rte I~~fi
<br />~El~'~TF1~~t~.T7E ELF R~"~IY~ ~R. 7E~E~'GP~L
<br />:, ' ' p, ,
<br />To be submitted, is duplicate, to: 81 ~ ~~$
<br />Secret:ry of State. Suitr 23E3iT Sta2r Cap+Yal, lincoin, Nebraslta 58599 d
<br />- ~' =
<br />I. Now comes_.. Gwyer _Grimm~ n~er-_._ ._.. president, and _ _ ...._.- ; "
<br />.. ,,
<br />January 15 Ig _-g~'- were dui elected a's officers o° A°
<br />Secretary and/etoCl`reasurer, who on .. .......... .. .. ........... _.:::..., -_. y
<br />-. _ -r
<br />Comet, Inc.
<br />Conrct Corpora ore Name as steed in Ariicl<s of Incorporarion or mas4 r<cent Anxndmant --- -~_
<br />located at ,.32,21-_Ramada-_Road_r_-G.rand_-_Islan~,•. Nebraska •-6880-1_••----• -
<br />- - Futl.4 ddress ot-Principal P?ace of S~uin<s -
<br />a Nebraska corporation duty organized under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Nebraska, for the
<br />purposes of reusing or reheating said corporation.
<br />2. The existence of this corporation `_._:.aire (or will become) inoperative on ,. ~uc~ust 4 lg 8Q___
<br />because of di~olution by the office of the Secretary of State by expiration of existence, or for nonpayment
<br />of occupational taxes or annual fees. 'Fhe revival of this corporaron shall be perpetual u•tless sooner dissolved
<br />by proper action of its stockholders, or by due preac.ess of law.
<br />i
<br />3221 Ramada Road
<br />3. The registered office of this eorporation in Pebraska shall be ._ -- .--....__ ............._.. -.-.-...........--.----.-..-..-•------
<br />Suee[ Addrrse° ,
<br />-Grand Island _ _-._.--_-._., Aall - ,- webraska , f~ 8801 -__ and the registered agent at such
<br />Carr ~'"~ ~~ -rte ~ Zip Code
<br />• .a
<br />aduress shall be ..._... Stw} E:.i'.. ~,tz.T,mn?~Il-9eI~ .........................._
<br />Name of R<grsurrd Agent
<br />eRddress sTa71 be coraphte, using fu?7 sweet address. R box number is acceptable only in those cases where sweat addresses are
<br />nor avaitablt.
<br />'eff r}'se a6ore-naratd regzsrered agent or regitlemd olCictt constitutes a change train the previous desigrution, this information
<br />wiU b+e rnteed onto the corporasi~n'a re~nrds in this office. No fursher notification or ft7ing of a xpuate form is necessary.
<br />- J?
<br />FILING FED: --
<br />-- ""-- -
<br />Domestic Rerival..........512.00 V1C@-PrE'Sident
<br />Nonproi?t Revival-_......5 8.00 '~' _ _ ................---- --•-
<br />Trtasetrtr -.--° - -'~- - - - - - - ° ....:.....:.......................
<br />OOM€3TtC %t7RPORATiON&, n data tax ?lta has ta`+na fi?td arpirut t;<as t.~r,ratien. T?se ltea was riled with the county
<br />caataining iht p4sti2 addrtiat ref the .aft-ria°ard regis`~r't+il a>~pt abta.uttd from #`ie tae muds at the titres tBis txirporatioa
<br />became tlistolvtd for failing tc rseet rte statutty dta~~iae for rift filing of the artnua? ~xriiaatioa snit apart. -
<br />Thrt lira wilt bt rf?aassr3 w'exaa this ~rtittec d~;t•~a€ b fi'+~ *t ieA #hia city clerk an :~,~ of ~s i,~t tfta ;~.tnty is rahi~t =-
<br />tttt dtrsig~iatial ragistereil r~ was l~a#~ asi`,«.:~ Bye ~rpa:raia :~~da in #~G~ ~€r~ ~r c*,a ~R.~g c~Stateat ttte rises -- -'
<br />tht Ilea wet Cltd. 't'his docuraent :e?eases alt cvxunatioa tax Bens riled against above named corporation. - -
<br />fiQNPROFtF GORPORATIOIYS. Notice Bas boon made to the appropriate cw.rnty that this corporation tailed to pay its
<br />bienrsia! Este. The nonce was riled with the eouaty contaissiag the portal address of the last•named registtrttd agent obtained
<br />it-om the tact records at the time this corporation failed to matt the statutory deadline fcu payment of triennial fees - ,
<br />T!» aotia wiU bt elaartd wBaa this certified documtat is filed with the county c?Irk in the county in which the designated
<br />registered offtee was tented u shawa oa the corporan rtcorrla in Ilse office of the Secretary of State as the rims the notice was
<br />fi?td. TttIs doctutseAt reMeses sl! erotica Bled agait[st show aansd rnrporarioa.---~.. •. ~ .- - - .~ . -
<br />1, ALLEN 3. fSEERIvtAi3I3, 5et~etary of Stara, do 'i""t?~by eartify the above na,:=ed carporatit3n t0 bs ixt~g4od
<br />standing, _ `
<br />1N TESTtMpNY WHEREL?F, the Secretary of Statt~ of Nebraska has hereby affixed his signature tx facsimile
<br />~tereaf and seal 9tt the_ date set out in the recording glare.
<br />s+~zl T~116t1~~~t ~iBC# S°raT~ Ole til~~r.~a ~ ~_
<br />T 5F£REXARY'S OFFICE_~ ,
<br />~~ nip. ~~~r[~b~re~ t
<br />~~#~d rewrtfa~~tn,~5f.~ roll . _
<br />p~ j 1 ,-~-, _ -
<br />€3trt+r€~ 4su <trsv rf.' ire tiers *sare~•sy_ra arst= .eaa ltivs rases! at'=-ixed.~ - - -
<br />e.t`. of t,"r[P.i-err`;s..ws tin ag+ s.+`+<..rc.r a.d. a '=+~t ~s
<br />rfi• :eYwsx .3 •[9f res .e E ~, ?n ear,. p serf •~. „ s • , +C ~
<br />