~!~ !~~ ;,
<br />i~t:tsi~t"'s wrs4ttta agrt~zmxrsl6 asr afivpi€~:,sNhlir: Caw.. gr?rrctvser t~haH$ pn;• iht aa~;ustnrcar ri d#I rnortgaae insimrarce prrrnaums n dhcr
<br />rrrR' pry'-! unt~r pa.'a~"a!~h ~.~ ~re:tf.
<br />~a,~y atna?rr5is dirhut3~d by Crnc;>ar p,arsuant to 2faits Txaa-sgraph ". ~wiz9^s intsr~si zherrun, shat! lry~omt sdditinna!t
<br />:,-, a.*9:r~:;.~°= of ~^^v.:.r st^at'~ b}• that :~===fgam t?nies ~nrrnwez and :~entier ague to other ?trms of payment. Bitch
<br />a.RrsSx ahafl he payai tape a"r ttmzce frt33Pi Crr-r tr; 13, a-rt per reauectirrg paynxr:t th_rt=o3. and ~eai? i*tar ins€r frtrrtt tftr
<br />data of d'rsttit:~rt:e?tr ar lice rats payPhit from ?irrsa to time an nutstarding principal under the Notr ttniess payment of
<br />ittra~st at ;~h tvottid r`tc contrary #o appiicahir taw, in rhssh e.eat such amounts steall taear initrtst at the tighrst rate
<br />perenis>filtie under appiicah4r taw, istarfring cantaintd in this paragraph 7 shad require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />arty ac't`ron hrxsuotfer.
<br />1~. > Cinder may malty nr cause in tat mad, reasi:rtala!e entries apon and insptctinns of the Property. provsde'vd
<br />that Lender shall give i#orrawrr notice prior to anv such inspection specifying reaxanab#e car+se Therefor related to Lender's
<br />int`:rrSt in tt~ Prey. .
<br />~. C 'Mite prcaceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct ar consequential, in connection with any
<br />aatrdetitnatian ar ~3 taking of thr Prnprrty. ur parr therersf. ar for canveyaner in lieu of condtmnafion, are herehY ass#gtttd
<br />artd shall ist p~td to Ctr2der,
<br />in the event of a Rotal taking of the Pmpeftr, the pracmis cha41 ht applied to the cams ~cuted !ay this Mortgage.
<br />wsth lice cx~-tss, if any, paid to Borrower. to the evtnd of a partial taking of thr Property, rtniess Borrower and Y,entfsr
<br />athtrrwist agree in witting. titrre shalt tae applied to the sums secured by this *Anrtgage such ptnpartirnt of the praretds
<br />as is equal to that prapnrtion which the amount of the sums ,retired hr shin 4lortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking hears to ttte fair maricsz vahtr of the Pmlxrty immediate,}• pros to the date of taking, with the halanrr of the praceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />Ef t€te Praptrn+ is abarsdoaed F. ;,,,rawer. nr if. after notice by IAndrr to Bnrrnwar that thr cnndM6rtat affets to tnmice
<br />art award ar sttttx a claim for 3ama~s, Bnrrnwtr faits tc, rrcpt,nd to ,:ender within 14 da}z after the dart such notice is
<br />mailed. i.rndtr is authnrired to cnliext and apply the psncetds. at l.endrr`s notion, either m rtstarariar. or repair at tix
<br />Property nr to the cams secured M' this Mortgage
<br />T;niess I_rnder and @ormwcr niherx:sr aster :n uritin{t. an=. uss:h appiiraunn ni prc,cecds to principal shaft oar ttitnd
<br />tx prxetpotte #hc dui date of the tttcanthiv irtstallmrrtx rrfrrred ter in ,,^.ararraphs t csnd ? htt'ecaf or chsnge the ama:mt of
<br />such tttstalltntatt+_
<br />t@. wcr i~ Relemaed. Fxtensr;an of the umr for payment gar mndifkatinn of amnrtizatian of the sumx Bleared
<br />by tilts }ulatrgaye granted i+v i.enater t, any succcssur in interest of Horrcrnvrr shall not operate to rclcase, in any trwnttrr.
<br />the lislstt#ty ttf the origtnat Bnrrnwer .end Tiz.rrawcr's successors in interctt. I,endtr shall not he required to commence
<br />itrtm:srdinga aeasnsf ssrtit stetcrssor r,r re2use 2n extend trmt feet pavmem err otherwise modify amortizaticxr of the sums
<br />._.....~a ti.. +t,. u.,..,,~, k., ,~ :,a , rtt'n,a.,.t rrr_a.. h,,' thr ter#einal Burcowcr and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />~,.,,•fiIf.MFe>.rt~ce MS' Leader filet m Wtdver. ~4nv fnrhearana c by ! nder in rxrrcisin¢ anv right nr rcrnedy hemtndtr, nr
<br />+tth!s'rsrisr sRordrxl 1r• appitahk law shalt not he s waivrr of nr prtciude thr exercise of anv such right or remedy.
<br />'l'he pracurcwtm of #ttsuranrc tx the psymcnt of taxes or other Eicns or charges by I.rnder sha11 not tar a waivrr of t=ender's
<br />right t'n acYritratr tire matuttity of the +ndehtedrncs ,ecitred tsy this ifnftgagc.
<br />i'.3. ~ Cie. Aii reme+he tarostded iu zhrs \tungage are distirtrt :rod ~tamulat#vc to am• other right or
<br />rtrritrlyr ur~r 2hix'~ortgagt nr aiftardcd hg [sew nr cgttitti-. and mac hr rsrrcrcrd ;nncurrenth•, intkpendcntly or successively.
<br />1''3. ~teetressarre ttw3 Etta T9auadR lour a~ ltvtr»d fiaaltilltp: Ca1HitMec. lilt" ~crvt:nant~ and agrremcnts herein
<br />utxttttitresl shall 1•nr:il, artd ing rights hcrt:-under staaiR inerrr tn. the rrspertrye sttcrrssurc artd assigns of (.coder and Bor rower.
<br />suft~rci £st t1Rr provisions of paragraph !' hereof. :1i) covenants and :#grremrats tat 13nrrt?wrr shalt tae inane and sevcra#.
<br />' capfianx and headings of the paragraphs t,E this Mnrigagc arc for cc+nvesurrrcr only .rod are nut to tat used to
<br />itaierpret nr dr41r tltc prrorsia~tts hoof.
<br />l~ i~iet~`t. Exccps fur a^=v t~tict rttiutrcd under appiicaia#c i;aw tr tar given in snat#rcr manner. !ai :any notice !n
<br />Harrower provided fur in this Mortgage shall tar given by merlins cuc"h Wooer by crmficd marl .tddressed t„ Borrower at
<br />the Praspcttp .4ddress ar at such :xhtr addre..c as Burrower ma} tirstan.ue by notice trt # cnc#er :rs prz~idcd herein, noel
<br />tia) any rtatict in i_cnder shah tae grvera hs ecrttllttl marl.. tenor raxcirit rryuestcal. '. a+ I tnrinr', address stated herein ur fo
<br />stilt i3rraer ataar~ss a'i a.ertsrcr coat" trt-~t~n;atc n n..it42 to ;~,r; ,;:ter :as aara=~c# trer~s;a s '. ,-. ^r:~=t=' f=.*r ... 2tti~
<br />..~ . ., ~zn ~y=.~~ .. c~ t. ,,.l.,r tii,f*t_t+ teat' tn~trr~r .iesiaxa~tetl ittrein.
<br />~s;~. d `Eva;:.~ .,.. „ ".~: '_ _ ~ -- - -.-[ ~ > ..,gin - _
<br />#$. f~t~a ; €ravarrat Cavrt Srett7tPS. Thy-, farm rt mortgage ~umlaines tsntfarm asvenants for national
<br />use: agd man-uniform covenants with iinaitct! varsattons by fur+sa#rctu,n !u ;nnttiuue a urrifarm ce,:rrrts- insitument e.verintt
<br />' prr;tq. 6'i~ '-~';>rt~`i ~.sa41 1'~ ;; ~,.n.~# h:' ,hs „sv ~2 t!'r ;.rya. t~ ., Wit,-'-- -. t'r±.ptr2. rxairrr. to lire
<br />~.,yttt ea-,m- __ ei°. he" N- zfi~F ,r tkr sla ie " i r.tIi~t, ~-4'ain nap !; tone tae , eaten 4 _ ma-4 oar - -
<br />oikr`ttl;'~r pr,rv lsrzein itf s ~iirri~agc ~•. rhf =.rt~ .vt, .:~ ..dn ix .~e.t ~irh;~a.. she :.tti~. ,r,nr , .. .su ,tit;
<br />_~ i =a.
<br />.~ - ___. ~. - ..~1asn~j ,..b: - r -...~..at rHr, ~t ~ a. the trtTe
<br />i c aensr~r _ }.,mss. .o'::=..... ..~`...#5 ... .... ,. '~.-. .. ~ ~ - - • - -_ ..
<br />of etaritation ar a#trr rriatdatsnn hrraaf.
<br />itT. Ttraaafcr ~ t~€ ~t ~ttitsa_ 12 alt or soy !=art of the Pn+prrty nr an mtrrest thtretn is Bald ue iramferrrd
<br />by Harrower wuhotN [,ttadrr'e pear w~riurn tonsent, rse#nding tai the creatiana of a iitn or enarmbratxe sutuxdinatt to
<br />ibex S~nrtgagt. till the creataan of a nurch;a e contort srzurity ~nrtrest Ter household appliances, tcl a transfer by devise.
<br />descent s'; ity upeeaiion of tow upon tint cieatts of :a ;Win: eenant .ar t:#t the grant of soy irasehald inten~st of 2hrcr years or tesc
<br />,tat r:ontaining an ;aptian tar purchus:t, t.endcr rn;av. at t=ender's option. dec#are all the sums srcitred by this !+tortgagc 20 lsc
<br />immedtatrly due and pupablt- Cruder stint[ has°r aaavr'd such upuun tt: au:r#erate if. preav to the ,alt or transfer. I.enafer
<br />anal the pet5s'iti to Kitom tF'te Pra}certq i> tea tae .ai:# ur teansir,rred tenth agrexttsent in sertting that the credit of such petann
<br />is satisfact~y tc i_rmlrr and that the tot€r-rst Etta}.rb6k tin then =urns +e#=acrd hF this 4tvstgage sha!1 he at such rats .u f..crtdrr
<br />shah teya~sr, If Ctttdtr has tvaivral the oiMion rt, acc:rierast provided in this paragraph 17. and if Bamowrr`s suurssor in
<br />inlttrst has r>trcuttd a wriftrn asattmp2rort agreement acLCpted in xriung by T enritr. I envier shall relines Hnrrnwcr from ail
<br />a4llagaiiotts under this Martgafit and the ~totr.
<br />1f Lxr ~~r::ises tu~;h opt;i>u du xzcrlsrate_ lauvser =hail coati Least<ax~cr uuU4ti of ac;eterahon m accordance with
<br />i#ataa=a t4 h yes=f. asuvh rata;c sh-IIEi pruvsdA :: pea;~i ..f r:a,: to=;a rt,a„ ;t1 ,~a>=s {rt,*?r ,ter s!aie the ncati~t is maitt;d within
<br />w#tictt2 filntrvwrr t~v }say ihs loins dra:IasCt# due. if Bc?rru.se- ia:tc ,>> pas such Burns pritrr to rite ctpiraticn ,}f sur;tr period,
<br />L,~IY$CE ta.Ay. withswt further nLKict at demand oa Harrower. ~ncoke and renredies permuted by paragraph lif hereof.
<br />hlnY.E fa,stlt~u l~'i1Y4+6u aftTr:~ ~Sre~'awar an.~ t~Tjt[tPr fu[ftiPr tl4:2 rtarat :anti adrt~ AS to#li)wi:
<br />x+g. a~ r.t*c t~ ~~C='i~. ~ °ps.~ ~ ~:~r~ .t ~'~.:;'.sr, .:g.'°,. ~t~,vs''z ~c~h of fir t~9rmt gr_
<br />ilnarer ~ ~Na , iachtdi~ tt~ roreteaaeca to per w~ doe sot tnt~v srcurtd by tell vlitFritilge,
<br />:.~ ~' #f a sfta8 m8~ nstfilre tea ~nritisver prrt+idtd far l~r#tit 14 hereof specifyi~: ifi1 the l~echs
<br />l:EfI~ME ~ to cut!, stxcA-htench; l~- a t9ace, net it~t than ih tfays frets the deie the twNee is ro2tiltd to Btnroaver,
<br />rr'#~dlt.amtr! Alttltlt taatt Be eta tad l~l t9iN EaBare to can sttc6 Leash era ~ belsuc the date speciNed is the ttetitr
<br />e+ts nt -etra~ by tail !-f~, t~clutstve hr judlccal t3rusmg tad sale of the Pruperfy',
<br />:ratrzr i :>o~taa~t: a€ :q :t;, ~r , r<essa~:. tt~ r~.,,i~+ to art =a t fr
<br />ta0e of # t4~s(tttd! er tint slim defettte of Irwrotrer to mr+ekrntloa tad fores'kts~. 1fi the brras~lt
<br />111 i~t ~reseatl as u+ tits t ttiSad is tltc tt~kc, lxwtSer ~ fixadet°s agt3ea rturr d¢chrc eN sxf the sit srcuted ht
<br />~ $a, dtax a~ ~gm!~t sr6tkaut fmt4~r ~eeats,d 3sd ~~ iteresht~ hp ~aidiciai prect,rdL~. laritder
<br />be ~ ~ ht staff ~ a~ raepetss~ n# f~ttrHatarr, i'1, hui Wax lirnuted ten cus~ts of dacatwrtxtary
<br />.v. ...~~ = ~,, ~ F~ --~-~, !v .a -ahxas.oi3:r.n t rrxtct - .i.t'iea~ttt? ut tt~ sirtn4 secured by tilts Tviartg,di?c.
<br />.~ _.-_. ~. ~. - -,e,,,~ a,~a„,~ x, t- _e~~ +._ _..2 x- - ta, 4#ti ~ e#LSi mar,fl.tts'd xt ins #inaf
<br />