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<br />Doane C. Rieflin and 9ada M. $ieflin, husband and wife; Wayne C. Eieflin and Doris *i.
<br />R.ieflin, husband and wife
<br />, Mortgagors,
<br />~,. Hall county, Nebraska in aonsideratlcn of
<br />the advance of the pt incipal sum recited Sn the ^ote hereinafter descr'_bad, receipt of eriich ib acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Ontaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68!00,
<br />Mortgagee (subJeat to oil, gas, and minerai rights owned by part'_es other Char. Mortgagors; eaisting easements of
<br />r=card; reserve!±ons 1r. United States and State patents; andtne rights o2 the public In all *13Dwaysj, the Lollowing-
<br />described real estate in Hall c~.ircy Nebraska
<br />SEC. TNP. R8.
<br />NW14 - - _....~~. ~~.,~.:- ., ~_~- s-._ ._ - - - - - - - - - - - 10 9N 9 W 5th P.M.
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<br />cantaining 160 acres, more ar less, Loge±her with all of the right, title, and interest
<br />(now oimed orhereafter acquired) of the Mortgagors to sa.±d nraperty, including rill Dulitlings, improvements, fixtures,
<br />ur appurtenances thereon ar hereafter placed thereon; aL water, ±rrigatloa, and d^alnage rights: CDe tenements,
<br />hereditatneats, and appurtenances thereto and the rents, issues, crops, and profits arising tram said lands: and {if
<br />the Mertgagors~ rights 1n the puDlis domair, are required by Morcgagee for security pt:.^posesj aii leases, pe!-nits,
<br />licenses, orprlvSlages, appurtenant ar nonappurtenant to said mortgaged premises, now or hereafter Yssued, extentled,
<br />or renewed to the Mortgagors Dy the United s'Cates or the state In which the above-described property is located or
<br />aiiy dapartme„t, bureau, :,r agency thereof.
<br />1`i-i3 mdrt _- „-'en to SerUr@ d ,.._~56P . vLe :,f _.__. d~Le ~_='?~+%LiF. ?xa~l___ ."`?, !'S _: ~!+"' ...
<br />5-aa pram. J _y '.._t~~' =X=tom=a.
<br />1n~e prinnip3 _1,m of TWO $IINDHED TWELVE 'f::OL!SADID EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - -:.~iL1.AF..=.
<br />oayable wS th interest sccording to the terms of :-~~_~1 .^.o te, the .*inal payment being due ar:d payable ott the first !ay
<br />of Hay+ 201© ?his son veyance shall ba void upon the pavment of said promissory note.
<br />This mortgage is sub3ect to the provisions of THE FARM CREDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental
<br />thereto. 1Tte proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for the purposes specified in the hlortgagors~ appli-
<br />cation for said loan and authorized by Bald Act,
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby wa!•rant Chat they are fee owners of the mortgaged real property; that they
<br />w111 defend the CStle against all claimants whomsoever, and that Bald property is free from all encumbrances; that
<br />they will Keep all the improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances occupied and Sn good repair and permit ao acts of
<br />waste; and they will relinquish all rights of homestead in said premises, and covenant snd agree with the Mortgagee,
<br />as follows:
<br />(1) That they will pay when due all taxes, Hens, ,judgments, or assessments which may be lawfully sssessed against
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />(2) That they will insure and keep insured Du11d1rgs ar other improvements now on or which may hereafter be placed
<br />on Bald premises to the satlsfsction of the Mortgagee, such insurance policy shall De endorsed with s mortgage clause
<br />with the loss thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. At~y sums received may be used to pay Ior reconstruction
<br />of the destroyed improvements; or, 1f not so applied, may, at the option of the Mortgagee, be applied In payment of
<br />sqy Indebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured by this mortgage.
<br />(3j Tc pa; -all rams, foes. ar charges now due ar to become due under the terms cf each lance, permit, license. cr
<br />privilege Dtt the public domain which is appurtenant ilr nanappurtenanC LO the mortgaged premiseS, which has beets
<br />issued, extended, or renewed Dy the United States or tt!a state In which the above-descritred property is located; and
<br />to perform and observe every act, covenant, condltSDn, and stipulation necessary to keep each of the same Sn good
<br />st&ldln&: and. to Cake every necessary step to secure the reissue, renewal, or extension of each of the same; azid to
<br />assign, ware, pledge, or endorse to the Mortgagee each lasso, pa!7nit, license, or privilege if Mortgagors rights
<br />in pub sic domain are required by Mortgagee for scours Ly Purposes.
<br />(4} ;YSat in the event Eha Mortgagee 15 a party W any litigation affecting the security or Lhe Iien of Sts m~rt-
<br />gage, including aDy.suit by the HDrtgagee to foreclose this mortgage or any suit in which the Mortgagee may be named
<br />a party defendant In which it is obligated to protect its rights or flan, including condemnatSnn raid bankruptcy
<br />proceedings, the Mortgagee ;Flay incur expenses and advance payment for abstract tees, attorney fees ,except La the
<br />extent prohibited by law), costs, expenses, snd other charges.
<br />(5) That in the event the Horfgagors fail to pay when due atiy '.axes, liens, judgments, or assessments, or fail to
<br />maintain insurance a3 hereinbefore provided, or fail to pay rents, tees, ar charges under the terms of ar~~ lease,
<br />permit, 1laense, or privilege; or Mortgagee Ss required to inter expenses for sbstracc toes, attorney fees, costs,
<br />expenyas, and other charges in oonnection with 11t1gatlon, Mortgagee may make such payment.or pravlde such insurance,
<br />ur- incur such obligation, and the amounts paid tharefo. shsll became :a part o° tk:e indebtedness secures hereby dun
<br />and payable lttetteQately, and shall Dear interest from the date of payment at Uie same rate as provided for default
<br />Sn the note.
<br />