<br />3. Tbc mortgagor cotztata ~tid agra~+-that it ire aftail fail to pay said indeitsedtx~us or atxc pare thereof wltauis
<br />d sr mall fail to parfornt amp tav~ex€n± or a~rc~~-±+t of t!>ds ~~vinent or zh~ prosniasorc noaP cured lierthy, the
<br />+~ inric~etltzeas ire seertred Mali itttmediatei}oatoatte due. payable, sad colleezilrle witltotxz notice, aE zhe
<br />of the taortt agae or assigns, regardless of maturity, and the mort}gattee or izia aaexgns neav before or after entxs'
<br />sell ata peop~rtp c~ithas;tt apprteir~inea9 t the maarear havitt~ waived and ze~ianr~d to :Err niortse a3i rights of
<br />r a $:
<br />t t j at ixtdiciaf oak }iurauatiz to the }>rovisioas of ~ ti.S f ~. 2ftitl ~ a t : +ar
<br />(at) as ~f}~ of th-e mortg,e, eitlter by auction or by solieitatiean of s:saled bids, for ibe hialttat and
<br />best ~ comgriyiag with the tertus of Bala and manzter of payment specified in the published notice of sale. first
<br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, ternxs, and plaer of sorb sale, by advertisement not lee,. than once
<br />d easfi xaf std fora wrecks to a nevrapaper pialiliahed or distributed ip the eouatp in w3tich said pmpetty
<br />is ~uated, all ofber tmtice being hereby waived by the mortgagor Land acid mortgagee. or any Perron oa
<br />iuhalt of said-mortgage, may bid with the unpaid indabtednear evidenced by said nom. Said sale shall be
<br />held at or o® the pmperts to be sold or at the Federal, county, ar city awurthousa for t:te couuty in which the
<br />i.~ $. The mortgagee it thereby authorised to execute for aacl oa behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />tlt. t it at such sale s au~ieat conveyance of said property, which eoaveyaace shall c~taia
<br />. as fo t~s `hapgeaittg of the de>€ault upon which the ezecutian of the power of sale herein granted
<br />s$t"3tay and flue sod smrtgagor hereby cotaNitat~ and appotata the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the
<br />. the a}{aatt and attorney is tact of said mortgagor to mdu sash r~itsla -and w eacoate said
<br />txevs,pat~ ttwd hetebvr covenants sad ageea that the rncitab ro made shall ba effectual to bar all egaiiy or
<br />riglif of redemgtitm, homestead, dower, and aiI ether exemptions of thr mrutytr}eor, all of which arc herch+
<br />y waivarrl sad conveyed to the mortgagee: or
<br />girth 1~te sap o apyrrupriate ardioaa Itutsxxatit to state or 1''edera! statute either iii state ~.rr t'erlani
<br />cwttrt' ar ni~nriwr for the d~poaititnt of the property.
<br />Its the erraamt of a amts as hemmiabefare provided, the taottgttgor or any penwnr is poaaearioes under the inort-
<br />gagor shall that[ beetttae and bs taauats hoidittg ovrr and shall forthwith ~ieliwrr possession to tl:e purchaser at
<br />such aa~ or bit .nmmarily diapeaerassd, in aecordrutce with the provisions of law aypficahle tsx tenants hohlinK over.
<br />3'be power a>id agaastr hereby grraated rye +~oupled with ra interest sad are irrov.scabte by drath or oihrrvvise, uod
<br />a,-e aattd ~ eat .,va to tt;a rem~f#~ icrr ,-o6fecticcn .rf eaiA indebie=lr+~ pravideai by tae:.
<br />~ 'I';~ pr~da ct say :a'a .nf said praprx:p is at~ordatsc~ Tits ;be prercdiag pa :gsapha shall 6a applied brat
<br />w par the sorts apd of said wk. tba aaptatsw iaenrred by the mortgagee for ehc purpose of pmtectittg or main•
<br />ieittiag t•ty. ~ i~aags~le aftorttetr` itEa; ae~xrndly, io pat' tiro inrrbtr~eirssuerure!i hr-r+r»r: and ttireiiy,
<br />zo paf ~p aarrptxQ ai ~-__~ to xne peraau or perssss z~atsa zntrftra ttx~tc.
<br />~. la tha evert s~ >y ~ at a jug fesisra a= purstsast zo the pawar of sale hereiaalsove
<br />a~ "" .a tic i:'~ w`sz n. a+~ic~wt to tee: tm4 'smai aacx~~~ ->R+.-vic - nis r.n+.:t~:~:,t ,. 6..z,~,~,~..
<br />.,.;,i ..~.,~.. ,ta ~._,~e,.~....,;u t,_Y.;.t~a. -- ---- ----= r,.=,t•_ „r ,t:.•.tAc.. ::t,...e
<br />Q fn the corral the tortgagor irila to pay' asp Federab stairs, ur local ua asseaamcnt• iorome lax nr other tai
<br />litat. t~tugav fee, ae outer es.~reare r~argd against t#te p[apertp nhe nwrt{fts~ce is lxreby authwiise+l at his option to
<br />pap the osewr, any r~aso ao paid by the mortgage altatl be added to and becoase a port of the principal amount of the
<br />esidanead by said note, rtihpixt to the gismo terms asd conditions. If the mortgagor shalt pay and
<br />fly ° pry Icy aahl tmtr, sad shall pap such auau sad shall discharge al]
<br />raters atui f>iatss aced fie oasfd, faaxie raed ettpetsrsa of ~R. enforritag, artsf c:aratin; thir mortgage, then this tmirtRSage
<br />[ Its t~ttsaisaf std autteea.
<br />i= _ - Y!#aS3 tlt5 ~~tta ~3Y86~t$ nla~l xr5i{rY IU t (ve,}#'+_'tt~-C ~~41'•
<br />• .h ~la~tsarnr nasi, thtt siagttlar nwasbar shall iaEluds the phiral, the plural the
<br />~+~Ir~i#t4+rrs ri attt;t ~,!!. altalt k +~, t>
<br />- s, ~ ~ _- lY~iiT-W al fAB . . ~ . .. _
<br />- ~ nom= _ ortta aeeuteu ner$ay gnau at auf tttmr taerratter xis uelu
<br />to fee a'ixtta`~ths ar of the , ratsrred hetssby.
<br />- 9. 1L ~Iligtlt4, . tie h~,+tttY prove or purtiwt of this itastruatent invaihl err uuen-
<br />iaru~tia ~iall<A+d ~ atv~ itr of paaa flay cafvrtit of the wing }rrovit~oavr or paa#ions of this
<br />i~
<br />>~ 4~ 'xt _ifAt~t-'itti:rtr~llrs t~gts ptinrsatat ~s r#as r#s#ciw of Ibis a'bslf bu ad•
<br />'a`te=~'~'=~i€ ~,~4~ '<~. ~Fdtatfl2 ~~:;€+~, ~~~d Tai~aa. :t~3i`aakrs Fs8dCz1
<br />trai rrsfr rtrtitfrrr imeieis m be Tarred to the nvort>t:aftas shall
<br />~aat~5~tss tl~.n ~ F,f?, tSna 3~f33~ 4i(1[ ,_, i,u~3.~i7~ -.y A~~=. :~~~^~~ v? {?~3 t~A ft~
<br />Ertl 3=. a7'!!~'E ar ge'~-2#s
<br />