<br />THIS hfURTCrAtiE kt made tttia. 9th ~; ~. tlctssber .. . ... . ........ .
<br />19.81., betsveeat the b4tutgagpr,... , LLOYB.W:. WAGIOITZ. S. SI7SAN L.. W21.GNZTZ ...... . .............. . .
<br />.. ,titrrsbetnd, arid. ,WS~:e ...... . gterein "Bttt:oitxr"), and the ~ ............. . ....... .
<br />Evar)s Rnaacial Corporation ....... ................... a and
<br />antler-the hsw3 of.. Washington ~ ~ .............. . whole address~is~lri~l -0 3Dt~Street fiFT,
<br />..Suite, SOON ,Wasttinpton. D. C... 20007 .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (hertdtt "Leer"}, ..... .
<br />W>zette,~s, Borrower is inddned to Lender in the principal sum ~. FIl?TY-SZX THOUSAND NZ~,, HUD1DB,di,D
<br />..aid. PssI:L((tt .-. -. -. - - .-. -. -. - .:.-. -. -. - .Dollars, which indebtedness is evidencedby Bt-rrower's
<br />flirted.... Q~tobt:~' . 9, .19.81...... (herein "Note"), Providing for monthly installments of princtpal at~l interest,
<br />with the balance of the- indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on... Nbvet~eg. la, , ~Li, .. , , , , .
<br />To SecuRe to Leader (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note,. with interest tiiecernr, the
<br />payment of-alt other stttm, with interat thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the setatrity of-ths
<br />MoriBtgp, and the ptxformaoce of the covenants and agreements of &srrower becein contained, and(b}:the tspayategt
<br />of arty future advartees, with interat thereon, made to Borrower by I~nder pursuam to paragraph ZI hereof. (herein°
<br />' .tldvaoaes"}, Hormwer does hereby trtongage, grant and convey to Lender the following descrrl+ed-ptvperty
<br />toted' ~ the County of .............Hall ....................... ,State of Nebtaslta:
<br />Lot Twelve (12), Westroads Estates Third Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />~~~~~,,,, 355G_Graltaytn Avenue,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Grand. Island.. ,_ .......
<br />- - t8erwn ~ [City]
<br />:.. _ ~'.~ .. ~~41........ (herein "Property Address'"} ;
<br />tsf~q ,rtwl2tp txaat
<br />14,-with all the improvements now or bereafter erected on tbe property, and all- eaaerttents, rights,
<br />apgurtt~nances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and. profNs, water, water rights, and water stook, and alt
<br />futures now or heretitter attached to rite property, all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be
<br />daepatAd ic~~lta ttpd r;mpin a pgtt of the, property envered tsy this Mortgage; and aU of the foregoing, together with said
<br />properE~ (trbthe ioaseheld=estate if this Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein refereed to as the "Properly'".
<br />$otrovver;COVattif-n~ that Hoerower is lawftdly seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to tnortgege,
<br />gnat .4iad convey thr Property, that the F-roperly is unencumbered, and that Harrower. will warrant and defend
<br />geaeralfy tots title ut-the Ptogerty against all claims and demands, subject to any declarations, easemetus or restrictions
<br />listed in a schedule of aueptians to coverage in any title insurance policy insuring Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />-1 to • F~miy--6175--fMYlatftMYt IiNIFNM IIKrNYAgENf
<br />