~~~ ~~~
<br />..,. £a. ~,.... ?"k'~`. ~ - ~Tr~~'.E'°~ .,.. v~1J ?i a'~_'-~~~^~'-F7 i~r~?~'F ~3y ~tf~ t31" _-=~FEkE1°EI _..s .e, LN:."K eI ._Y'[ 3; .5~€£' hrr~,i".~'r~'~".'°'
<br />groat., and tre pt ~~tds ate rot ,yfat~:ent tc~ pay :,~ total i._oelttedrs srex3red t1y ~!~is iraatr±.Ft,aetRt anal evidvnr
<br />~~ lam, mid ;;rt`~isss:ry rye, t~,e .~ ~ga~rt ~~! >~_ ~..ticl..~..u a ? n:ncs =te:9g€=r~~rtt fc. t3tti a,~.:,art; ttf the
<br />~tcc€_ y ~=!t ~~*r~ r~+ ~ppasiseeni.
<br />~. itt tlt~ evettt the rtu*r€or fails to pay any ftderal, state, or lc~al-tax ase-es=ttent, incume tan or other taac litre,
<br />°~~.~~> fte or at:rtr tense cl~.arg a~.insi t_he property the rrrort~ is heretsy aurhori~~d at its option to pay
<br />tore same. Any urns so paid by the mortgagee shat; be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the
<br />irdabtetirs~~s cvld€nce-d lay solo note, s:st'sj~t to the :>ar,te terms and conditigns. If the mortgagor shall gay artd
<br />lratge tlrt intlebteslness evidenced by said promissory note, and shaft pay such sums anti shall disclra€ge all
<br />tax^s ar,d arad = cr-'s, fees, and ~gPtssts of making, enforcing, and exectrting this trortgage, tlrett this
<br />rxrortgage shall be cancelled and surrendered.
<br />8. '€'ht r~verrarrt-s het'eirt crrsntairted shall bind and ilte 2s~,ttefits and adti~antages shall inure to the resg~.~ttve successors
<br />astt4 assigns of lire parties hereto. tVhenevet used, the sittgular number shall include the plural, the plural the
<br />singtrlar> and the use of any gtnder shall include ail genders.
<br />g. No w~ast•er of arty eQYenant herein or of the obligation secured hereby shall at any time thereafter be held to be a
<br />waiver of the terms hereof or of the note secured hereby.
<br />!!?. A judicial decree, order, or judgement holding any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or unenforce-
<br />alait shall oral in any v~ay impair or preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this
<br />itLStt2tmelit.
<br />i t. Any written notice to be issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall be addressed
<br />to the mortgagar at 182A South Lincoln, Grand Zsland, NN 68801
<br />and any written notice to be issued-to the mortgagee shall
<br />lrc addressed to the mortgagee at 42~} W. 3rd, Grand Is~and~, ld£ t}i~80I
<br />Err rldt'rrtEs~S t?Vt~tE&Et3F, the mortgagor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has actxpted delivery of
<br />this instrttrrtt>~tt as saf the day attd year aforsaid.
<br />hkrnte Long
<br />' ,~
<br />Terri L. i~ng ~~
<br />Executed and delivered in the prcsenee of the fo4lowin$ wstnesses:
<br />_-`~ ~"v.`du-r Wit`" ~fl, -a~.,~.,,],ui~>,.~~~
<br />5E'ATE QF NEB~.A,Si~A ~ FEeform me, a gstalified Notary PubEic, personally appeared ___~_____.
<br />ss, ante R. Lonc~and Terri L. Loner ____--
<br />Cc3ti~l ~ x t3t~ ll~ _ 7 - --
<br />knifwn to true to tt~e idetttisaE person or parsons wEto signed thg foregoing instrument and acknowledged the exe%ntion
<br />titertaf to be ~Pi~ valutatary ttct aatd decd.
<br />Witness rtty hand and Nsttariai 1 on Nrzv~.. ~ . 19 .._$].__.
<br />n
<br />GE4t'1'J
<br />Ptatary Fublec
<br />tN~ Ctrttuttissiott ~xpit~c ~-~4 .__~ ~ , 19
<br />°t'M1'ft. FLT"' V~~B Att>S/A l _..t~N.,.3 w .~A:._ _.. 11.. .. ~l
<br />.,sa :..:_ ~~t ,r;ssi,.r,s - ( ~vr~ i c ilsa~scateu t~+vtar" i uv~tt, _~a__ _.._d..
<br />3S. ~_..,__......_ ____v__._......._______.~__.~
<br />s tx?rpsr8tr: ktMrtvn tea roe tp be the #'t~sisient and idenfit~i perstrrt who signed the foregoing instrument, and
<br />rsF:l~l t~?tr util€ra tEterrtQf to t~ hSs vaiarttary act cad deed as 5ucix officer and tkte volunwry act and deed of
<br />w: 1. u 'v Sxw'a.~w € ss~a%:. iia ~vfix`ar~c 5i wan use erica inusav` by i'sS cunt&iitp.
<br />t~tittu~s ray heurl anul NvtasriMl Seal an _.._~ ___._> 19 __-----
<br />t;,} _ .__.....w_._.._..__,__-..__..__..,.___....._
<br />;votary Public
<br />