fiDM-M1iY11tYTMW fl(il~ElfAfiTS. $orroww aex# Liwatler fw2w cwanriK and agree as fogio+rs- ~ ~ `~ ~ { ! G ~ L7 l
<br />i7. Acpietsiisrt~ ~ 1)pon Borrower's brettpt d any oovertsnt trr a~ewreett of Harrower in Sias Mai~igaga,
<br />~'~ mVMtOwtft to pry-1[Mlett due arty staffs fepatl tYy title ftterigegr, Lander Priar'to auekarstiort atuttf malt noiica
<br />tetter+Otaer' ai:Pr~fesl!-'ia prryraph~ t e ttareaf s/eaeifykg: (i} the ibratteh; (i) tM sctkin"requirapi m curt[. such breach; f 3)
<br />• dsu rya tetstrw ptriMrt isr f2Y sslst-law both the dais dte nidee i! inetlsd to terrotter, W wMek euelt hasacM must b zvred; attd lei
<br />dMt lfl<et! io taMewtstf 4feaik or-or tssbre tftrdttb areaNisd N tM ttelWe [nay reset[ in asa/rraMan d tb cotta asnned by tNs
<br />tiEDryO~saM-atrotiMfi-#irpe~ty Itfkabra~is2tnE-ettra0aa or befotstlta-dose apaeMlaA kttM-i.etuMr sttaeAe/s oyYOn mM
<br />daslolras d ttteaetntrsentrad by thlr titi0t7~affrto ite titw attd papthN wNbut krdter dstttaad an6 mry Yotadaee dt4
<br />-br-)~v+F ~skelFbsatllfl.e a cabae in srdt txae•aMQ,ii wywtaas d }, k~eN+Ofrw, buc not
<br />Ostiis4 is ooMS d dswrnwlswY etAdMw ebsraas atw a6a rapoN atd reeasttaatt attwtrira isw permitsad by app0esMe brr.
<br />ti. t>;rrraaterh Rfdtt-b WknssM. -bhritltsfatdletg t.ender•s accelera:tan d trna stc..s sedated by this Mortgage,
<br />BO-fOeM aMHlrvstlte rlgM b-hrweanY Prxwditgs brptaTt by i~ttder ro enforce-this Merlgagt disewttiruud-at any t€me
<br />pt'iar s• entry d a /adgetrtt etttorcing Mb Morgage If: (a) BoP-ower pays Lander afi wets which srtat2ld be then due under
<br />tlNs ftMri)iage, dtelaeM-sttd twies setarring Paiute Advances, if any, teed no seuferation occurred; (b) Borrower tares ail
<br />breedeia d aaty aiMr tavertsrtts or agreements d Borrower contained in this Mortgage; ic) Borrower pays ail- retenabie ax-
<br />peMrs irtmtrred yy tender in enforcing the covenartb and agreements of Borrower cotttalrt~ in this Mtxrtpge and in enforcing
<br />tastdar°e reattsWes a provided in paragraph 7 T hereof, ittctu!srtg, but not limited ta, resaonWiaat[orney's fees; and (d) 8arrtnver
<br />take stilt atfian ee tender ary raeeenabty require to assure tMt the lien of this Mortgage, t.tneder's interest in the Property
<br />and eerrwsw's obl{gNket b pay the suns severed by this Mortgage shalt continue unimpaired. Upon such paytaant and cure
<br />by tiarrdner, tlth Merlgage antl the obtigetions secured hereby shall ramin in full force and effect as if no acceferrtion had
<br />occurred, -
<br />if. Ass+eeaaent d-Rents• Appointments o! Receiver Lender in Possession. As additiottei stxarity hereunder, Bor-
<br />rower hereby aestgrts to Lender the rents of the Property, Provided that Borrower shall, Prier to aculsratiwt under paragraph
<br />t7 ttereef or abattdenntard d the Property, have the right to collect and retrin such rents as they become due zed payable.
<br />Upon atxeleration under paragraph it hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender, in person, by agent or by judicially
<br />appointed rst:eiver shell be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and menage the Property and to collect the rents of the Pro-
<br />perty includhg ]Rose pest due. All rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment of the costs of
<br />tettttogemeM d tM Property-and coitaction of rents, including, but trot limited io, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds
<br />and--reasonable atbrney's fees and [[tan to the sums sswred- by this Mortgage. [.ender and the receiver shall be liable to aczount
<br />for Mloae rents-acttnily reeWvad.
<br />Z0, Release. Upon payment of all sut~ro secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall release this Mortgage without charge
<br />le.Borrower. Borrtxarer sMll pay all vests of recordation, if any.
<br />21. Fttluro Ativanus. Upon request of Borrower, i.ender, at Lender's option-prior to release of this Mortgage, may make
<br />Future-Advetson to Borrower. Such Future Advances with interest thereon, shall be secured by [his Mortgage when evidenced
<br />by.peoutissoryrtetes stathtg tMt said notes arc secured hereby.
<br />22: exrottwNs fttallbg Address, if ttn address is entered aker Borrower's name on the Rrat Pt>W tteree/, notices frpn
<br />iattdaE-te eerrestaryaMdt; purwant m-paragraph leherad, would be mailed to the~8orrower at the Property Address, may at the
<br />opgatt d t:endrr, ba ttmiktd b-such Borrower's address.
<br />iP111RTNkSA}°_WNER€OF: Borrower ltes executed this Mortgage.
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of
<br />Hall
<br />Borro r p 3~ CIffZ1~
<br />Borrower ~~~ A. ~~
<br />ss:
<br />On this 2Tt'h day of OCtObeY` iyl ,before ate, the undersigned, a Noar Public in
<br />a„dforas~~y;~,,,gt,,ly~,,,~,a,ly~„~ rci~t and Burdean A. Christ Husband & Wife
<br />pprsgtsiiy.knoww-lo, identigl persona whoa names are affixed to tM above and foregoing instrument as mort-
<br />gayara. affil each sCknowledgod said instrument to ba his or her voluntary ad and deed.
<br />Wiktase tttyltatad:and nepNai awl at Grand Island Nebr the date last above written.
<br />S Ci
<br />My Commisabn expiras+ -- ~ `~ ~ 'ate c-~~~•=----
<br />s
<br />ssdssi~
<br />Chi<NE8^ 14173
<br />RIiAA686
<br />Notary Public
<br />