'I~sil~ Indenture, .tNar!e by and betvreen i` is~t.Gtria ~v~~~nr'~ . r a i~+~sr"~,. C,or. porat~.s~a.
<br />"' ' i r
<br />re,-erred t6 as Bank
<br />and TE~3; {~t~$2I+Pa~U_ NATII P.AI~ C~ z~ ) {~E' _ ~F$3i~FfFI3 FIFTY Sii[J[JSAI~ ~1T37 b'~+'r
<br />The Mortgagor far and in constderation of {S ..15Q,-GOf3,. Q{p D~-.
<br />- _....._-- -- ... - ..._.. _ .. - -. - _ -_ . - DQLLAR3, paid by the bask.
<br />- - --
<br />the receipt whereof ks hereby aelmawkdged,-has granted bargained, sold and conveyed, and by the pr~enta. dgee gran;,
<br />betgain, sell and conv9y, unto said bank, the following described real properly situated in the County of ~-~-
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />1~ pne {1} throur3h ~taetltg-Nine {29) r bD12 i[1G1uSive, S~Iester7Z2 FiP.ightS
<br />Fourth S~lbdivisian, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and ail the estate, title, claims and
<br />demands whatsoever of the mortgagor of, in er to said premises or any part, thereof; and said mortgagor does hereby cov-
<br />enant, that the mortgagor is lawfully seized of said premises, that said premises are free from incumb;ance and mortgagor
<br />will warrant and defend the title to said premises against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PR(yVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditions:
<br />WHEREAS, the mortgagor has executed and delivered to the Bank .._....d_~p~~~~
<br />- -..---- -...--- promtasor note
<br />dated October 20, 1981, for $150,000.00, at an interest rate of~1.50$ over the pry rate
<br />of The Overland National P.ank of Grand Island, with interest due and payable on the 10th day
<br />of each month cannencing I3oveliber 10, 1981, and the entire unpaid principal halan.~a plus
<br />aoczued interest due alxl payable on Octc~er 10, 1983,
<br />and has agreed to maintain fire. windstorm and extended coverage insurance on said premises in amounts required and in
<br />companies approved by the bank and with standard mortgage clauses which policies shall be delivered to the bank, and has
<br />agreed to pay all taxes and assessments levied against said premises before Lhe same become delinquent and to maintain said
<br />premises.
<br />Now, tlterefore, if the mortgagor shall comply with all of the provisions of said note and the provisions hereof, then
<br />these presents shall be null and void.
<br />However, if the above nose and interest thereon or any payments calle6 for thereon are not paid whet, due or if app
<br />of the covenants of this instrument are not .ompiicd with, the bank, or the holder l;ereof, at its option may declare the re-
<br />maining balance o£ said indebtedness due and payable and may maintain. an action at law ar in equity to recover all amounts
<br />due and enforce the provisions hereof. In the event of the failure of mortgagor to maintain the premises, ar to maintain
<br />insurance as is above provided for, or to pay taxes or assessments, the holder hereof may advance the sum ar sums necessary
<br />to obtain compliance and such amounts shall be added to the amuurt due on tha above mentioned note and bear interest at
<br />the highest legal rate.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED, this mortgage shall constitute notice hereof, that this mortgage is security for not only
<br />the amount advanced concurrently with the execution hereof but ail future advances which may he made at the option of the
<br />gartiea or their assigns up to the total amount stated in this mortgage, to the same es*_ent as advances originally made here-
<br />under. Further notice is hereby given that the tenor of each Slartgage dote including the interest rate. payment, maturity,
<br />penalties, and other terms shall concurrently upon execution become a part of :his mortgage.
<br />rm IS F'rnmrloR AGF.EFD, iha' he s~.= .:-_--~ got sh.ai'. and tai!; 7%ay ail taxes levied upon t s mortgage ar the debt
<br />eeeured thereby, together with any other taxes,,. ,,-essments which may be levied under the Laws o.' Nehraska._ a_e_ainat th_e_
<br />said ~SFtKage2 cr t`ue itt-al h„ldar o€ tht said ;r: r;~~:-;rat r:oE.o(st un acc•,unt of this indebtedness.
<br />IT IS FtiiiTiliJR AGREE;3, if at any time, t+-^ito the mortgage is in ~•;fect and the note for which this mortgage is
<br />given as security, or any part thereof, remains unpaid, ±he undersigned 1lortgagors sell, com•eY or contract to sell the real
<br />estate herein described, or ary part thereof, or the 3fortgagors do not have nr cease to have title to said real estate or any
<br />part thereof, then and in any such events, the mortgagee may, at its option, declare the unpaid principal balance, and interest,
<br />of the note secured hereby immediately due and payable. In the event that these premises are not now, or should hereafter, not
<br />be occupied by mortgagor then this instrument shalt constitute an assignment of rentals and service of a copy thereof upon the
<br />occupant shall be sufficient to require ail payment for rental or use of the premises after ;late of such sen•ice to made to
<br />mortgagee.
<br />Signed thia.........~~._.....__day of. ._ ..OCtD~EL...-... -_ ......._......., 19_-_...-81
<br />_- .._.
<br />In presence of FlEI )D ~ ~
<br />....... .. _... ........ .... _.. ~7~-LJE':LDBL'Lc-~- tGl/rr>tc./, rf'.Sldent
<br />_..... 3[E~er .... .._..... .. ..
<br />STATE OF ................_...._.. ................. .. _....._, County of_
<br />_..
<br />- Befgre me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally come
<br />known to me to be the identical person or persons a.•bo signed the faregaing instrument and acknowledged the execution there-
<br />of to bs his, her ar their voluntary act and deed.
<br />Witnkaa my hand and notarial seal on.- _ ...... _ _._. _ ., 19.._-....
<br />Mq commission exgiresa.... _.. _.......__.. !9... _........_......... .._....... .._.._.....___..... _......Vntary Public.
<br />STATE OF ............._......_ ..... _ .
<br />! .........................daY ef._.. -
<br />and recorded in Book_
<br />Entered an numerical index and filed for record
<br />3 sa.
<br />m Lhe Register of Deeds Offitre of said County the
<br />19 at.. o'clock and-- minutes M.,
<br />of at page- ,-- -
<br />dv
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />.Deputy
<br />