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~,~ <br />SKIRTGAC£ LOAN NO. L 24 , 004 <br />IEtiO'lIrALLhlt2tBYTI~SEPRFSENI'S:not Eimer L. 2~9ot3sain and Sheryl S. Nbrhafn, each in his and <br />her Ghat right dnd as of eactl other, Mortpgor, wbetbtr one or more, m maaidao<tiaa of the >m of <br />~~ 2ftotlsartd and no%100 <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Fquitabte Buadatg and Amcation of Grand bland, Nebradca, Martgtgee, upon 420 :hues of tattrlc of <br />std ASSOCIATION, Certif9oro No. L 24,004 , do hereby Sant, coaveY and rurtyge onto the said ASSOCIATION the fttBowtag <br />dtaQibed real cacao, titotad io HaII County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Six (6) in Woife's Second Subdivision in the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />together with aB the rortemenu, ftereditmteau and appurtenances thereunto bebnging, ioclttdirtg attatited floor aoveraags, aB window aaeas, <br />wedoty shades, blinds, storm win~ws, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and watu equipment and aoceaaies thereto, puruq,uoses, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said teal estate. <br />Amd wherus the aid mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree clot the tnorigagor shall and will pay all taus std aueaameats kvierl a <br />asaeoed upon said promises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured therebyy before the same shall become delimgtteat; to fttrmidt app¢oaed <br />irtaaarta upon the bu0dirtga on said premises sittuted in the sum of S 42, 000.00 pryabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver ro old <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said iasunnce; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said pemiss; <br />In tax of default is [~ performance of my of the terms and conditions of this mortpge or the bond aecurcd hereby, the mortgages dull, <br />on demand, 6e tntitkd to immedute possntion at the tmortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and seta over to the <br />raatgaga a0 the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the rmrtgaged premises during srrc}t time as the tnortpge indebtedmas shall temam <br />unpaid; sad the mortgtgee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agenu it rmy desire for the pttrpwe of repai[istg said premiss sad reatog <br />the ame and colteetirtg the rcau, revenues and immure, and it may pay out of said irtrnrrte all expenses of [epairiag said premiss aed rteceay <br />ooasm~ surd expenses incurred k renting and naogirts the same and of txtlkctimg rentals therefrom; the halan[x remaiaiog, if' say, to be <br />applied toward the disrharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee nny be eurcised at soy tints during rim exisfea¢ of arch <br />default, i[rapective of my temporary waiver of [he same. <br />Tftese Presenu, however, are upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on or before the maturity of said shares by <br />payment; pay month-y to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Bond secured heroby as interest and principal on ss~ lour, on or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, until said loan is fatty paid; pay aB taxes and ~•~~nu levied against said premises and oa this Mtutyge <br />std the Bortd aect[red thereby, before delingtrenry; famish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 42, 000.00 payabk <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay ro aid ASSOCIATION upon demand all monry by it paid for such taxer, assasmenu sad irutaartts with iaterost at <br />the maximatm legtd sate thereon from date of payment aB of whieft Mortgagor hereby ages to pay; permit no warts on aid prermsas;kap and eotaply <br />with aB the agarneats sad conditions of the Bond for 5-42, 000. QO this day given by the sad Mortpgor to said ASSOCIATION, sad wmply <br />with a0 the raquiremenu of the Cotatitution and BY-taws of said ASSOCIATION; then these ptexnu shalt became nuB sad void, otherwise they <br />s1oB remain in Cult fora sad may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOC[A'I10N after failtrre for thra months to make say of said <br />payments or be tltra trtortths in arreus in [Waking said »ronlhly pay,meau, or to keep aced wmpty with the agameats surd conditioms of acid Bond: <br />card Mortgal;or ogees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in surlt forerJttsure pocadiugs. <br />U there is any cltartge ro owmership of the real estate tnortyged herein, by ale or otherwise, then the entice retrommg imdebfedmeo hereby <br />leaned rhaB, at the option of The Egttitabk Buildtmg and Lour Association of Grand Island, Nebraska. become immedntely due sad payable without <br />fmttlter rrotitx, and the aatount rcmairting due uadcr said bond, and any other hood for any additional adwsttaa made t6teramder, shag, fcom the <br />dale of exerdae of said option, bear interest at the maxmrum lepl rate, sad this mortgage may than be ftarerJaaad to srtisfy the ammwt due to said <br />boad,aad say other bad fa additional adnmces, together with all sttms paid by said The Fgttitable Raiding std Lttan Aaociation of Gland Islatd, <br />Nebsdu for iasurarta, taxes std ssse>amettu, sad abstnctirtg extension chuges, with inurpt tttereaa, from date of payment at the marimum <br />kpl mte. <br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, wink this mortgage remains in effect the roortgaga toy hereafter advma additional soots to the <br />[[[Cars of said Bond, their assigns or sut;ceasars in interest, which sums shall be within the security of this mortgage the acme a the fwtds origwaBy <br />aewted thereby, the total aatotmt of prin©pa! debt nut to exceed at any tints the original amount of this [mortgage. <br />Dated thin 27121 p day of QCtl7iber A. D., I9 81 <br />tO~G-~sL't~ A. ~.O~Jtar-~'L <br />EImer L. P9arhain...rLt...d . 77~~anf+i~-.,~ <br />sheryl s. Morhain <br />STATE OF NBBRASKA, ~ ~ On this 27th day of Qetpber I9 81 , before me, <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />t~ uodersigrtcd, a Notary Public is sad for said Cormty. persoralty tame <br />Elllie>r L. Nbrhain and Sheryl S. Niorhain, each in his and ri~it and as patsooalty tcOmfwn to <br />each other, are <br />ate to 6a the identical persoa5 where [tame S are affixed m the above_i6rtrument gtptr S and ,they reweraBy <br />adtaotwladged the slid iaRrttmot to be thE'lr volumtary act and dad. J <br />1YITNL~S mY hood surd NotacW Seal the data aforesaid. (. ~ ~ l <br />My Cotttmiaaivt expia» _~~_ ~" ~ ~~ <br />i~~! <br />salsas u r ~ ~ <br />