~' °.J ~"~
<br />
<br />s~[s~: s~ :.s~~i i Iiss"'i'~dta'M~..iw'€' s~C'°icia A ?~3't`€ virilGii Cf`it`~t"€,eirlB
<br />Js ftt~ 4t;~.~lti#'~ Cll.#~~'~: f!~ 3'I~Iu I.r~~'E~~T ~AT~. IPi=
<br />fN Ttif t4~~'t;i,~~+3~` ~# ~tLL i:l.i 13tl #ift$I±:1R PAYI111EAtTkS,
<br />. (Ig T t~~' Hi,+i WlLI, tit.'T BAi L€;t !'AYI":NTS.
<br />'I~s itis#er is rrtadt this .. ,~ ... day of ,~7overnbs~r• • _ . • • , .. , t4 8.7, . , ,and is inimrporated titto and shill
<br />to a~ suppletrleat the Mortgage, .Det~l of Trust, or I?eed to lure I3ebt {the "~cirrtty IIISttu-
<br />tt"} of cite saute ven by az~ undersigned {tlte `° 13arrower") to secure Bottower's Note to ..T~ ..g 3•rgt - .
<br />ata+Jrtal Haxca~ Grand Island,-.Granci_-Isl~rd, Nebraska-......
<br />{tl°,e "I.:,; a€ the sascE~ date {the "Note") alatt covering the property described in the Securtty Itsstraesettt and
<br />los~ateil ~ .13~ttte . S.. t3t:x..2 L",. , ..Grand . Is land, . ~l~hraska ...6 88 J l ........................ .
<br />Praperry .tdr~rr
<br />[n aa~litirus to the caE•enartts and agreements mtute iII the '.'security Instrument, Borrower aIId
<br />l.etatl~ ftsrtlus coveIIant and agr~ as follows:
<br />A. titt'I'1' ~.+-Y~ AA1D IMtH3MTEdi.Y ''~A1CIttelT CIiANG 2L4
<br />~ Nate has aII "Ittitirit Intaf ~.::cate" of ..1 i . ~. The Nnte interest rate may tie increased ar det:ressed aII the
<br />. ~S.t day of the IItanth beginning qII ... ~Z`.-h .......... 19.[3 A .. and orn that day of tt~ irtanth every
<br />. lf'... rtes tt~rcafter.
<br />in tl~ irttertat rate are gaYesstid by t:hattges in an interest rate index called the "index". The It>dat is the:
<br />tCtsa+t ar 8ae re as~rrw tad~r-t
<br />{Ij i• "Contrail 6tIIertst Bue, Purchase of Fsrcviously Occupied Flomes, National Avtta{{e far all Major
<br />Types nt ts" plablutxd by t~ Pancras Flame l.uan Bank Bciard.
<br />i2# • .... i;ai,ted .:,iase~ `i.reasurv -s©cuzities..-• . 3 -Yeas .. . .....................
<br />tt~inr~+~w Era.[ re nRdiiylly wA•t$e~s rMrr r3 acre rn•xuiw,n (umt cur chnwa!es rn rht rmrrtsr rare on cork t lwn~r 1]N[: 4jno bnz u rJr~nted tAir~e will
<br />Sir ilea +®i6Ki11Wlt t6iwt cw reaps. t
<br />{!> ± ~ Tt~re is isn ntax)nrurn litttit aA changes is ttte interest rate ai any ChangC Date.
<br />{23 ~ Tl~ iatere~ rate ~rtnnt pie changed by more chart trW~.. percmigge paints at any Change Date.
<br />Ifthe intetlss ratechasng~es, the arnaunt of Batttawer's monthly payments will change as provided in the Nate. In-
<br />~ ire the iIIterest rate wilt result in higher payrxiettts. t3ecreases in the intttest rate will result in lower payments.
<br />IIi. H~ASK Cl~e#i~GtR.S
<br />tt could Fie that the loan ~.r:ured by the `"security irtstrument is subject to a t$w which sets maxsmum loan charges
<br />netts that law is intetp:eted so that the interest qtr uttrer tarn charms collected ar to be rotkctM in connection with tht
<br />tort waeld e>ttxeti pezmittetl timitr, tf this is the case, [hers: {A}any such 4natr charge steal! be redtscYd'ay the smoue:t
<br />ttis,rrssary to rednca the ctrarge to the permitted lima; and {H3 any sums already collected Cram Borrower which exceed-
<br />ad ptxaritud litttits will ice refunded to l3arrawer. l.crxier may choose to make this refund by reducing the pritscipad
<br />ass~d under the Nate or ky inakittg a dirrY payment to t3attawrr.
<br />4. ~ EBB >
<br />If I.ter i~ttcrrrtirres brat alI nr arty part ,~i the sums secured try this ~ecurity imtrtlrnent are suhjax to a tin
<br />whit tt~ priority this S~urity tttstrualent, Leni#ts +nay send Bnrrawcr s tsati~ ideti€i€yiIIg that #ien. I;,~rrciwa•
<br />tv`aly wuti rtr# str the til=es as prrrvitt in paragtap* ~ of tlx Mecaarity t€'irutr3r&t ar pasaptly
<br />~'_Ye-~'-_ -_ .~ '~ r £=~"-.i$. ~tia€!.~~--sn_fa- ty €,yrkiss y:rl~,.r'fn~fia~ riimsr i=nn ,v acs -~ Wiz,,. 9~z~z.
<br />If rttere is a trantif~a of the 'r''ratrerty sui?jeet to paragraph l , tsf the Security IIIStrumertt, Lim ttlag rewire {I
<br />ein i:R tecasrc taira'c,ri iaiatC ir,tc>ICst rutC, i3`r {s',j ar'i tfiGrCai3t tit {ar rCZ'ritival u$~ the iirIIit can the allivilrlt Of ally atu 4n-
<br />tare~ rme, {if therm is al limits, nr i3) a change in the clone Imdex figure, ar all of these, acs a contlit~t of I.'s
<br />vratvrt~ the ttttttma to atC provickd tII paragraph 17.
<br />SY tl~, Btrrruwei agrs~S to all of the abate.
<br />- J
<br />try a ?:. t.pa ~ t+arc~n~ M. ~ipal ~ _
<br />~" _..
<br />r
<br />_. _
<br />.` -
<br />ra~~ ~' a.roh~st i~~ir~fa tf. Eckert _
<br />_ k` ,.. ,
<br />~,4..
<br />- z i A~xM!Ittikler aYft•Ne,P iY sWkiadi nr. it ~:r r~ t~ eysta~ks~, and (der std ~s+Fnw ~ !u~t *?tAtr.r~e ~~ m a're= 3 ~11e l~ few ramie! ~X ,r~p,_•-
<br />Wit,-tom ttrt *atta~tt~t
<br />