Ea~ElhfT ~a~~ ~u-~~Llc U`IIT.ITIES
<br />t'~3E Aesiffiu~i LIFE %dRZSTIA%i CE2'TEg, a nanpraflt carparatioa, herein called
<br />the Grantor, whether one or more, in consideration of Une Dollar (SI.00}, receipt
<br />of which is hereb, acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys aatato the
<br />a xicipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a permanent
<br />and perpetual easement and right-of-way to survey, construct, inspect, maintain,
<br />repair, replace, e~-tend, remove, and operate thereon, overhead and undergrouad
<br />electric utility :..-::a, public watermains, and all other appurtenances connected
<br />ther~rith, in, upon, above, along, across, underneath, and through a tract of land
<br />located in part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE~,SEiy) of
<br />Section Thirteen (13}, Township Eleven (11} North, Range Ten (10) Nest, of the
<br />6th 1'.ti., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />e r},rca ('il F~,t,r v1~ia rra_rr_ rh w_ Ala rthprty tine described aA:
<br />9pginning at aVpeint one hundred thirty five (135.0} feet East of
<br />the Northwest r_orner of the said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (h'E~,SE'-~-); thence Easterly slang the Northerly 11ne of the
<br />said *Iartlaeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE'~y,SE;6) a distance
<br />of three hundred nineteen and sixty three hundredths (319.53) feet.
<br />And a sixteen (l6} foot wide tract, centerline described as follows:
<br />Beginning ae a paint on the North line of the said Northeast Quarter
<br />of the ssut;aeaat Quarter (NE~,SE~,) being three hundred ninety seven
<br />and sixty three hundredths (397.63) feet East of the Northwest earner
<br />of the said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE~y,SE'~),
<br />thence Southerly perpendicularly to the North line of the said
<br />Northeast ?.a~rter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1a,5E~) :~ distance of
<br />n,~e hf.hdre:i fe,rYt ~}ne~asd sixty five hundredths (141.65) feet:
<br />thence deflecting righta'.0°53` and running Southwesterly a distance
<br />of age hundred ninety Civc and sixty four hundredths (1'75.64) feet.
<br />~sid cracgn -__- - _ a is chi ui ~.i~ ac.rea iuv PC ar ic~zi as ai,vwaa
<br />ni~c~3.a?~
<br />-"' -_ ~ -- --°~` ;,. t~,~tu~_~f~cu ~~~-i~it ~~iin u~~~ecaed Ee rat _ .and
<br />sr ~-~~ rs----f rfi~
<br />together with the fallowing rights:
<br />tinre+atricted ingress a~ad egress across the Grantor's property for any purpose
<br />ta+~ce~sary in eonmeactian wish the survey, cansiruction, inapectlan, maintenance,
<br />ra$air,'replacement, extension, removal, and operation of such utilities and
<br />rmppurtenatteea .
<br />T=raa Cran[ee 9ha11 have ttte full and complete use, occupation, and enjoymetat of
<br />the eaae~tent and right-af-way taerein granted, faciuding the right to excavate and
<br />nisi dies d ts~iz~:hea, to sa~uue, 4lnraa, and keep clear trees, rac,ta, hushes,
<br />~a~, edn~wg2'~,R, ~~- ~i}.'#~Y a,`~,sirurtio i:nteri' ring t4ith the ~a,t r1eyiztg, ~-
<br />ttrx~iar~, ipee~iara~ ,a~iinsenances repair, repi.acea+ent, extension, reaaaval, ar
<br />op®xmtiz~n of aucix tatilitiea. No #t~arvvements, r~eructures, or buildin$tt of any kind
<br />