<br />s#. Far ttr secuiitY of the rode^trtettnes~ hertby secured. upon the rrs}srtst of tzre mortgaget:, its successors
<br />~ ~~.3, mor-,mar shalt ~:tctrte arad de9iwer a suppfentttt2at rnort~ge or rnertuaecs covering, ant additia~,
<br />ita, a' betssrmeatts mods to the property ttertinabowc described and all property acquired by it after
<br />the die hf (nit ire ftrr-rtt sat;;+f:ot Y to rtr~:gag;,.e}. Fut~er=.ttore, shoufd a^gagar fait to cure any da;€autt
<br />in tits paytne:tt of $ prsor or in€trior tncutttb:ance on the property deseritred by this instn:ment, mortgagor here-
<br />~ age to permit rntart$agee to cure st+ch de=`auh, but tnorteagee is rear obligated to do sa; and such ad'ratrces
<br />shalt bc*come part o{ rite it~ttess secured by this instrument, subject to the same terms and conditions,
<br />e. Tttt rights crrataf trq :his convey~tttce shall rerrxain in €utt €orce and effect during any postponement ar
<br />e:xfisiots of tip stmt of the .^=Yn'-tnt o€ the indebtedreecs tvideaced by said prornissery note ar notes, or any
<br />part therssrf seetss%i lte~eby.
<br />f. 'to cantinuousty nrairttaia hazard insurance. of such type ar types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />tray from titres to tinge rta~uire on the improvements now or ttcreafter on said property, and will pay protttptly
<br />wF~rz due any prrrmiuma thtrtfoa. All insurance she"tt be carried in +:ampaaies acceptable to mortgagor and the
<br />policiars and rentwais thereof strati tx htid by mottgagee and have attached thereto toss payable clauses in favor
<br />of and in form acceptable en tt+a mortgagee. In event of toss, morggagor will give immediate notice sn writing
<br />t© ttxorigagee, and mtrtgagee may make proof of toss it' not made promptly by mortgagee, and each insurance
<br />company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to mortgagee
<br />instettsti of to mortgagor and mattgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, tttay be applied
<br />by tnartgagee at its option eithtr to tht rtrtluction of the indebtedmcss hereby secured or to the restoration or
<br />repair of the property datttagad or destroytti. in event a€ €orectosure of this mortgage, ar other transfer of title
<br />to Said property in extinguishment of the indtbtedrKSS secured hereby, ail right. title, and interest of the
<br />mortgagor in atxi to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the
<br />option of the martgagxt, tray be surrendered far a refund.
<br />g. Ta keep alt truiidings attd other itnpravemtnts on said property in goad repair and condition: to
<br />.~__e,.r. :r,..,, ..t
<br />pvernsit, erntimit, ar suf#~ na waste. i:ngairrnent, dete~iora:ian of said nrapcrtY or nay p:<r „~_~_, ir. ~~•~ ~.s.=,
<br />of failure of the ttttrrtgagor to kelp the buildings on said premised oral those erected on said ptranists, or
<br />imprtrvtarteta~ thtrtan, in good repair, iht matt$agee may make such repairs as in irs discretion it may dam
<br />nectstaarY far the proper preservation thereof: and the full amount of each and every such payment strap be
<br />imntnxtiately due and paYablt: amt stroll be secured by the fain of this mortgage.
<br />It. 'Y'a not votuntari{y crenate or permit. to be crtuted against the property subjer:t to this mortgage any lien
<br />ar Dens inferior to the #ien .3f this mortgage without wrintrf cottstnt of the mottgagee; and father, that mort-
<br />gagor wilt keep and ntasntain the saint free from the claim a€ aft persons suRPiying fabar or rnateriais for con-
<br />strusti:.m of any and all buildings ar improvements now being tre~.ted or to be erecteel on said premised.
<br />i. i a not rent or aisign any art a€ the rent of sold mortgaged property or demolish, or remove, ar
<br />substantially alter any building without the written canxnt of the mortgagee.
<br />j, All swaiz~s of uairtages in ;~t;nrae:aion with any czrrd€r~ueatic:~s for pttbli,: us€ f ^r inji~ to any of the
<br />property subj~t tc this ~ a=e• lt~y ~+'xigtteil and stroll tse paid to uwr't$agtt, who may apply the same to
<br />r sue, ,a,,,~-~ ~- _ = ~ -..,-- --_ ;< harery ai~htrrized: itn eht name of the
<br />p~~tt- £rf it~t-~ri~ iaht iuG ut~~u = .,u ... •.•-= 'e'$,p~
<br />. aE- ~~:~•ssf? ~-" rt~iug~ }t3 asefu?tt~4es thc'rs"'a;f i!i`r s tv ~~ f•€::r: ~-Y ~t~`h ~~?~r~',
<br />lt. Tilt traarl~lattcet shall leave ia~ right tom, iri3t i;K ~i~ ra~g~i ~°~_-~ ~t •$,~,- -°•--.
<br />1. i'a ctxinpty with the provisiorfs of nay feast if this Mortgage is on a leasehold. If this Mortgage is on a
<br />tutu in a ctrndaminium or a planned unit development, ~orrowtr shall perform art of Borrower's abGgatsons
<br />utsdes tix d~taatatioat or cavtttants aeating or governing the dondominium or P>~~ unit devtiapment,the
<br /># rt;,u'.gt o=r tl~ ~,=:g.:rd+~ or olattncd unit development, a~ cwtstitttent daettmttacs.
<br />$. pm}'~It in any of tlx t'uv~anta or cwaditians of this insuumtnt or o€ the note or loan ageetnent sauced tttreby
<br />stroll tts~ the . 's right to pass~essitttt, user, and enjeayment of ttu property, at the option of the
<br />rmrers~c or _ {u trains aareeai that t~ mortgagor shalt have such right until d~'auii). Upon any such
<br />defau}t, t)~ rttexirt shalt lrawute the owtttr of all of the rents and pro!its acettring, after def®uit as stcuriiy for
<br />t3tt itxtitiate+dn stxured ttettt;y, with the right to enter upon said property for the purpose of coikcting such
<br />rem s ?. Tlt~ irerrr5~tr s#rSlt oft. as as ass+gnatant of any rentals ott said pr'apettY to tt~i tattemt.
<br />}, tf the ttagar dMatilts, sad ftt~ to make araY payments whdn due err to conform to and comply with any of
<br />th¢ cxr agr~ c~ in this mortgage or the notes which it secutts, then the entire principal
<br />:, z~. ia~t
<br />itit£3~St al#itl at truz'e biY' ~Y:t'st€, arr~ u~~ ~_ ~- ~~•~~_-
<br />t d pa~i at tt~ ~$ va tare t~resgaa~~. a;,R t,.P mo;'. °°~ ••'~y etur~~nnn 't7s fartxius€s# imr~aitaic:y
<br />fry ttt4 ~ of tl~ lttde~ hey secured, ittettrdintt the crest of extending the a>utract of title from ttte
<br />°of t tar t tip of such lust. ~~tinnteen oral t3n~iSxLax
<br />4 } fi~_e~ trf a F~ t+r daft as prt~via~ lz. e~ st~aii st ere etatitttd to tlu poa-
<br />' gee; ate enjaYtrrertt of tttt rtat e~tste afaresatkt and to she rent. issues, rayaitir~s, and profits tltcicof,
<br />trtr~! t a~a-ruiatg ~rf sttte;3t righFS alai during the pe~'y of furtctc-surc prrM'~'Sting3 grad stint possessiatu, etc.,
<br />sl~l! ,;f, ~ ~ to tEia upon rxsEtrest, ugatt failure stash delivery of such ptrsscssion may bt
<br />V.,r,~~t +.;: ~y a:enrte lrsaai prtrtxsdis, iraes:tuditfgt a rtctiver for the propertY-
<br />7~ rgra rsfr may € tr€ treed ttY ire rrrdsuast with rite fsr¢~-editag paragraphs sirafl tee sp~'~"!. first to
<br />n,~ ,r,.:, :>~. s~tg:#_ ~~_ trf satin! rte, tt'~ a itr€~arrred by tttt ~ for the paarErtt~ of prest~-rittg ar
<br />-- - 3~,n,._ t~ ra,e :trr<--~_ u€ ttereisy: a~sd rtes, ru ~y ~t n~ V.
<br />e tag t#re pmt err pss?ta€ eszttit.les3 tt~_;,
<br />