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<br />d. ~^t• :matter security of the ittdebtr~5s hereby st,~ured, upssn the request of ¢he taortgage;:, izs sucetssars <br />or essigr[s, :nvripagar shad e'€~F€te and deliver a supplerrtental mar¢cage ar marteages covc_^rittg any additions, <br />itnproven:enfs, or t?ettermertfs made to the' prop~.rty I<ereirtabavt described rrzd all property a~uired lay if after <br />the date hereof tali in farm satisfactory to mortgagee}. Futhermore, sltauid mat ~gagar tai: za sure any default <br />i r tlr~ ~;=.t of a prier or i,~fe4iar ett~.ttnbrance an tl€e property dt'sm'btd by this instrument, mortgagor hart- <br />by a~rt:es to permit martgaget: to ct;re such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to da so; and such advances <br />sltalll b4~comt part of the indebtedness secured by this instrutrtent, subject to the same terms and conditigns. <br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shah remain i:t full force and effect during any postpantment or <br />exs°nsion of the time of the paytnent of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or notes, ar any <br />f~~'t thexeaf ser_ured hereity. <br />f. To continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee <br />tttay from time to time require on the improvements now ar hereafter on said property, and will pay promptly <br />when taut any premiums therefor. All insurance shalt be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the <br />policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attachek thereto loss payable clauses in fever <br />of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In evene of loss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing <br />to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if not made promptly by mortgagor, and each insurance <br />company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss dieealy to mortgagee <br />Instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may be applied <br />by mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or <br />repair of the property damaged or destroyed. Irt event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other transfer of title <br />to said property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, title, and interest of tht <br />mortgagor 'sn and to any insurance policies then in farce shalt pass to the purchaser or mortgagee ar, at the <br />option of the mortgagee, may be surrendered for a refund. <br />g. To keep ail buildings and ether improvements vn said prap~ty in good repair and condition; to <br />~rmit, ¢:amtttit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said pratterty or any part thereof;_ in the event <br />.-tf fralu:= of the mortgagor to keep the buildings an said premises and those erected an said premises, or <br />improvements tl€ereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it may deem <br />ned.~essar}r far the proper preservation thereof; and the fui! amount of each and every such payment shall be <br />itnrttedittttty due and payable; geed shat! lee secured by the lain of this mortgage. <br />h. Tt' ztcn voluntarily create ar per€nit to he createtl against the property subject to this mortgage any lien <br />t'tr Betts inferior tv the lien of this mttrkgage without written consent of the mortgagee; and futher, that mort- <br />~-~ 'mill keep and maiutain the same free from the claim of all persons supplying Labor or materials for con- <br />s~dttction of any and ail buildings or improvements new being erected or to br erected an said premises. <br />i. To not rent ar assign any part of the rent of .raid mortgaged property ar demolish, or remove, or <br />subsianeiaiiy alter any uuilding without the written consent of the mortgagee. <br />j. Ail awards of domage;s in eanite~'ttan with any condcmnativn far pubic use of or iruury to any of the <br />property stibj~t i~z this rnitrtgage are hereby assigned and shah be paid to antsrtgagee, who may apply the saint to <br />i~yt:-~tt of ft`= i :311 .e.tt3 last sue under said note, and mortgagee; is hereby authorized, in the name of the <br />tt~±^r-~~. , tc? ~F,z~~ ,t.~ dtkivs.. wti€! €tt~ <br />- at::iu, des titer v and Eat alt ftu€it tt,-ty suet award. <br />k. TIt2 mart~a~til' shall ltaVe the ri~itt to ittsuext ¢he mortuas•eti eremic~c 9t env r..aennat.t.. t..,.e <br />i. ;G cimpiy with el*r nrovisivns of any lease if this Mortgage is on a It~,asthaid. If this Mortgage is on a <br />unit in a cct:tdomdnium cr 3 planttrd uni! dtvciopment, Sorawer shalt perform all of l3orrawer's abligatians <br />under the d~biaration ar covenants crtittg or governing the condominium or pianrred unit dtveiopment,tht <br />by-laws and r Ltl~tians of the€t.4nium t;r p!$nntd unit dtvelapmene, and constttuent dw:uments. <br />2. i3+efault in any of the t~vettartts ar candhsans of this instrurnet€t or of the note or teen agcetnent secured hereby <br />shah ttrmit€~tt the mortgagor's right to poss~aiaa, use, and ettjayment of the property, at the option of the <br />ratartce or assigns {it bring agrced that the tnartgagar shalt have such right until default}. lJpan any such <br />defr¢t_eh, the tngrte~ttes' chali he_nt..:. *.he a....., of all of the r,.. n~ .,,,, ^fter fA .', c.._ <br />- -- ""'~ °';tS a ,. pea"•` at:Ctt ietg n do ten a5 S~LUrity tut <br />the iuuiebtedntxs strured itcreby, with the right to enter upon said property for+the purpose of cvllec^„tittg such <br />rants and profits. This ittstrumtnt shall operate an assigtrtntnt of any rentals oat said property to that. extern. <br />~. If rite Lncxtg;~o; defaults, and fai13 to [Hake arty payments when due or to conform to and campty with any of <br />flea cpnditions or agratttunts rvntaintd in this mortgage or the notes whit ~t se~urext theta the entire principal <br />sttmtt ! ai'tzrnetl interest shall ai ottte becotne date and nayxbk, grad des ae ee cane (_ 19.Oust intt~rtwt <br />tli~raft~r t3tttil paid ~t the ei~titsra ter the ms?rtsc~g nti tat - - - _-.. - ~ - _ -~ -° <br />~..,.~„ ....~ .,.ortg~....,sy th~..,.ttpon b; fo,,. loa,~t tree€n~d <br />f~ t=om t~ of t}tt indeti3ttess nay stcetred, ittclttding the cast of extending the abstract of title from the <br />e ;,i' tlti§ tint tc t tittle of ecs~s;,ta~t•:gt~ - =uit, <br />~. Itt the. ettrtattt oI a ftareclowrt or dttattlt asi prvvisltsl hexetn, the Ltuxtgs~c shall at once be entitled to the pas- <br />s ~i of ilt~ rat ~^,*»te afotid ::M,t to the re,=tt, ~,~,. ayalti4,, erred pxafits tlter~vf, <br />froart t; rnc;eruing of rights atxd during the peedency oi" foreciasure practtdings and such posstssians, etc., <br />a0~,ii. at tt b~ dt7itttrtd to tltt mane upota rtqu+~t. upon faslttre such deitvery of sut.•h possession Wray be <br />§` _ ~Y arty Viola ~ ptoceedistgs, itt~tttt3ing a rtcxiver for the prep€rty. <br />;. 1"r P~xpL'€°~5 of gay sad of Paid property in a~.ccor~ts.t w,ttr t~ prat~ts~ .,,~r~ e~,~ Et,~u LN.. appii~,i tint to <br />;~-,~ t~.ts.~~€ ~~.i •s~,_~-- n!' ~~-+ eta ,~... a~w-.~..._m - __.:...i i,..t._ _.._.e _ _ <br />- ~ ~ ~ ~-~ =~srszs tz~ xs~ et~t~ f:~r the p%~zpc~se of pratetiitttF ar <br />•.:~[J~t'Ei [:s ~iit 4~'i°i++s~ikM. aaa-.-... di.. 5~. 4n.. .i.~ '_ _-.-._ 6~-~- .~~_3c _ <br />• _ --`_`_ '--... t~ ~-. '_ --~ -_ --- -- -~-::3 ~. _.4.a t. a,.a ...~. _, Y° ~ $::rt=lair Jr <br />. ...`:8 i tit[ ; _`tr.rila 'teR-aty et`,ttttbft i';z.¢~~, <br />