<br />MO~TGAG~
<br />~'§~ is entc-red into betereen ICaro1 Rev Crim
<br />(herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />P'Z~E PdIIdTS $AMK {herein "M
<br />ortg~ee").
<br />M° is inilebtad 60 ~ in the principal sum of ~ 2_LlflO _fld ,evidenced by Mortgagor's node
<br />dated T¢~1~~$I {herein "Note") providing for payments of prtneips! sad iatetest, witft the lsatance of the
<br />inst~¢tedrress, if nat.sgoaerpsid, due am! payable on. I 1 / Z 184- _
<br />'Pa~cur~the paymentof the Note, with interest as provirkd therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />adwinmd=~y Mom to protect tine security of thin Mortgage, and the perionaance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />ffie b~tg'cortained herein, )lfiortgagor does hereby mortgage card convey to Mortgagee the foilovriag described
<br />properly topted in Ha11 County, Nebraska: _
<br />Lot-Three E~ ~ Block Two (2) in Neves First Addition to the City of
<br />GraAd:Island,. Ball Cotratty, Nebraska
<br />To`ether with all buildings, improvements, factures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and-
<br />- appwetenaoees !opted thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents issues and profits, inversions and remainder
<br />t#neoE, including, but aot 1"united to, heating and cooling equipment and sack personal property Hubs attached to the
<br />imptowmmta sA as tin constitute a fixture; all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a.ptitR of the real estate secured. by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred- to herein as the
<br />~~~,.
<br />Mortgagor fdrther convenarrts aml agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows:
<br />_ 1. Psyateak -To pay the-indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2: 't'itle..- Mortgagor is the owner of the Property,-has the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />warwuts-that the.lien createdhereby is a first and prior lien on the Property, except as may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />~,, Property ~ _ ;; Five Points Bsnk
<br />rs sub t to a Mo -• grain T__--- --____-.
<br />TJ~eumenfi~i vv3ti31
<br />- ~tise gtort~sg~, xeesrded at ~k , ~ ~ _. of tote M°+~.'~e It€eotrJ,e of _. Hal l - __ County,
<br />Ne6maka, which l~rtgage is &lien prior to the lien created hereby.
<br />_ -
<br />O Qtherptistrlien~a~encumbrances:_____-T.__--_--____----
<br />3c Taaaa„Aaraasrrlenta. To pay when due all taxes, special assessments and all other charges against the Property
<br />att~ upon;•w~itten demand by Mortgagee; to add to-the ~ymenls requiredvnder [he. Note securedhereby, such amount as
<br />i®ts!?ba,.agf~Irippkto:eratbie the Mpr#gpgee to pay such taxes, assessments or other charges as they become due.
<br />#; .ltroitragrce; T~? keep the improvements Row or hereafter !opted on the'rea! estate described herein insured
<br />~gpdr~t.damaRe by fire- artd'such Other hazards as Mortgagee may, require, !n amounts and with companies acceptable to the
<br />and vein! loco payaltte to the Mortgagee. to case of losa.tr~der such policies-the Mortgagee is_authaized to
<br />aditia4..ea1lrst- a~c+tm~, in ltr, discretion,. a!l claims thereundtr_at its ,sole option;, authorized. to eitherapply the.
<br />pa0jpagd4:W'tl)e. ~oR o[ the Prapettg; oc u{!oh U-e-indebtedness,secured hereby, but payments hereut~tsh•Ltcon-
<br />linos n-ttt't theaupaatectued hereby! ara,paid_ ia;full.
<br />6. fl=kiserox I~-Tatmasaed h : Notwlthstandinganything contained in paragraphs-3 and:4 hereof to-the
<br />contrary, Matl~iror sh)11 ~f1t3!fiq-t11e Mokt~ec-at t#e teirle 4,f paying tpiF moAthiy-inskaliments otprinc;pa!-and interest,
<br />nice-tw~elttit of tlrq- yeah taapatyaingpt~ tugard _ingu~tce _pranas,-aryd grpultdrents-(!f any) whiott; may, attain a
<br />irdodty over this. Mgrt~agg, a11-rig-.ri~sonsWy-4atimated iro4--ttttta-te tilne:by. the-Itfot°t~ee, 7ho-agwunt5,so-paid shall be
<br />bard bar rise Mactgy?e witt~o~tlptr tlud;epplJed::tR,:tlta Payment of.iha-trams-in:re3pect to whichsuch amounts-were
<br />d~eaitad. 'ibp wWc paid to Mgt't(l~ #N!etitid~:sire cadged ~.additiopal'sacurity for the.ladehtedn~s secured by }iris
<br />"` ~.' r ahatl pby to Mart~ajppe,:t$e amount of auy-de$ciency: between the actor! taxes, assessments, insurance
<br />pr~Wumr artd;gmund rents gad the depestt~ hsrarisdet; within,ld day$_after demo[d-is made:upon.Mortgasor;requesting;
<br />paymeutahpraof.
<br />$: i>opar, :HaWtraarmce. and UaR..:, To prR~pt-g repair, rectere or-rebuild. any huilelitig& ©r itgprovemenGc rags or
<br />heratter can the Property; to keep. thR Projttrty tr(q{ood ~tdttit~ intd:repati, nithoutwaste, and free from.mechaptc~s or
<br />ether li-ac not er<preasiy sSitMiEdinat.ed to tits lien hetcaC; atu to mike, suPter or permit any nuisance to exist. nor to dimin=
<br />ktit or lrnjwtt the vatut~ ef.t#b Property by .any ae6 or bmise}qn to aek; and to comply with at! tYquirements of law with
<br />relpecl to the Ptopercy,
<br />