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1~~~~~ <br />~. °€irat should `ne rail ttt pay any sum or Keep any covenant provided for in this <br />irts~ge4 t3resr the I~SSrtgagee, at its option, stay Pay or perform the same, and ail <br />expe;aditr.~s so mr:de shall be added to the pri=rcipal s:.~ wing on the above note, shall <br />be secured hereby, and shat? bear interest at the rate set forth in the said nose, until <br />paid. <br />5, That ha' hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied <br />tcxaard the paymen*_ of the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the <br />;=erforsr~nce of any of the tersr?s and conditions of this t'Iortgage or the said note, all <br />the rents. revenues and income to be derived from the nArtgaged premises during such <br />tip as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the C~rtgagee shall have <br />Po€ver to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said <br />premises and of renting the same and collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it <br />sway pay out of said incomes all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary <br />tar.~rissior4s and expenses incurred in renting and managing the sartse and of collecting <br />rent.ais therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of <br />said mortgage indebtedness. <br />ti. That he #~it? keep the i~rproverrtents no>;r existing or hereafter erected on the <br />mortgaged property, insured as may be required from tissue to time by the Mortgagee <br />against loss by fire and other h::zards, casualties and contingencies in such amounts <br />and for such periods as may be required by the Mortgagee and will RaY Promptly, when due, <br />an_y premiums on such insurance provision for pay~ssent of which has not been made herein- <br />before. Ali insurance shall be carried in companies approved by the Mortgagee and the <br />Policies and renP:~ais thereof shall be held by the t+~srtgaaee and have atta:,hecl thereto <br />loss Payable clauses in fever of arrd in farm acceptable to the tortgagee. in event of <br />loss Mortgagor will give immediate notice by mail to the Mortgagee, who may make proof <br />of loss if neat made Promptly by tortgagor, and each insurance company concerned is <br />hereby authorized and directed to ma ace payment far such loss directly to the Mortgagee <br />!instead cf to tn.' Mortgagor and the Mort~s~.~;.lee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or <br />'any part thrxreaf, may be applied by the t~tartgagee at its option either to the reduction <br />of the indet;te~dn•~ss hereby secured or to the restoration or repair of the property <br />das~aged. In event of foreclosure of this mortgage ar ether transfer of title to the <br />mortgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, <br />title and interest of the "-ortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall <br />pass to the purci,aser or grantee. <br />F. ,r?at at additi?nal and collateral security for the paysr~ent of the note described, <br />~F'~ ±~ ~4:+R~ to Cre%uri~ uue Unuer tiii5 i~a)rtydge, the s'd3rtt~agt3r hereby assigns tt5 the <br />J"f r}a.^~~ all `}r.:3fi t5. revenues rte, 'ltte= r' ht5 and ben@$it <br />~a~~ P y~ ... •g s accruing to the <br />~- - <br />~~~~_:-a_. i;3 tug ~sr s~~r +itv ~~z s; ill U?1 asr~ ~~s le=?~s.~ r_n 4.~?!Q rz_re'm l4£~4 ~ir~ tn~ ri ~ht TEJ <br />9" L~ =£rQ ~'~t_?:3L Tfi :' _?5_e~ C_:13;? f}tf 3i#r#f t#s:: a FS €arn ]?3~ahffe #n9E€ 3i- s'?1~ -- 3~Fil~ <br />Cliefaui$ in the cundit~on5 ar this mPrtgage, anti the r~rtna9eeirssav demand .bsueufar and <br />r'L;C Live any s~uoeh ~~yme~n LS when due and oa_y ab lrF, buC shall not beT requi red so tip da. <br />Tl++a c'x~~`eg:rr;r~nt i~ tv t%rmi:rzite arru ~Et4rr31i; rfUl i arr(J v[7iii r7pe7n re)PdSe bf thls r~rtgage. <br />£l. Thal the Mortgagor will keep the buildin+is upon sail premises in good repair, <br />and neither co:?rrsit nor permit waste upon said land, nor suffer the said promises Lo be <br />used for any unlawful purpose. <br />q, That if the pre'.nises, or any part then°euf, be canderrsred under the Poser of <br />~min~nt min, or acquired fora Public use, the daisklges awarded, the proeeed5 for the <br />t$1~i 1}ta Of, K}r ChH cgnsideration for c~~rh are~rei~itiE',^ t^ ti:e ,,.ht@.^.t F t.., rl - <br />~, o. tr,c f;;, ar~uro,. <br />of indebt~lness upon this ~~artyage and the-mote which is given to secure remaining unpaid, <br />are hereby assigned by the Mvrtg.~yar to the Martiia+#~e, and shall be Maid forthwith to <br />sa#d irt~ t? e appl'le=~ by the :otter e:n account of the nett sr~tur inrg irstallnt <br />cif soh interiaress <br />The covenants herein Lorrtairre~i shall bind, and the br=nefits and a~iuarrtat~s <hail <br />n~t,}rr3 t~. the 2`~S~P~tive tire, e~~arErtr~=^c x~±~inistratars S ~'e~5a 3 ~.':~ a~;i ; of <br />gnu <br />~ parties ?rereto. i~taerrever used, the singular nram~er shall include the Piurai, the <br />plural th€~ singular. acrd the ~ of ar~Y g~-rider sixal i appl i~:atale to al l gears. <br />The fcaregoing conditions, all and singular, tarring perform ar:~urdi=;g to their <br />natural ~[4"~ l+'~l i±`fg t#riT .r„'r.~e~a;.~e `s:rvil be i~oid as:d ae'ld p4"iii isei r~le~a2~ ai thfc <br />ex:?enae of tfre ~rtgagcar, t~ther~rise tci be and remain in full ford and effect. <br />