~~~ 6~4d~!"'4~ 'V ~i~1f~^~~~~i/ Hie ~ ~ e ~ i ~~ ~~ ~~
<br />STE#~E# E. HA~rSEN AND JtH3Y D. HAI~SEN, husbarici and ~;fe
<br />ot? tie Coun(y td HALL asd Statr x AEBRASKA ~,~~. called the party of the first part, in
<br />~ ~ THREE HUNOREO THOUSAND AHD NOJ100-----------------------------------D[~LLARS
<br />i~ isai pWi, do bseeby gsaat, 6asgain, se>1 and soaves Hate the Same Fedetai Ssviaga ~ Loan Associaton of Grsnd Island,
<br />t3nseQ IsLad, Naieas4ta, sad ib ateeeams sad aasigas, tie foitowing zeal estate, si~aaed In HALL
<br />~owtl. gtyb ~ NEBRASKA ,., town:
<br />(See Exhibit A)
<br />Together-wits all the appurtenances thereu~o belonging. and all coeenanb in all:the title~deeds e~oieg with-said real rotate,
<br />and all tie scab, isaaea and profit arising. therefrom asses default ln" performaace of aaq . or condition herein con-
<br />tabaed;.aad wastaats the lifts thereto Perfect and clear cusps for this mortgage.
<br />I>taiosg the time thL mortgage is in force the mortgagors agm:
<br />First. To Pal all taus and special asaeesments levied against said Premisar, including all tazea and amessmeab levhd
<br />upon this- mortgage, or the deft secured by thin mortgage.
<br />Sernnd. To keep all buildings thereon inured against loos by fire, Iightnin8 and tornado in some company, to be ap-
<br />proved by the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island in the sum of $ i t15U1'dbl a Vdl ue for
<br />the ben~it of tie said Association, sad its successors or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Association, and shall not
<br />croauait or so[fer any waste on acid premises, and shall Put and keep said real estate buildings and improvemeffis in good
<br />ostler.
<br />Third. To pay or caws to be paid to the Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island, its auaxssors or
<br />aa~ ~ sour ~ ~ THREE HUNUFZED THOUSAND AND NO/100--------------------------------Dp~g
<br />pgahle s. follows:
<br />$300,000.00 DUE OCTOBER 15, 19$2
<br />rrbh fntexrst thereon payable, according to the tenor and effect of the one certaen first mortgageā #p~gE~ ~ mortgagwa,
<br />bearing-even-date-with- shoe presents.- After maturity said- bond drawn interest at the ra#w of-lkl~6iiddc(~ ~t pew-annum.
<br />u°sald taxes and swessmeufs -are not paid when due. or if the buildings on said Premises are not-ir<aured es- above pro-
<br />vlded,-or if any of said intaewt is not paid Wien due, then saidSq shall hetrome due immediately, at the option of the
<br />eafd A.aoeiatioa;-aod;aiaU theeeftes draw interest at-the rate of .,par cent per annum.
<br />The nwetgagor S hereby essigti- to said mortgagee all reams and income atidag at aqy and all times from said
<br />pr'opsrty sad hereby authorise said mortgagee or ib agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and
<br />coIIeet all renU and income tierefra~m and -apply the some to the payment of Inteeeat, principal, iwuraace premiums, tazea,
<br />aeaessmeefs, reP+u's ar improvements necessary to keep said Property in teoanta6le condition, or to other charges. or pay-
<br />msala Provided far herein or in the note hereby secured. ThL rent assignment atoll eoatiane in -force-until the- unpaid bal-
<br />aaoe of said note is folly paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner prevent or retard said mortgagee in
<br />tie oellackioa of acid sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />VYhl~isr sold debt becomes due by lapse of time, or by reason of the failure of khe party of the first part to comply
<br />with any condition herein, the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island, rye successors and assigns,
<br />shall-bane the right to begin the foreclesure of this mortgage at once on the wkale deft hereby se~ured,.aad to include
<br />th~da- all taxes. aasesamanta, insuragce premiums and costs, Paid by it or them; or said Association, its successors or
<br />aa~igas,-msy fayeluse only-as to the sum past due, witiout injury to tits moryWge. or the displacement or impairment
<br />of tM lien tksrioL
<br />Asti the"sgid first party and the maltess of sold note, especially agree anti declare that the separate estato of each and
<br />every-one-At3hem, including both that now owmsd and shad hereafter acquired, is pledged and bound for the payment of
<br />the--debt 1+!seb>< secured.
<br />Aftae the eosnmenoomest of any suit is foreclosure the plaiatitf therein shall bo entitled to the immediate possession of
<br />said P4'edae+ and-tie appeiotmeat of a resolver therefor, notwithetagdiog they may be the homestead of the occupant and
<br />fbipaatiu-1i86L for-the debt may be advent, anti tie first Party hereby consents to the appointment of a
<br />R~dres-uytap the prodastion at this indmsstr, withart otiar evidence.
<br />TYa, faatgatad, emddtoaa seal adrelmaemta, alt and sisigular, baiog fully pastormed, thin coaveyaace shall be voW, other
<br />w,ttge :te baR autl :zgmail in full locos and eifeet
<br />~ 14th of October . 1)., le 81
<br />d~v
<br />w r f~
<br />16 prrspies Q< 5~.~~ ' ~'t"::3 +i~"-+_. --
<br />~U e!1 _.
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