d"1°,it'1 ?3f" t~Clll{,~. t;~~r:r,;• ,:? ..,..- _ ._
<br />FI!ltd for r~ar;i, Moms --.... ,. ._ , ? ~ .-- -- ~ at .......„....., r, -~~s~ ._... ,_.._. ~f,.
<br />acrd ree+mrtlsd in thn fwd lizocrd .......~.~.....~ .................. :' ge
<br />..._ ................_.................,.......... By ...,......_..........,~........_.._.._................,...,..,...
<br />der of ?da lkpttty l~gister of T?$eds
<br />w~iJiS Y ~~i7~ ~~~~~ i ~~~ ~ -~i~ U ~ ~ ~t~
<br />B~ertrha fdi~aear an ~.mrramerr'i.~exl ~~ herein sslled the grantor whe4her o~ ~ ~,
<br />in eoasideration of ~'stenty-39iree Tiious8a~d ard3 IQct~i~'s ~ca1.I.ars- ~- _ -- -. ~- _ ~~23r~3•~)
<br />recei+ed from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey asst eaafirm Hato
<br />Jerry L= mixing sn$ Sathryn 5. i3wing, Husband and ai°e, end Mar3orie ~aSth, a married .
<br />as joist tenants with rigl+t o1 survivorship, and not as tenants in eocuaon, *_he follerring desetz'bed r~i
<br />l~ iu ..............._.._......:~:.................._..,..... Conaty, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Ten (1G)i ~ioek .:YPteen (35), Hnl.lins' Addition to the
<br />City oP Grand Island, Hall County, lfela'aske. STATET h7TACHF~3
<br />iv~w~SKA ~cuM>a~rA~
<br />t~fFt' :; 1991
<br />BY
<br />To A,ave end to hold the above described premises together veith all tenements, hereditament
<br />sad appnrtananees thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br />of the snrpivor oi` them fareeer.
<br />end grantor duos leer caveaant with the ~aaa~s and Fttir t hair s~i and with the heirs
<br />s;,d magna of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from
<br />emHr~S~Qe
<br />jE$e e#•~• t~ ~3i g~~ ~3ni1 P~Sii=-ks:"G;~*a~9 Ce i cus°ncci.
<br />t3t~ grantor has good right sad lawful authority to convey tltz ~.aine; and that grantor :warrants and acikl
<br />defend-the Title to said premises against-the ?awful ekaims of alI persons :rl,~amsoever.
<br />it is the intention of all parties hereto Chet in the event of the death of either of ttre grantees,
<br />the entire fee to this real-,property shall wt~t in the survitiir;g grautea.
<br />,,~.~s~...,
<br />~T,~~r 4F .... . '"• ~.,.......... Loamy of .......~~.:::sf......_ ..............._.......:
<br />8efdn°a ¢-notary pnblia gaalifie+d for said county, persatraily came BeT"t12st Nielsen, an
<br />ne~emared r~:tictx.
<br />w rrre ' ~e ids~uti~l pe> or pre who signed 4hg foregoing instrament and askaowlsdgr-1
<br />the <,~sF.;,tou, t :erg t~z be hiss Aar or their volnntarv a~;krd dead,
<br />.,.~f
<br />wit rn~r hand aad aotatrisl an ....... ...... .., .
<br />r
<br />,~-» sir ldy rotnsnion esltir~ s..,r:~L:,-k:~,...,.f !g-~„ec.-.;,/.•.
<br />l<,~rn+ #-k .x;s~>rs~~€i by .~-tar~z:~#x Ntata Ftsr ktrtien :~: R,Fa:~.,_...~,.,,..~,
<br />