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3~t=R?-E i'C~i~EA Cif ~T iG?NEB' ~ e r t: ~ <br />I, €12T,1t£3~S ~. CL~PPL'E of firand Inland, '~ebr4aska, ha:ae toads, constituted and <br />aiugoftstdd ! by th8ae presents da make, constitute and appoint ,7t3'dT3 C. CbPPI.E of Yor?•c, <br />~ht'eaa, aiq trite and lawful attorney far ate and in my name, place and stead, and on <br />Eit~tif, auFiject tv iht provisicxns of Paragraph i3 nereaf, to do and execute a13 or <br />at~g .' ~~ fal2:erwiug acts, deed and things. <br />i. Ta receive debts payments and property, To ask, demand, sue far, recover <br />e®td receive all sums of money, debts, dues, goods, wares, merchandise, chattels, effect <br />acid thiaga of whatsoever nature or description which now axe or hereafter shall be or <br />~~e ~, suing, payable, or belonging to ate in or by any right, title, ways or mesas <br />mss:, asd upoai receipt thsreaf, or of any part thereof, to make, sign, execute and <br />B+Biiver a~ich receipts, releases or other discharges far the same respectively as my said <br />a~tsrsaug aha3:l deers advisable. <br />2. Ta settle aecaunta. Ta settle any account or whatsoever wherein I <br />itt9M 8m at at any time hereafter shall be in any wise interested or concerned with any <br />pesson waver, ~~a to pay or receive the balance thereof as the case may require. <br />3. Ta satisfy securl~ interests and mortgages. To receive every sum of money <br /> stair is or hereafter shall be duo br belonging to me upon the security or by virtue <br />of say sacurify interest or agreeatent, or aeortgage, and on receipt of the full amount <br />secured thereby to execute and gooZ and sufficient release or other discharge of such <br />aaseurity interest, nr e~rtgage by dead or otherwise. <br />#, To cve~paund, subaait to arbitration, or otherwise settle or adjust differences. <br />Te ctuud faith ar make allouant:ea to any parson for or in respect to any debt or demand <br />wfataor wh%c`n n~ is ar shall a'E ~7 tia~ taresfttr b2coase duo and payable *o "u•, _r by <br />See, ar alas mY aCCaaussE, and to take and receive, or to pay and discharge (as the case ,may <br />4ie), a0y coagrasititan nr dividend thereof or thereupon, and to give or receive releases or <br />other discharges far the whole of such debts ar demands, ar to settle, compromise, or <br />submit to arbitration every such debt or demand and every other right, matter, and thing <br />tliie to or cariceraiag >am as m!r attorney shall think best, and far that purpose to enter <br />.into seed esacuca a~ deliver such bonds of arbitration or other instruments, as my attorney <br />~ doses advisable in the premises. <br />5. 'Pa ~raseeute and defend. Ta consaence, prosecute, discontinue. ar defend all <br />artioae or other Legal praeeedings touching t+Y estate or any part thsreaf, or touching any <br />asatt~r in xhich 1 or ny estate may be in any wisp concerned. <br />6. Ta sas~~ real zatate. To enter into and upon all and singular my real <br />rift ate, tc3 li=t, i,~a, aF.d irk ttite saw or any paXt the.reaf, and to rQpait ar <br />atherariaa iegrrove, alter, or reernietruet, and to insure, any nuildings or structures <br />¢r~; furgh,er cQ ~+ntrect with others for the mariagtras€nt of such real estate and to <br />grit to sue;: etrs all the potre_*s with rtspttt to such real ost~±te usual in real estate <br />aag~2rit cantrata, and Granted to my said attorney herein. <br />i. ~rt3 ararst 3t3a5ia:5, re,:ai.~ rtnats, an uthir~iae deal wi~x te:~=ts anti seaat?d <br />rt To contract with any person for leasing far such perlads, Including periods <br />has ®y life, and without regard to the terasinatian of Chie power of sttorney, at. <br />Much rants and subject to such conditions ae my attorney shall see fit, alI or any of my <br />slid re41 estate, and to let any such parses into possession thereof, and to execute all <br />t-uch 2easas and contracts as shall be necessary or proper in that behalf, and to give <br />aotia@ ts-iluiL to any tenant ar occupier thereof, and to receive and recover front all <br />tfexa:RwCa sad oci:uglera thereof or of any part thereof all rents, arrears of rapt, and sums <br />al' ataaey aahl,eh are actor yr obeli hereafter became due and payable in respect thsreaf, and <br />a~eto oat atsap:yment thereof or of spy part thereof Co take all necessary or proper means <br />apd pracaedinge for tenainating the Cenancy or occupation of such tenants or occupiers, <br />ftax ejectiaig the tenants or occupiers acid-recovering. the possessions thsreaf'. <br />8. To sell or excha~e real arTpersanal ea;6atsY Tv ae12, eithtor at public ar <br />plrivatR. si-1a, i>r exchange any part or party of my real ~,tttate or pets~onril propeety for <br />a€lt:h t:await~rwtioaa, Payable im~asaeeiy ar upon sash ~ ati'my a~~~~:~ ah$11 think fit, <br />aid fCii 2ru8@titm -anti deliver goad acid s;;ff iciszit deeds, bills of an le, endorse~ni~:, assgn- <br />aewnta, or othsa~ inetruaaents for the conveyance ar transfer of the same, with such caven- <br />taf a~zrawty ar atherviae as sty attorney shall see Eit, and t.a give goad and ~ffectu,l <br />reCagiipta far a3.1 ar any part of the purchase price nr other consideration. <br />9, Ta volt a~sa a xit ra~r invtist and otherwise deal with tan ibis <br />Tai deposit aaiy motia3ta stlticb ale} cows to hie hands as such attorney with any <br />~bankar is ^y naa~, sad to withdraw arty of such stoney or any other raan¢,y to which C <br />a4 ttntitlad which nvx~ is or shall be so deposited, And eithsr eatpiay suc3t money Gas he <br />