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affe~*_ ~~° obliflatians gf '?ormr;er ~r,;:cr •~;iS ^r+rt"~~'P_. <br />g So loaf as Lender sEra11 '',:c oi>1!^ated `.o eke any ^ay^ents uppn <br />the first mortnace, Corro.•rer a~ree3. iii!! Lender's `v[rittei re~!~est, t o=^~- <br />vlde dt ~t3rrpMer's eXpense a Continuation title Search Shpwing the StatLES <br />of title to the premises a!ortaaged %?er4in, provided that Lender !vi11 not <br />repuest mare ttsan one such title search at Eorro!-rer's expense in any one <br />i2-r:;nth periad. <br />10. If the Borrorrer desires to prepay any arounts due hereunder, the <br />Lender may, in addition tp anything else in the rote or r+ortcage, •~ <br />at its option, apply all or any ^art of such prepayment as a prepayr^ent <br />pn the first mortgage. If such apRlication results in the imposition <br />by the holder of the first mprteaee of ary prepayr^ent fees or <br />~ penalties in excess of any prepayr~ent fees or penalties otherwise due <br />~ under this mortcaae or the note it secures, then °ormvrer shall also <br />~ pa.y such excess fees or penalties. If no prepayment is per.;:itted <br />~ under the first mortgage, then Lender may, at its option, refuse *,.a <br />~ accept any prepayments in excess of the amount by !•rhich the principal <br />balance on this marteage exceeds the then unpaid principal balance <br />~ on the first mortgage. In the event Gorrower desires to make any <br />~ prepayments, it shall give Lender a written notice statine_, the amount <br />of such prepaye~nt and the date upon !•rhi ch i t i s proposed to be made, <br />such date to be not less than ten days after receipt of such notice <br />by Lender, and Lander shall, within seven days of receipt of Such <br />notice, inform Eorro~•rer of hotir such prepayr~nt shall be rude and applied <br />under this paragraph and of any necessary excess prepayment fees or <br />penalties. Corra!•rer r^ay thereupon emceed to make such ^repayr.e~ent <br />as proposed or may notify Lender in writing of its intent not to proceed. <br />Any prepayments a;rolied to the first mortgage under this paragraph <br />shall be applied as in the case of proceeds under paragraph '. <br />I1. Pellowinc amr acceleration of the debt secured hereby, Lender may, <br />at its option, continue to crake payments of principal, interest or other <br />sums or any prepayment on the first m rtgaae, but shall not be required to <br />do so, and no such payments s•hail be deen2d to reinstate a reauirerr:ent for <br />any further Payments. <br />12. Lender may, at any time, at its option, rake any additional ad- <br />vances or payments of any kind necessary to cure or avoid any default under <br />the first r•prtaace, but shall not b~ rnnuired to do so. <br />I3. Lender shall be subrogated to the rights and lien of the first <br />rrortcace for any crney paid to or for the benefit of the first nortpace here- <br />under,~whether such payments are required or at Lender's option, and any such <br />pa„r*en*s; pxceot t!~osr? made ur!der paragraph 5, shall b? added to the ir•debt- <br />edness secured hereby, !ni th interost as Provided herein, and shall be payable <br />on demand. <br />i~. 1Yny breach of any covenant or agreer~nt in this rider, including <br />any failure to make any payments due hereunder or in the aoreement reoardino <br />compliance !•rith the first mortgage, shall be a default under the mortgage and <br />the entire unpaid principal balance may, at Lender's option, be declared imme- <br />diately due and payable as nm vided in the mor±eaee. In such event Lender's <br />oblination under paragraph 5 hereof shall to urinate and this mortoaee r^a°~ then <br />be foreclosed to satisfy ail amounts due. Such ar:ounts due shall include, in <br />addition to all amounts specified in the morteace, any anounts paid by lender <br />under paragraphs II cr 12 hereof, any prepayrent fees or penalties trhich arould, <br />at the da*.e of acceleration, be required to prepay the first mortraRe and all <br />costs and expenses of foreclosure, !•rith interest on all such arrounts from the <br />date pai•c# or advanced as pm vided in the mortgage. There shall 6e deducted <br />from suclt•amaunts due the principal balance of the first rro rtgage at the date <br />of such acceToration. <br />Dated• August Zl , ??~. <br />COf~•tERCIAt,/FjEDEP•AL/`SAV/I'dGS AP'Q LOAFt ASS~CIATIOfd <br />~y -rG~if~d~ (~.,a.G~r~ <br />