<br />~~~ ~1'~~t~#itxt, t4ade aed s~eentad t~,.__._~7th ................a.y ar___~~~cs~~e~'- --- - _w. D. 8~__.__..._-._
<br />~~ Ronald E. Rods and `darilyn 3. Radr, .husband and xife,
<br />rad___~L...E~SLd~..fiIISI Nellie Radr.,-__._..-..
<br />........__---_._-._-party of the first part,
<br />_..._-•---------- - --...._........_.__.._._...__.._..-.---------- - ---------~.._._party of the second para.
<br />r_ Thousand and no 108--
<br />.... WITN&BtiETB, that the said party of the first part, for sad in consideration of....FQT_1:Y-~? .eg-- -.-~---
<br />-------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, Paid by said patty d tba
<br />record part, the reee~t wheredts hereby aaknowiedQed, has graatza, bergaimd, Bald awl cmveyed, and by 6hew presents, dos peat, bv-
<br />pia, seA and emvay, rmto sasid party d the second Part, the following dseribed real property e+tuate in the Camty d _.. Hal l -
<br />and State d Nsbrasha, 4~o~w•iE:
<br />--._._..____-_..._.._..........__-_ L43__Q?1e._.~1~~_Ca~ital Freights, 6th-Subdivision,`.also--._.-------•°---------
<br />- i:nrnm as 4229 Texas Ave*rue, Gxand Island, Netl~'aslca~
<br />rwith all the tmemsnts, hereditamstts and appartenaaes to the same belmgn~ and all the state, title, drone right d heeatestsai,
<br />oti~ms aed demands whatsoevsr~ d the ~Id oart7 d thkee first wrt d, In or to rid pcemree or any part, theeed: and Did Aartar d tM /at
<br />pact doss hereby oovensnt. that acid party d the first paK is Iawhilly seised d said premises, that said pnmists ua freer fros roams
<br />_- ....__..~.-__..----.-rod that wig party d the heat part wilf
<br />weirrrmt and dstmd the title to said precedes asamst the lawfal claims aeri demands d all perms whassmver____.._.__-_.___-.~
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and three peeamta era upon these eaditions:
<br />WHEREAS, said party d the first par6 hw e'eated and delivered to Ehe raid party of tM second Poet°----_-...----._.......-___---
<br />premirorynot~ dated October 17, 1981 ---------------...-----------_...----------_-----
<br />serf whereas, the party d the 8eN part hw agreed to keep the buildiop, if any, aeon said Premiss, insured is some eompaay or eompanis
<br />approved by said pasty d the scored part, for the sum not lea than ............................~......--°-.-....__...---........_-..._.._._.------..-._I)OLLA$8,
<br />and delever to said party of the eeoond part the policy or pohois oontauung, a clauw with the los payable to acid party d the aeaaod partt
<br />or assi~ne, and hw to pay all taxaa and aesesments against said premises before the same, bx law, become d quest, and hr sgewa
<br />that it said party of t e first part dos not provide each insurance, or f to paq all is:s w atorsud, then raid party d the aacaad ppaarrec~ or
<br />hoider hereof, may pay each imaraaee sad tars, err either of tF,em, and all amounts so paid by said party of the seed plat shall ~r its
<br />terast st the r-te o[ nine per Dent pet annum from the date of paymwt, and this mortgage shall stand ss security iherator, and said sum eay'
<br />bs added to the amount of the mortgage debt, and the same recovered w a part thereof. Now, it the raid party of the first part shall weU
<br />and Lndv wv err eat»e to be paid the said ram of money in said note...- .. mentioned, with iaterst thereon acaocding to the tenor and e[tst
<br />d saw note.......- sad shall keep acid building iwured ere atorsaid, and shad keep all tans and aeeessments paid and shalt duiy keep. and
<br />paefeem all the other eoveamts and a4reaments he_rb~:~ ^_-antained, then thes pzeewia to be nail and void. But if rid sum of money or any
<br />part thereof, or any interact tharem, is not paid why t};e same is due, or if said buildmp ahaU not be kepE insured w ator~arid, err i[ the
<br />teas and asssreawts against wig premiss are rat paid sE or before the time the same become by law deiinqumt, err if said ppaarrtty of the
<br />first part shall fail to keep sod perform any covenanter herein oontaiaed, the holder hereof shalt have the optim to declare the whds d said
<br />Iedabtadmiaa due and payable at any teme after sash tsilnre or default, sad may mslataia as aotim aE fees err equiEy to raaovsr Ehe eases,
<br />sad the co~ersneweent d such action shall be the only notiw of the e:ereis of said optim required.
<br />AND IT I$ FQRTSiB, PROVIDED AND AORE&D, That the said Mortpgor shall and will p-y all taw fervid upm ibis moe4
<br />pis or tM debt sseued thsnb tap~ther with any othsc taw or asssssmmts which may 6e laved ~mder the I.awa d Nebeaslca, ap~ioat the
<br />wig L[ortaadw or the halal d the said principal ants...... m aeaoun0 d thb indebtadnar.
<br />~i1 ~t~glt0ltp ~jerto~ we . . hereunto .._.._ {1T_......._ ..-. has S.. ~der~Jabove writtsa.
<br />t --- ------ -- - ~
<br />~ ~
<br />IN PRYBENCE OF C~1. ~~
<br />-!~..._. - ._-.~
<br />Ronald E. Rods
<br /> ~~~-- - Ro r
<br />s.
<br />Oaoty d.-l~.l_._.-..-
<br />•
<br />Oa ihis~...._.....-..2._~._.....-------...............day d.~_._-.C!4.~~_......_...--...A. D..81
<br /> baton ss, • Votary Puhlio in sad for the said County paeronaLLy came tM above Hamad.-._
<br />_,i' ,c.&3f
<br />,
<br />Y R_~.ii.~d_~..,.._R.R>3r and_lyY~.1.Y.-.1. J.s_.[3Ad.~..17!u..sl?allii..?T1~..L~if&,....._....._..._
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<br />to be the Wentioal paeaor6._.- whew nameS..Sr¢
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