<br />2nd ~iovez~er $l
<br />R'Et28 1 teats th~_._..._._ ...____ _... day o€~._.`._.~___._ __ _. ._ , ..- - . la __-- by aria betwaera
<br />isec~a 2.. t'.rt?ra ~d DoniSa Mae RaHrirez , t'iustya~zd and wife , each izz his and her ocm
<br />r'i''gtzt and af3 sga:tse of the ether,
<br />~ Hal2 ._ CouatY. titblasks. as trsarigegor ~~--_A:. and €iexne Federal Savings and Loan .~ssodaiion of errand falaad, aawparatioll
<br />-md i~ tlatke t~ lavs (H eke Ifrailed Strii€s u€ Ataxr€ca wit#t its principal afticr and placr of buriaess et Caalld €aimld, I+ltfsrailka; at
<br />~Yglfgil6'i
<br />~r~: i5sstsaidneay{agw_ ~ -_-.far and imm~siderstia:oPtf#txu~.»or_._.__ ~.`
<br />6 .-sue:. ".~~.~~..:. _
<br />*'k'iwrentp-four Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-eight and 0~ _ • ~)
<br />f3gCn~Lf'f~'s~w}~.ilAwlr€t..husrt>4y ~. do. ___ __._ __._~_..... by 4#le~! isrcxcn€S mw
<br />€. ai€ t€u €opOwltlg deaaf6ed TCa!!:S€aii, t3tuarCd m iha COUnI V bf .____._ .~ Hal ~.
<br />sad $Wt O€ Plebrasta. tO~wii:
<br />- eMl aarips,
<br />Lot hTine C9) in Hlock Three ;.r) in Stewart Place Suisdivision, Heiag a Part of the
<br />DTashtrest quarter of the :Iortheaet QuarCer (NW-114 NE-lj4) of Section Tventp--nine
<br />t,~.9) , Township Eleven (11) Nnrth, P.ange N±..ne (9) We€tt oP the Sixth (6th) P.M. ,
<br />Hall County , 1Tebraslca.
<br />Tagy~r sit11 afi w~'R', "a. cersrditioniaa. iigfttiesg. and phrmtrirltt erpsipm~rt atxi sixtltrea, inchufitss ;kssaane, awnings, ntorco windows and
<br />daare. a>rf wtadow ehrdea or bfindn. uasd on or in a»ruxction wtW saw properly. whriher tfx samx err row ibeated an said proptyEy nr hares€ter
<br />f -
<br />9Y3 tfAYE Xrti33 -~tY f4Ri,0 ~iE SAME. together w+th ail and sirlgtllar the tanelnenta. hmesfitamems and appurtenartees therounw he-
<br />8. is at ~~ °::n' ~. 'a-sv~. auf waererst tfs'i te•.!s m ehs xanr. tiai~1 ~tr~tcr~ _ hereAy cavcass~ ---. -. with saw
<br />t€rtl _. _.. t ha.~ - - -. .~7te-- . at the delivery herarrl, the lawful owner S - of the premisea above ctwtveyrxl and described.
<br />r a.,..:,f~:,_.,.,; aaweetl o€ a gaud antl is~fletalbks testa e€ iatilaratanersharatn. #ra+r arxk cigar akf al! tvtcaattdrcsnc~s, sad LbaL ._r.._ he .Y_. wi€i
<br />w-=e:s7a -~1:1 i4a rltae tlt~ao=~ [rzrerer e~saagt t~ e~,~irtt~s atta :~~ ~t sks ~t~xa rsn~rw~a.
<br />€`tff€lh ab~,Yi` f1 Y~, and Ybka uestr~, ie assert+ad ass! df w e~srm ttr~ taaymp~ of €k~ curie ,:f._
<br />~..awmxt~~_-zit, ~~~~i..~, ~ ~u._;Y-±~z3=,~sr..d~~~i '*-'_ • ._ _ -- i,
<br />s:a ~t ie,~psa, t:a~€aor xstin arterft t a?rti rav..amsa as rr~y ere dtte alai i~vsttair to said. esw.r:ga$~' liaerar the terrr.s egad i*nld~itnas
<br />nu ti4m prrryrpprylrr~r IMpta of aeaatdata haxtrrr~'~n aad atac~uretf frsirefky, assa.~xufsd lay acrid mtrrlAfagur ~... t~iu saNd mortgagee, payak>btt as vspreeaar~f
<br />.......rte ,ate-`aa ,~ r~ ,~as~ea wr :~ ~ t *~ tames t~ae~sr. '~rxa ~s€aa xls >aaa>c s~n>< ~ `~hfi'
<br />tt ~ ifaa sad of the periba haeW drat this lnors8ae+s shall also aerarre any future ttdvenas rain to said nroTtaagot. 8 _
<br />~ said aaaetgaapae. asld say and aA iodrtNae$aeaa w addition irr the amount akauva stated whie€a seed enara~tor:. or any of them. may arxr to
<br />avid sentipps. harwaver avidaelrad, whefhar zry torte, tero4 am>unt kx otlarwiee. Thin mortgage shrll remain in fuA form and e€fact Matwaen
<br />LM l~ htiaaa and ttta~ hairs. paraonal rapreaarrtativr~. ~ and atsei~, until all ararournn r9scuresf Arrnrrrdrr. irre€udinq futvrr•
<br />a~aaaaa, ass paili fa tail with intatast.
<br />Tf4 aa~rsg~lyae $.- _- baeadry araiyya _ _, _ _ tr3 Pmd rcwrtgaLae alt tsars and income ariai~ at esy and ail tlnsa tenet said property astsi
<br />4ipeYdey awt>t!arfae acid ~riptgaa rx its sitrrgt, •t its rrptiorr, upon default, to cake charge of said property and rtdfau rll renu grad iaromx•
<br />sad ` tAs arses tar tfat pa3attsant ~ intenrt, pt$aiprtl, inssaranee pasrrtaema, taxaa, mitts, reptaNa aT kmpraverttvnts
<br />~.,ti lnlRt±~Mdprif~-MIM~RiaklMtc4atiftiatr at tuufipatc~MZpea ur Ws?'tarWfa €Peevidad isNr taateia ar is iMr ntNg 4arabp aaFUrrd_ 'Fl+ta
<br />gdwk YNet sha31 aaekiaara~ is ft>•vu uaW rlra uapwid 6alaneta ut said note is fully paid. TMa eking of p+raeeeawn htvwtxler shall in rlu mananrr
<br />p~pui#amt or natu~A Mid math in Oho cotReetitut of antd sums by for+etloru.ra err auherwiae.
<br />'~zea~atsi~stewat err araaat +a~ ~ 13e * ~ at atgr Liege nor. lye cunquensd as a waiver arf itr, tfftht to araerrttl ttte
<br />~payn ~ agtg tima~. and to ir;3i4t trr.and snfrarze atrit~i com;+€vs~ with afi the tormm and pravuwns d sari note and of tftia rmrtgaga.
<br />It agid ~ . ti ahal€ 4t+raa to For paid. ua Mid ~ the aatuo aaauunt dux ii Iraapee+€tr, and tudw the rarer. sard praviantls
<br />tt Ostia f aaezued, t future advaaraa. and snY eatsutaians nr renewals thertaa€ in s+x'prdaacs w#,fl the tsraw attd pmviaians
<br />aeR-~F~"i __~.... alt tare prtrvr of saui n~.11 aztd-ot etas -~, store dtt~se Etta 5he€f ile void:
<br />aof ~sa~sam~~n@-or~k?~~~-ai a~taeamRe~sh~fitE._>~-tlf3r.~rsacuaras ~E+~f nr tat~~. ~rr~rrir. etr~?nttytitg~tm€nn,
<br />d~adiza f a~iR~t aril=sets esd a'~ lea eap~iwpat~3 ih-Y to ba iliate#y dT~ and WY+d~. tuKf my tarer3mw t6fa nwrtKn~
<br />set ta_~l - ate ter its _ _ - _ -. _ waiatard_ - - -
<br />'t'tg aza~taa & ~e ryeie eked shall aatrr+i to the baara~tt ~ tfas hamYa, aaectrt«-, adlnirtiatrattxa, strccaaeore and aaaifltataa td t€,r
<br />i~tf'f~ v~r'3~. aaili ~zr_~... ha 3r~._. ixrsucua: atu tFZei.,r._. .. tarurd g--.....tic say and your f a5lrrrr
<br />traitsea. _ _ ~~
<br />