.--~~ ~~ ~
<br />'~cIEREAS 2fic6~1 Jsnet Cschraa ___ _ _____ ..!lsband ar.:.
<br />wife it?arei:zafter usually referred to as "St~teowner'" were*~?er one s?r .Qr_ .' have
<br />entered into a certain critter. ISAS.cX F.E1'A.I~ r`it:?~';"',i::::' da_ed tine _ 25th
<br />day of _ ~sfies~er i3 81v wit„ the Cit of :Tana island :ehraska, a
<br />municipal corparatian (hereinafter usually referredi to as "Cit~Y^"), actin
<br />through its Canm+uni.ty Deceiopment Agency, for rehabilitation of a dwelling on
<br />preraiscs awned by Homeowner which are hereinafter de~crihed, and for tl;e granting
<br />by City to Homeowner of Federal funds in the amc+ant of Otte ~tousand eight hundredd
<br />ezghtg seVe_a and no/%-_----------- Dollars i S_I_,8$_7.00______ _? to be applied
<br />in payment of the cost of such r~•hahilitation, an
<br />WfIEREAS, Homeowner in snch A;Rrc~-II•:N"€ has, croon,; other things, agreed ,a, to
<br />repay such amount or, as the case may be, a part thereof to Cit,• ir. ce=-_ain ci-_-
<br />cumstances described in the AGREr.MEiiT, and (b) to execute and deliver to Cit} an
<br />instrument in recordable form t;rantini: to City a lien on the premises to secure
<br />snch repayment,
<br />NQtd, THEREFOP.E; in consideration of snch ACRI:F.PtI?NT with City, Michael
<br />and. Jaaet Cochran ___, husband and wife lhereinabove and herein-
<br />below referred to as "Homeowner"). do hereby grant to CITY t)I't;RAND ISLAND,
<br />NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns, a lien upon the
<br />following described real estate situated in I1a11 County, Nebraska:
<br />West 32.5 ft. of Lot 29 and East 16.5 ft.
<br />of Lot 28, Buenavi.sta Subdivision
<br />an addition to the City of brand Tsland,
<br />Nebraska, according to the recorded plat
<br />thereof,
<br />to secure repayment to the Cit;~ of Crand island, ?dehraska, its successors and
<br />assigns, of tine amount of the grant iiereinahove referred to or, as the case may
<br />be. a part ttiereof in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the
<br />DISASTER REPAIR AGREF.?`ffN'C to which reference is made hereinabove-
<br />1fie lien herein granted shalt nm with the nre+nises f.or a period of tWo
<br />{2j years from this dace, and shall also bind the successors and assigns
<br />and, except as provided in such AGRL'F.MENP. the personal representatives, heirs,
<br />devisees, and IeQatees of Homeowner.
<br />pared this _-- 25th~_ day oC September=_~Y, lv 81
<br />f ~ ~ f' l
<br />- ~ ~ ~~_,~_ ems''-~ 1~~~-`
<br />) ss
<br />County of 16s11 )
<br />qn this 25th day of- Saptealber 19 81 he€are me, the under-
<br />signed, duty commissioned and acting in and for such county, personally appeared
<br />identica-1 parsons whose signatures are affixed to the forel;nin;; instrument, and
<br />they acknoviedBed the execution of such instrument to 6e their voluntary act ('s)
<br />decd (s). .
<br />In ~titc,ass whereof, I have l;ere~.nta set :ny a€€icial hand and seal the dAte
<br />).test= $~r)ve written.
<br />- My E:o~ti4sson Expires:
<br />r~~
<br />_ ~IIRR1- ~Ri ply
<br />