<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> (rs} ;tea;, ;7 ~e •.ry awards are,vAt:a to t:;e mc'tgagors Or baccessers in interest for t•tking or darragln
<br /> bit ~,lri Fxa:r1 Cr r^l:norl" d=11: the "hole or.ary Wit: of tb%f tSy;~ i 'xr".IVes or 3W eaSOMt therein. the 5ald
<br /> Rre Rear".y r...1vc7ed to the lmrtgagee, the Port. !!g is hereby ati "orized to collect. receive. and receipt
<br /> r t'zeretnl' rx ;d c , t: the Z%0,We Bayz^pt of my l:nlebtedneso. ~aAt: C'el or urriatured, secured by this. mortF;age.
<br /> JtJ.
<br /> ij ("i nat a eve;' sn1ICn~4a^~ d?vault in Oe pajmEm. vl sma prltl".yal i.ii. or of trill Install:ont thereof, or
<br /> of try t t npr~ 1. at the Li1Le *hen ue see shall be dac = x1th to amy covenant or condition here-. ~t
<br /> j. 6 of. cm't v op"Ir):: of %'rtgagee. "e iC,lre indebledneala S41Ct: F!4 nern;W sl,,Aj forthwith beCane due arid ;ayably,
<br /> 11 :'hell refs i tp Est pit t2:e default -&".e dcsr..lbed n said note. ano the f"^rtg&W. rM lmet/ls.tely for(cit), ;fills
<br /> :mrtmg, or t_.z,e a1! otht- amlist,le legal rmedj_
<br /> 711%, Ir. e F r, actlon Is hrve';!m to foreclose th:*' P~crttr,age, the 111rt.gagee shall be L-itltled to lmned!att ;
<br /> pns:sess:o^ C a ed ;rremisr:s, srdtbe caurt may aTE-?Irt a receiver to Lake Tw4ession o" weld pr"'Imes. With t~
<br /> ( L1-,e ..:adl , a+c rs L, . eCr4ver; :'t like casett.
<br /> y f 9, That irit lIt 1 :el.ay Qf 'lQrthtar..ee ti pxe•rc:se ,:•r_v of its rights cr pf•lvlleges °Adll riot bP con r-rue<! as n
<br /> na:ver thert... ,`,i't a71ti PX" raf mrtgca~tea Aalvi-ag any spec' fl d• 6Li bf tg3gors ahsll not be cunstrvel! a^ 3 p
<br /> i rcelve^ of e Srr cG~f:ulr.s: that in caa^. d: de:sult In the ywy-+n c' any w5ortizatlon Installments nr interest.
<br /> nr !n Cda1P a • nt by to gnree of rry "Iet, yd ent. tax. _ s1 nu!c•e, cost or expense, or rents, fees or charg-is,
<br /> :rs1" wortFaa'.E.t 17x11 h-Li),e vir privilege. Al hot:!: dwclarlr.t the wilmle lndebte ness due and prsyable, to rorecipsr, on
<br /> accnt^n o, such -,ecifl: 3efault for such .,,;zs as are in defailt ardd such roreclosure proc;endings ma;; br` r.-add anc
<br /> .h:a tad deSC-l'IN's: 1Preln .ray be :sold. cub+~r t tQ the un;ald :ndebtednes,s h^rc-by secured, and this odortj,,age, shall
<br /> ^tIn P a:,, a :Ie" r= trly uni'ralr: D:allnce.
<br /> 1Ci T,at the 4,altE;a;^•r nay cxtrrd mnd t.Fe tlst:,rity at an•'_" rfinea and ream-tlze saki 1nCebtedness, rel,aase
<br /> :G. llati 1ty Sara i.•%rl,y 'Jsble thereon. an,! r~le:ase frore the llen hpreo:' portlons of the property covered hereby,
<br /> w:thi t S"r':t:nl; tie priority hereof cr the l:abll:ty ^af Hortgagors or ary other part:, for the ,vt_ynent of saiG
<br /> R tn,".ebte:.de_.s, 1;1 sine, estertslons. deferrllt.3, renewal;. wid reanort:Mat3Gns to ?te secured hereby.
<br /> t
<br /> ,
<br /> Ctlrlty. I$ asjZ~^ecr
<br /> tetwP<, ; till' pnrGIPS heret.u. t]•t".r 1selrs, legal r•aprescrtat:vet end as3lt;rss,
<br /> TT:ansicr ;;P
<br /> that the :::tP5'1:y re:pans1C111ty of tte 11ortFagors •:n:lstttute.i f. ~nrtGfLhB connlderatt^..•i for the nott, sectir-ed
<br /> ~ I fill
<br /> t,srerv. an7* Lha'. to Inc teven: the mortgagors .>*z11 sell. trV'SfP:•. u: co-!Yey the p;•ot:erty cascr:GPC h're,'.t. 'he
<br /> ~rt•cagee nay r.t -,-,n ~ptlon ueclare ths+ ent!re ln:".ebtr-dzess 1mmpdltitely tlue and payab]rr and my r;oceeo in the cji-
<br /> { fc."Ct ^-:t Of .:c'ry`..!: as ',,o any uther default thf, terms of t1:~ nc.t.e A,^C mr'tgsge.
<br /> r
<br /> 1 A 1F trPnt rf F cefds. Of ` lneral l.ew:If . no - ti'y9gG: s `Pr n` y r
<br /> L: a s set over, an:". ct'•rwy t,u :tc -gagee all
<br /> ( oy:t tlf^ rya,^s, Ind delay n new tr,s rlav ',-or tl^^e t. the bescne due and rny.t?le `.na r !,iv cil, gas,
<br /> r,- ^Ineral tense a.~y hind nGw existing c:' ttat rsy herea"ter tore Into eX:s,.e-te. r^vPr. `c BJQLe 1^, t
<br /> t try R t ttifrecf. A!' S~cn svr-r-so rpcf'lreft by mortgagee shall be applied !o *-he 'i11:1Pta:.t 'a^ _•c (.i,r. he:'eby: c,
<br /> !I i
<br /> 5ald 't CtR~na may at :t. opt: or iu~ over, tied lellver to -1".e MC'r',rj:arK]r5 or -hplr ~Z7CCey Q r !n c f 't fLLL'C:' 'l
<br /> ch rlr , 1a:'*C"fit "F' Id1C+ to era' r?f `".rt rgeP rS rly1L~ t9 ':ice &nd rete.:n f:st'dret 5is^5. ar" V;.t31cfu: Ire L':lf".e
<br /> A any 0: SKS hc. r',:,ht.s InCe. trlls mate;Age. -Abbe trwnsfer win conveyance here-under to Pty ,a~,,• of said rent:. d
<br /> .Cyaltit-r LC^.~;.-ns. 'w::d delay '1 %eys.S.ra 3P construed t^ bn ` -ovisicr iG° the r~VM:" ^ P.~•: 'wr^.*: C~ th'. nrl i~
<br /> c;ale deb: ;e °e a,+xh:;e ;rice, as he-elnbefC-e : !'ed. !Pde 'rrdert of Lhe m t arse 11en on ra:~_ • n'.
<br /> e_,,LA° e. ;~,,.n; [:.q1•~ in ";111 of '^.er, _rt;,,;,e an LhP re r,5. n_:tr-ge of re-ord.
<br /> E^7n-,P -,?-I, D" :1C f•a'•hrr~force and Effect.
<br /> rk.•:• .~F~.. .Se. ..}~E. fi• i ;lµj T`'{. SAC R: A'"SLL'Lf.~.~4.4^iL Wr.I'~e yrLQ:f C''r7tt'd r t*. rte e.t 1G!^'j- rlu-e'
<br /> lie
<br /> W 1 ? Ian E. a r1}yk (s
<br />
<br /> EFAL
<br /> ~evex $r'zyTc-
<br /> { r, 4 D Y T'Y OF
<br /> day r,. A.D., 194' t'e.:o°c me;, a tlotary Public !n qnd for r31d cYU71t) ,:]nC I
<br /> r, e pF :onr:il.r rppeared Leon E. Sta.nczv}: also lcnwn as Leon Stanczyk) and Beverly
<br /> Stanczy, husband and arife
<br /> 7
<br /> j
<br /> LO '7E Y, nowrl tube the rerSDZIS Damed in and who ezt~cut.cd the foregoln.g Instrument, and acknowledged that they exec,:te~1 't
<br /> ' t2ie SAlpc w.C!^ VoilmLary riot and deed. f
<br /> ~LMt ~~.V+1 t~lat~ ~ iMf!•~11~ ~t ~ - - ~ 1
<br /> Tbr sce:•srAlsslan exp:res..~._• r>~ _
<br /> tom...
<br /> eAR&iT,l BYWILEK v bLly X j/ dY
<br /> • MyCer(N Em p. March 10. 1ftSt hype or print ne under s xt very
<br /> ::otTry 1*.s91it In and fG. Bald C .rty and °t,,•v i
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