•ppart tow i€id€bt_
<br />_ ~ arr:,~,ded trirtteer the tutors artvartr4+ta} sa made ehsN cis gayabla in accordance with the terms of a ixa-
<br />txafe or rigs which may tae taken to eviderics such advance#a} or any pint Hereof. iThe apUonal advancef s}
<br />hel+rirt auEfiorixed srMh be +:or~iMrad adHtiona# to the ad+r:.nte#e} hereinafter suHar#xe#d le be mss by the A4art-
<br />for lice p~t~eis:iig±r of ine:~..r:y v. t:n,~ia~.~:es lr. v.vm. E:.arel:..}
<br />~rn`a ~ iv ~ : w uy......°~ payr~v:t 6,-. ;tri: xi ir.ter~i rti ~i abi~ss`~:e, p: ~ :i ar .•se, ~ssea' ar to
<br />ei~ ~;~:, ~ ~h ,mot ttt~~r_ het~y r±atrantis7 that they ar? tee owners at rite me:tyar?~,a tr=ot grop$rty; treat
<br />tAay~erW ttw titre against all ciarmanis wtwmsoever; acrd they reiinqutaie sit r+ghta of homestead in said promises.
<br />aid saveriarit star ogres vrith lire es taiiaws:
<br />(4 } Yo pay vvhan due all taxes, liens, ludg+itents, ar assessments which may ba fawfuliy assessed against the praperdy
<br />herein rrt9r4t{~td, and #hra rental cttar~rs upon arty leases ass+gned as addiiianal security for this marigage.
<br />+t2t To intaas and keep insured build+nga and other improvements now on ar which may hereaher be placed on sa+d
<br />pretrtkMa ro the Satrst~c;ion of Martpsttea Any policy avidertcing ouch inauranca shall 6e eruioraed with a mortgage
<br />tleue_. Laved by and kt te+ror of i!#ortg~. and posited with. loss ther_under to tae payable to. Mortgagee as its
<br />interest Atey weer. At ti+e ~n of lWortgagor{si, and subject to general regulations ofi the Farm Credit
<br />i4rtr+nittistntisrr, aunts sa pert by lNiortgagee may txt used to pay for reconstruction of the desuoyed improvementlsl:
<br />.•:. ~,.;;..;. r:,ay, w+~ .::a uoft ~ ° i:ad i ..-. .-.., at a , i:id-a°bted^.°.~. r,:ota....: ar ev>_~n..aare~,
<br />..:..:::.~ afoeoQ. ...:,..-
<br />amtured by this rrioetgage!
<br />tt~ Tre kip oil buil+d+~+!~S rscciagied and in goad repair, and to retrain from the comm+ssion of any acts of removal.
<br />ttarttatititni ttr ittipairncsrit thereat: net to cut or remove. ar permit to be cut or removed, any woad ar limber tra+h card
<br />- real prrspariy, a tEa ~t :vtst rsr parrryit na waste or impsirmurt# at the value of this seturiiv~ to contrnuousiy practice
<br />~ at tares an said tends, to prevent erasion and the spread of noxious and damaging weeds, and fa
<br />ps+saerva the tactility at the !qil.
<br />t°s ~4- .a... °" ua.-.,....... s-ay,. _ a _ ..we au.e_ _ is=na_. - ~_~ elm _ _ ~ _ fame a..°;grt°~1
<br />~..t_u..p..~ .~;ti, fn, r1~3s en~et$.~, lsa,.s, lud~..dnrs, ia.~ ws6esRrtr~nts ieeytuliy a~.ssea~ed ao9mat the pr¢aerty herein
<br />t-igyfl6+~< ttr siI is r;!ata~'s irtattrarste as i3e~:r3tiat'rrm i7sd. i>oivritegse r7imy nieite such psyrresni yr pr+3vics
<br />atrch inatara~l+, and tare artwunttat paitf therefor site!! taeCama a part of the indsblsdneas aaeured hereby. due and
<br />;:,:,:.~h:~ i.Lhatttr'~~-e~attetz-;rm:t:a3eottEQt'::artatttivtimettee~arSgagee+ar~n¢:ttact+
<br />cswrit.
<br />tBl Tltct ;~ the ax+ust rtnat~ztr#s} t~atgists(a} »t ties ppirrneret ©t tt~E ~rxvcH-al sum, or in iha repayment at any addititgta!
<br />srtut,nxwigt msrtA loo tM_tMl!+n+'tfa.i$+~ oaf aaty}tt#rtrttliera@rt. at thetin±ra tnrhen the soma shalt~du~, ar, vpith respect to
<br />-.~; c -^a^ n..~d .~.. 'c=oat; t3 s# rite option at RAortgagea, the entire indebtedness secure9 hereby shat6
<br />~tts&thrrAAltscaAxs dpa as1d payab~, irKidl•iresr 6ritarest at Gw currant rate at ~ llAortgagee at the data of the default, and
<br />±tre t!t#q ir~ittwdiet~y taee!sirase #hie tnarr_gsga tar pursue any atMr available htgal remedy, In the evens of any
<br />+?:d'ttG#i tcq ism irp mti+urttw aattsctian at react dmbl; tyre tiaortgagor{s} +{s}that any ea+pertas incurrv~d to
<br />~w~6itaaaAstraeaa8titteshaEt.+KI~-pao3dkrjr two, tarrWorttaalrertoft#udabtsr:curedt+ereby.andanall
<br />~ t~°d ~ `,sj ~ vxiL4 al! tat trio tabaa6la costa. at earth action.
<br />°4pMWMF Gs Nr#Nr bN rr#CDH~k97 L9~ta i ~iCt ar,C+tl+7tlWSNBA eviillC+i+~! 0++~9.MOaMr rNf++r~ ~Y ~+r r MNI+,s MN+hY a~epeyiion GY +~r+WOe?' s aHira w
<br />is-s Wis.. ._ - - _ .__ .- - - ._. __ .. -...
<br />- ~=euxa. ~ v-~s ~. s. a ,.. ~ ~ ~ee'r~,.~'~ s:~$ r? om=a+~ a .::+~ a .wca .nri-n- ~~•~:.P..:.:.~ ._
<br />re¢+rkaEt br'bsRYOn ~ }}lri vt tlrt rtrH Ger~2 ix.•+N +'n3 r, ay ~+,HeG t~`~t+eis tsr~ ~1 ~tst+. 5+R+9.~n3 ~n ifwtge~ a tq+.i.~wa ane :!wu+us u.e eu:.nsav c~.deM*ann~ c~»»s n Frc:..
<br />g,c 'LF+e~-33"-y~,.^ ._nY~t-eaFS ^_+ N+, - - s4~'~i+y - _ - _ e,: Ak ••s s.±?4 ra.Y. c.,p'Ft ai-. of +i~f wx e++.~ssa+ . ..eea ,. +t.~,+9~e. o-rrxs
<br />