Ttik ~ is entered into between ' '~• Dt~G arrl i`i fH. D~IIVG,
<br />~"~
<br />F ate Feta:€@ (herein •`N.or
<br />2'f317 I~~.'I~T. FIf$3IC C'&' GRAD ZSLAI~, Gesell- Is3.szrlrir N~'aska therein "Mrt,.~ ~pcr"}-
<br />MozCgpgor is indented to Mortgagee in the prircipal sum of $ 23, 5110. Qt) , evsdertce<i by Mortgagor's Holt
<br />dated Gctrxx~ 35, 19$1 {herein "Note") providing for gayments of principal and interest, with the taalance of the
<br />indebtedness, it not sooner paid, due and payable on_ Agil 13. 1982 ,
<br />To secure the paynteritof the Nate, with interest as provided therein, the payment of alt other sums, v-itit interest,
<br />adganced by_Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />_ the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the foilovciag des¢Ibed
<br />property-4ocated in hall County, Nebraska:
<br />Ivt Eightee~l (18 j in Westroads Estates Fourth Subdivision,
<br />Iiai l rrrnmtY. Pdebocaska
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and
<br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents- issues- and profits, reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limited to, heating and cooling equipment and such personal. property, thatls attached to the
<br />improvements so as to constitute a fixture; all of which, including repiaeements and additions thereto, is hereby dedared
<br />to be a Bart of the real estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as the
<br />Mortgagor further coveenants and agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows:
<br />1. Payment. To pay-the indebtedness-and the interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage-and the Nate..
<br />2. Titre. Mortgagor is the owner of the Property, has the right xnd authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />vrarrants that the lien created hereby is a first and prior lien an the Property. except as may otherwise lac set forth herein-
<br />- Ga 77ta Property is subject to a Mortgage wherein -_ - _ .. -
<br />:s two Mnrt~,~~- re~~e,~ rat ugok- . pkge ---- - „r t l:e M:artg_age R."esards of _~ C3r:rttt;_ ,_
<br />Nehras~ics, which Mortgage is a lien prior to the lif•a ~•reated hereby.
<br />~] Other prior liens or encnmbrances:_---_______-___.----._-.....--_-----.___--
<br />3. Taxes,. Assessments. Ta pay when due all-taxes, special assessments and alt other charges against the Property
<br />attd, upon wrjtten demand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby, such amount as
<br />tray ne suftlcient to enable the Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments or other charges as they become due.
<br />4. Iastttance. To keep the improvements now or hereafter located on the real estate described Herein insured
<br />agplnst damage. by fire and such other hazards as Mortgagee may require, in amounts and wish companies acceptable to the
<br />A3prtgagee, apd whit loss_payanle to the. Mortgagee. In case of toss undee such policies the Mortgagee is authorized to
<br />arifust, collect: andcampromiae, in its discretion, all rlaittts thereunder at its sole option, authorizedtoeithetrapply the
<br />ptoceeda.ta-tile restoration of the Property or upon the indebtedness secured hereby, but payments hereunder shall con-
<br />liriue: uptil_thesums seeuredhereny are paid in full.
<br />6- -C] qyr For. Tarre€aod InsuraUCa. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraphs 3 and ~ heregf to the
<br />cvntrarYr Mortgagor shall pay ,to the,Mortgagee at tae tame of paying the monthly installments of principal-and Interest.
<br />are-tw~elfth.a# ttte. yearip taxPS, essesaments, hazard itsurance premiums, and ground rents (if any) which, may attaia a
<br />pri¢uty ovcrthis Mart~ge, a{t as reasonably estimated from time to-time by the Mortgagee. The amounts sa paid shall be
<br />' held. ray the:lNor6g~gee without interest and applied to the payment of the items in respect to which such pmRUnts were
<br />dapasited; The sotto-paid to Mortgagee Mereauder are pledged a4 additional security for the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mp• MartS~ltt1 pay to btortgagpe tine amount of any de(tciency between the actual taxes, assessments, insurance
<br />piemtums,a4d~rpupd rents and;the deposits hereunder within IO days after--demand is made upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />payment thereof,
<br />8z Itepair, IMalattnaoce.aasl Use. To promptly repair, restate or rebuild any nuildings ar improvements now or
<br />6ereattet;on the Property; to keep the Pcoparty in good canditlan and repair, without waster and free From mechanic's ar
<br />other Rena not expressly svbordinatesi to the lien hereof;-not to make, suffer or permit any nuisance to exasl, nor ca dlmsn-
<br />islt: or impair the value of the Property ray. any aeL or omission to act; and to comply with all requirements of law with
<br />inspect tct the Property.
<br />