~~ e
<br />r~'_n~n~ ~.~nerrtx. Borrawa!ir !Hind Lemier d,t.ret^,a~~iruo at,~! a~~ee as txi?n+w~s~ ~, ""~~,~ ~ ~ t.:f
<br />g, ~~ ; '~r~t l~rravwer s~htrPi prc+~m~,ptfp~ parr a~hcn r,9lrie time ptencripmd o€ find iris~~ereritt an tine
<br />ie43rtss tvidenetc# by the !tilers, pttp~yment and ?ale eharg>t, as prc-=.dtd in t„e Nvfe. and *.ite pnncipa# of a:x} intet'es*.
<br />~t ~;* ~t~,:;~ Adv~s t by tolls *fartgt:ge.
<br />Z, [~ 7~rs g~ - J'ttbjmt is app#icabte taw nr to a written waiver by #~rrdtr. Harrower ha## pay
<br />tv iertder os the+~y t-~+=r!ih.t ir~'a#itsrents of prir~ipa? and iatete?t are payable under the Nate, umil the Nute is paid ir. fu61.
<br />a st3gt ffaare}n "Fut~"l egtta# to trot-twtifttt of the ysa~y taxes andassessatsents which may attain priority over this
<br />Vie- arui gratutd rertra an the Property, if sn}°, phis ;,Her-twelfth c+f yearly premium installments for harerd instmarsee.
<br />p}t~ ape tweTft#a ~ }ear#y premium instal#tttcrtfs Far mortgage insurartcc. if any, ail as reasana#riy est!mated initial#y and from
<br />tirt~ tp EilY1e fry I.ettder on fiat basin fi, assessments and bins and rtasonab?e estimates thetevf.
<br />'F!E~ >c;tn~ p be bald in an institution the dtpc*itc or a.~st.urtts c*f which are insvt~ or guaranteed h}' a Federal or
<br />stare agency finchidina i.ender if Lender is such an insritutianl 1 ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments,
<br />i ~~ ptemiun~ and ground rants. #.ettder may Hat charge for u+ balding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />of verifying:,°ttf cartt}h}ing sa#d ass~scmentz and hit?s. uniecs #.rndet pays Barrrnacr ineerest i,n the Funds and applicat+lt law
<br />permits Lender to make such a eitargt Borrower and #xnder ntav gees in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest an the Funds shall ?+e paid m Bt,rravrer. and un?ess such agreemem is made or applicable law
<br />rrt}uifa~ srsch irsrzrtst to bt: pasd, Lender shah not ire required to pay Borrower :inv interest ar earnings on the Funds. #xnder
<br />sha## give m Barrvwer. s~€htntt charge, an annual a~c~umesng t.t :Pte f=unds shawrng credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />pstrpose fof which tsctt detsit to the Funds was made. The #~unds art pieciged as additional securitg for the sums stxured
<br />by this !sfortgt~.
<br />ff the atrtouat of the Funds held by Lender, together =vith the future momhiv instalments of Funds payable prior to
<br />t#tt ~ dates of fazes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the atrtount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asse~ttents, tttsuratace premiums atu# gtoursd rents as they tall due. such cztcsz ,ha#? be. at Barrower's option, either
<br />~m{H#y rtspaid. to Borroter or credited to Burrower on momhiy installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />b9 f.r dp}} ttpt tx sitfFtcatxttt to pay taxes. assessments, insurance premmms and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />~Srra;rrer sha!# pay to #.efsd_r any amatmt atiess;rrt to make uo the deficient}' wuhin i0 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by i.ender to Bmrtawsr rtgtsesting }~ymettt thereat.
<br />llpan payment in full of a#t sutrzs secured h}• this kortgage, fender shall promptly refund tv Bormw•er any Funds
<br />httd by t.eader. tf under paragraph I~ hereof the Property ~. ,utd to the Yropertt is utherwsse acquired by }.ender. Lender
<br />s#sa## apply, no latt:r [}last ittamediaftl<• prtvr to the .ale of the Property or ns acymsmon t+y Lender, any Funds held by
<br />I.a9~r at ttte time a( app}icas~t as a credit against the sums secured M' rhea ~turtgage.
<br />x as a ~ t_;n1.54 annticahte law orovrdes otherwise. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />... :~,~. a_ ....
<br />l+ipte nerd paragraphs i ate Z ittreaf strati bt app#ted :ty I.cnder first in payment of amounts payable to Lender 6y Borrower
<br />uog3oer paragraph ~ tteteof, than to interest payah#e on the tiute. then to the principal of ttte Note, and then to interest and
<br />pnsacapai on anp Future Advances.
<br />~ t Bnrrawer shaft pay nit taxes, assesvmcats .ind c+thrr charges. firtes and imptasrtrans attributable to
<br />the vvhicft trap attain a pnvtify' over than 4iungage. and ieasthald payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />pt+nwitied trader paragraph 2 hereof or, !f Hat paid in such manner, by Bvrrawct making payment, whwt due. directly to the
<br />pity~re tircrrnf. Barrpwer s3ta#1 pratisgtly furnish to ireFic#tr a?i nateces of amounts due tinder this paragraph. asxl in the event
<br />$txrt+as€rr shat! make payment drr«:t?y.. Bott'uwer ;hat! prumpUY' funrrsh tv Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />rawer shall prvatpt#y discharprc an> lien which ha= prrortty aver shrs Mvrtgagr: provided. that Borrower +hait Hat be
<br />resiwrsd tp dixs:hargt any such !ten .v lung as Borrower ;hall agree in writing to the payment of the obligauun secured by
<br />st>i6it }iwt in 3 mastaer a+xeptab#t to t.ertder, ur siszli tit Ktxxf troth contest stw:h lien b}`. or defend cntnrcement ut such Tien in,
<br />gat p~sr~t#ings vr'#ttch agate to prevent the enfrerctment of the Irert fir farteiture of the t'rupcrty or any part !hereof.
<br />S. llararA att. Bprrawrr ;hall keep the emprovemrnts now eeisting ur ix;rraiter stetted un the Property tnurred
<br />agaittat tp3s by @re, ha:srds it:s#aded within the term "extended v++vcragt", anal sut:h other hazards as t.endrr may reyuirt
<br />?~ iR sfxh a[nOnnit and fur such pcrrcrds as LernkF may requim. provided, that Linder ,toll{ not require that the amount of
<br />sUCh C~a4*era~2 eFfgCd that atavttr~i <.S c:ut'_FagQ r2giitred tee p-a} etK ~l+rtr, iel'uied #+Y t r!5 ~tattr'axe.
<br />• f", r~it5t'int,'8 +:itrTi~E gra7'S r•p, .~' :taat:r=~rt~ : n- sr 1- -: c~Ft {g ~ •%'.-i.: :. t'r -• :r' =mix-`}••''! by 1-~nrrler~ ~ravidCd.
<br />t;~t tat€. .Lrraval shat neat bt unt....sisnabt} wi!frheid. .1t? pr><msunu ~u insurance pulrw-s ~ha## 6e paid let the manner
<br />-~:t a +:~er _r~rg~ r ?;;gut ~_:::t tss_d >assl !n wtih rttanner, t,}' Aorrowcr making payrttKnt. when dare. dit~tiy tv the
<br />.--_
<br />~~~ ~,ron~..,~.~r~-,~ ~~3 ~~~«~ _ - y. ~, ~z -. - n- t •!•t.t_t ' =it :.nail in4tLiltC 3 --.r.trrciarii murrgag_
<br />^te...e is favor of rem} m firrnt ac€epiahtc to #..cnsitt. s srtetert cart ha•c n right t is `ti pLri.~se= a ,, ~,+-si- therece±.
<br />HaRi >~p-tiY~tr af'ra##-~i1'crm}ri#i' iur~rair i~, Lcuw<: ai.:~~:'•~g: ^f - -~ ~a.a ~-ii a ~~}:- - ~ ~ a -: °e•
<br />~4 Ytlt^ >,tt€!ts ge't's ~t~ti1?pi iiit'e t<s trs~ :rss~arr=c _~s:ssr esr3 ..._ ~.. .....°...4. _ -.- -,._~ ~ _,... -. __- _° ___ --.___ - -_ -
<br />tl7 ~rrrOlWar.
<br />t1n#t~ii Cruder attd I~trrowtt otherl€ise agrt:e to wruing, insurance ptu.:ec-+is sttali he app#ied to resturativn ter repair of
<br />t#t:c zrty t~ntagetf, ptavtd~d such r€storatran or ecpati as econtrtnp:ally fcasabfe ;rod ttte security of this Martgage !s
<br />opt t#ty itttpaircd, t[ sstr:h restoration ar repair is lust cwnormcaily frasib{e ur it the secunty of this Mortgage would
<br />#~ ittaitir~f, t#Mt i~sc!r'~z pr€tE+;tirfs strait be applied to the aortic srxurest b} taus Mvtlgage, wnh the excess, if ant. peed
<br />tp ~rrpsver. It the PrVptrtg is abatsdvrttd h} Bo!t.rwcr, t,r it Borrower to+ts to respond to Lender wuhin 3U daps tram the
<br />dale Halite is maattx# by Le:edet to AarrVw'er that !?te ituuraauc carrier afters to settle a claim fat msurarn:e benefits, Lender
<br />rt; atrihptix~,f to Batt attd apply t#be utsutattcc prcxrs.ds at Cruder-. option c:ithcr to r€btarauan of rc~ir et the Praperty
<br />ur tx3 ~ st>#us s~urtd by lt1aS Mattgygt.
<br />t ~t~. i_„nex~e_r and $e_trraati er uthtrwrsr; agrcY m Kriting. ant such ap};elicasian ref prix:<w:ds to principa! shall Hat extersd
<br />yr pa'+stpvpe the due daft ut the morsthiy installments rr#ernd to in paragraphs I urtd ~ hcrtvf or Change the aiu.runt of
<br />catch tttt.Srttfitents. If under gstraigraph t8 fterauE the Pruptrt} is acyuirexl hY Ltndrr, nit right, tole and interest let Hcirrt+wer
<br />itt ass$'ru any e~ttt p~i:.i;~ alai in att;# tr; t#:=o ,~rcr~~±s t#~'te~i resulting Crum datuage to the PcVpcrty poor to the +ale
<br />~aitsib~xr tttatt to Ltud:t u* tits silent of tft£ aunts sccurel ht th:s 3#ortgvge taF!tttdiatri} prsur iu ,ugh sole of
<br />~• t'~ P Red ~init ih1't{@p~CAtF BvrFUweF
<br />~. 1Rag~rrat#0tt teas ~ r+t Property, i.tasekdtb: t'vt>dnwst Dias
<br />r~al# ks~t the E'rppdty ifi gu,>ad repair :uui shaft naa commit witstc ut roll itrt element ar dtttriaratiarr of the Property
<br />$ }} €-~ W iIt .hi pea t#S(>St5 Li any Ie rr errs it. +fts~c is -~c' - ~ersFrtt u. i i r , a -a~=g - _ = t - '
<br />Rnss;=-~= - ~ s~ as dais v9 .~i~ ,iau.~tf,>r,_nr.n~ itprrouer wsa:. nGrf(rrni all 7t BtstFUwcr s+cntngatt:3na ue+dei tttC 9_ '- ~ •, .-
<br />ug caetTr t:rtati~ yr guvgtttutg the t+trts#amintum =s pkannu3 rind drwaiipment. t#u: by ?aws .t=tt# regulatiam t i' t#tr
<br />€ctssi~-vr,t. ~r }g'`*z.`,.,.~t unit s=~.,unt, at~t i- rwir~=rt +-ka:urtu:t;ts It a ,:vt t~€3tutnrun of {.ianneci to*it ~srve?t:{•m~;tt
<br />rider is zx~uttd b}r Bprrnxter atv3 r+:cc:prded tvget#€er v.atb ihta Mzxt~s, eft,: ,ovenarus attd agx.ertu:ttts of su~l} rider
<br />Itha## #re inCrrni'QulatCd saty and 5}pi~t artteetd atw' supp#s:mcnt fix covenxms and agFC~.ntr:nis at this Martgage as i[ tttc rider
<br />:rzi'd a peel iett>.
<br />~, ~; arq ir'r, ttss~, tf 1lvrntw•er let#s to perform the cavtnants ants agseementi Contained an t?trs
<br />~• ~, if Miry aa~asr to proctxdittg is cvttstxuPme;# wtsa~;h ntateria#}} aff>:..ts #.efxftx°s ntttteat in tfit Pruport}.
<br />- hilt rss>w. taantfrr+$ taF, Futatrsertt drtAtain, insatvettr.y, c;_~ rnfores.ntrttt, ar artangentents car pttxs:edings rnvo?ving a
<br />c# nit., rhea [.+ it #.a:nder's option, upon txtlict to f#trrawtr, nta}' make such appcaranres, die}rursc su[h
<br />e;.€~i ?x:.#er`s ;r:ter~t, srn:?u=fit a bt~t not ?inured eta. desbutscmcnt .:t
<br />t4 atlti f~ 9 aEYi[Ftt i~ ii rees;rG-~a ? tv pr .
<br />at€erviay's frets a tattry ttRvt` the Ptztperty to rnak~ repairs. it #.rndtr• rcyt:zted tr:u=tgagc insurance as .t
<br />- - -
<br />etirTa axf ~ th€ #artn sgsut~# by f#tt8- Alortgt, ~trtawer (hill [>at SRe pt'rmiuma rcgutrcii ri si~sc - ='ur•'P+
<br />iR5~i0c~twf Be~i'~t u°.#Ft -*_:~ria tit~Y a3 Iitc rpguir~srvz}t }tar e~u~F, trsurittct eci't.s,ortes n ::::'=errant: attn ncsrrc.a-r = :st==
<br />