<br />. r?ortzagors,
<br />of Hall county. Nebraska in cons±derat icn of
<br />t?,e advance of the oriae ipal sum recited Sn the no*.e hereinatCer described, ter ~i^ e_' ~xnlch "_. a»kn»wledged, hereby - -
<br />mortgage and convey to r -
<br />THE FEQERAL LANO BANK OF ONANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Oougtas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 66100,
<br />Mortgagee (suDJ ecC Lo oil, gas, and mineral rights o~rmed by parties ~-her than Mortgagors; exist Sng easements of
<br />record; Teservatiors in Uri Led States and State patents; and t.^.e rights ~' t;e puD!!c '.n all highways ), the following- - -
<br />described real estate 1n Hall councv, "iebraska - -
<br />SEC. TtlP. RG.
<br />Lot One (1), Moffett Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska - - 18 12N 11 W 6th P.M.
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<br />tope they with all of the right, title, and interest of e h!or tgagors Sr. said property, includ ir+g ail buildings,
<br />imProvemen t° res pp tsrances now - :*.erea °d i^^luding '1 agpa. -- eau- men Sxt.ses
<br />articles used supplyJheat.LLga-- sir ^_onditiening, water iulght, power refrigeratior..~veniilat~ion, or ether sere-
<br />ices, and the furnishings customarily ur aypropriately included by lessors co Sessees including, but nJt limited to, -
<br />mirrors, scresns, wlndc.+s, storm wind»ws a,' lours, carpe Lind and other 'Scar coverings, is-a-door Deds, awnings,
<br />stoves, refrigerators, water heaters, air coy:-±!tioners. h.unl d!flers, hearth and fireplace equipment, all of which
<br />are declared be apart of he real estate. :r,e toot pPysically attached !Hereto ~,r cot, an_d deemed a p _<on of - .-
<br />the security for the indebted,^~~., .,..re±natter ...,scribed.
<br />This mortgage is given to secure a promissory note oP even date Herewith, executed by ?iortgagors Lo Mcrtgagee, in
<br />tlae prlaclpal sum of THIRTY-THREE THOIISAND AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~:.?i.i,ARS,
<br />payable ir, installmsnts with interest according to the terms of sa!d ncte, the last installment being due and pay-
<br />able on the first day of September. 2011 _ This ecnveyance shall be void upon She payment of said
<br />promissory note. -
<br />The Mortgagors agree to pay, it requested by Mortgagee, on each installment date, Sn addition to the sums required
<br />in the above-described promissory note, a sum equal to the amount determined by the Mortgagee required tc accumulate,
<br />and pay the insurance premiums on policies oI fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged Premises, and
<br />the real estate taxes and assessments due on the mortgaged premises 15 days prior to the due dates Lheraot. In -
<br />the event that the sums accrued for the p~vment of the said premiums, taxes, or assessments are insufficient, the
<br />Mortgagors will, upon request, pay such additional sums prior to the due date thereof. All sums received therefor -
<br />sha11 be applied on the principal balance until such time as they are withdrawn by Mortgagee for Lhe payment oP
<br />said premiums, taxes, or assessments,
<br />This mortgage Ss subJ act to the provisions of THE FARM CREDIT ACT and all acts rJnendatory therecS or supplemental .
<br />thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for the purposes specified Sn the Mortgagors+ appli-
<br />cation far said loan and authorized by said Act. -
<br />Tlse Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warrant that they are tee owners of the mortgaged real property; that they
<br />Hill-defend the title against all claimants whomsoever, and that said property is free aom all encumbrances; that
<br />they will keep all the improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances occupied and In good repair and permit nn acts of -
<br />', wa§te; and they will relinquish all rights of homestead Sn said premises, andcovenant and agree with the Mortgagee,
<br />(I) :irat they will pay when due all texas, liens, Judgments, ar assessments which may ba lawfully assessed against
<br />~~ the proPerLy herein mortgaged.
<br />on)sa Qapremisesito thessatlsanfaction ofsthedMortgageeS s chlnsuran~eoven[ents now on or which may hereafter Le placed
<br />policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause
<br />with the iass.theraunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. Any sums received may be used to pay for reconstruction
<br />of-the destroyed improvements; or, Sf not so applied, may, at the option of .the Mortgagee, ba applied in payment of
<br />aqy indebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured by tHis mortgage.
<br />(3) ltiat 1n the event the Martgagee Ss a party to arty litigation aftecting the security or the lien of St.s wort-
<br />F,$g6, In»lUding arSy st;it by the E~rtgagee to foreclose this mortgage or any suit Sn which the Mortgagee may" ba named
<br />C a patty defendant in which St is obllgaLed Lo protect SGs rights or lien, including co[:demnatton and bankruptcy
<br />~ prdceadings, the Mortgagee may incur expanses and advance payment for abstrsct fees, attorney tees !except tc the
<br />[ >_xtent yrohibited by law), costs, expenses, and ether »harges.
<br />
<br />