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1 <br /> <br /> • <br />-- <br />_ <br />- -- __ _ <br />---- <br /> i <br />~ , <br />_„ September Zi, lrs8i <br />•,. o _ <br /> ( <br />~ <br /> Wayne C. Rieflin and Doris M. <br />' Rieflin, husband and wife; and Duane Rieflin and i,rada ':, <br /> Rieflin, husband and wife ~o `3V <br /> , <br /> <br />Hall _ <br />Nebraska <br /> of County, der=_t1^ <br />_.. ~,..~. <br />.,. ._ <br /> j the advance of the principal sum recited Sn the no*_e Derefnaf ter dasrr ib ed , rec eipt of which Ss sk,^owl3::ge.^., tierety <br /> mortgage and convey to <br />THE FEDERAL LAND. BANK OF OMAHA, a Corooration, <br />of Omaha, Dougias~ounty. Nebraska, whose address <br />is Farm Credit 8 lding, Omaha, Nebraska 88100, <br />Mortgagee (suDJ act to 011, gas, and mineral rights owned bS' parties other than Mortgagars; existing easements of <br />record: reservations Sn United States and State patents: and the rights of the public in awl highways), the fol~ow~ng- <br />deseribad real estate Sn Hall C~,u;ty Nebraska . <br />SEC. TkP. R8. <br />SF'ti (except that pelt thereof conveyed to Lloyd Yager, Jr. <br />~ ' '' Book 100, <br />and Virginia M. i,X,r, ~~~~~.~Sd~~.. n f <br />Page 188) ------------------------- 4 9N 9 W 6th?.M. <br />and the following-described real estate in Greeley County, I <br />Nebraska: <br />SE'ti - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 <br />All - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 ' <br />All - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 <br />SWr-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 ~ . <br />All in----------------------------18N 9 W6thP.M. <br />i <br />containing in all 1,750.3 acres, more or less, tc ge Cher .vl th all of the right, title, and 1r. retest <br />(now owned or hereaf tar acquired) of the Martgagars ir, said property, including all buildings, 1mpr0vemen ts, fix ~.rres, <br />br appurtenances thereon ar hereafter placed thereon: all water, lrrlgation, and drainage rights: the tenements] <br />heredi Cements, and appurtenances thereto and the rents, !sues, crops, snd profits arisln8 from said lands: and (L <br />the MartgagcrS~ rlgh is in the public domain are requf^ed by N,artgagee tar se~.rri ty purposes) ail leases, per*.ai ts, <br />licenses. cr privileges, appurtenant or non¢ppurtenar[t to acid more gaged premises, now or hereafter issued, ?xr.ended, <br />cr ..^enawed t0 the Mortgagors by thie tini tad States or the state i.~ wi;t eh the above-described proper ~r 1~ ~~~~~_~ .~. <br />auy dapar*_ment, Dllra9u, ar ag@ncy Uheraof. <br />This mortgage is given to secure a promissory note of even date herewl th, executed Dy Mortgagors t0 Mortgagee, L. <br />the principal sum of STX HUNDRi:D NINETY-SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NO/I00 - - ~oE.faSS. <br />pay epic with Sn tercet according to the terms ~_. safd no Le, the f±nar payment being due and payable on Lhe first :Say <br />of r i 12010 This conveyance shad De void upon. the payment of said promissory ^ate. <br />This mortgage Ss subJ act to the provisions of THE FARM C.4EDZT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental <br />thereta. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for the purposes spec111ed Sn the Mortgagors appli- <br />cation for said loan and authorized by said Act. <br />The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners of the mortgaged real property; that They j <br />will de tend the title against all claimants whomsoever, and tnac safd property is free from all encumbrances; *.hat <br />they will keep all the Smprovements, fixtures, and appurtenances occupied and in good repair and permit no acts of i <br />waste; and they will relinquish all rights of homestead Sn said premises, and covenant and agree with the Marrgagee, <br />as fellows: <br />(i) That they will pay when due all taxes, liens, Judgments, or assessments which may be lawfully assessed against <br />the property herein mortgaged. " <br />I <br />{21 That that' will Ensure and keep insured Du11d1ngs nr other Smprovements now on or wrilch may hereafter be placed <br />on sa±d premises t0 Lhe satisfaction of the Mortgagee, such insurance policy shall De endorsed with a mortgage clause <br />with the loss thereunder to De payable to the Mortgagee. Arty sums received may be used Lo pay for reconstruction <br />f Lhe destroyed Smprovements; or, it not so applied, may, st the option of the Mortgagee, be applied in payment of <br />any indebtedness, matured or unmetured, secured by this mortgage. <br />1 <br />(3) i'c7 pay ail renGS, fees, dF CI}argea' flow dna or to h2c mna :itie under t71e ter;it5 of each iea5e, permit, iic2ns8, or <br />privilege 0n the public domain which is appurtenant or norappurtenant Lo the mortgaged premises, which has been <br />issued, excended,or renereed by the t$lited States or the state in which the above-described property is located; snd <br />Go perform and observe every act, covenant, condition, an3 stlpulatlon necessary to keep each of the same in geod ' <br />stapdingi and to Lake every necessary step Lo secure the reissue, renewal, or extension of each of the same; and to <br />assign, waive-, pledge, or endorse to the Mortgagee each lease, permit, license, or privilege if Mortgagors rights I <br />in puDlle domain are required Dy Mortgagee for security purposes. ~ <br />(4) That fn the event the Mortgagee is a party to any litigation affecting the security or the lien of Sts mort- <br />gag~, including any suit by Ghe Mortgagee toforeclosa this mortgage or any suit in which the Mortgagee may be named <br />a party defendant in which it is obligated to protect Sts rights or lien, including condemnation and banla~uptcy <br />proceedings, Ghe Mortgagee may labor expenses and advance payment for abstract lees, attorney Leas (except to the <br />extent prohSDited by law), costs, expanses, and other charges. <br />{5) That in Lhe event the Mortgagors Ie11 to pay when due any taxes, liens, Judgments, ar assessments, or fall to <br />maintain insurance as horelnbefore provided, or fail to pay rents, fees, or charges under the terms o; art' Seale, <br />permit, license, or privilege; or Mortgagee is requfred to incur expenses for abstract fees, attorney fees, costs, <br />expanses, and other charges in connection with ii tigatlon, Mortgagee may make such payment or provide such insurance, <br />or incur such obiigatron, and the emounta paid chareior shall Deaome apart of Lhe Endahtedress secured 'Hereby cue <br />aiid payable lmmedl ately, and shall Dear interest from the date of payment at the same rate as nrovi dad for default <br />Sn the note. <br />