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xoa ,.!-~t~~t~~~E. ~~C SECURITY ~IcR~Er~r" <br />~~~ ~~~~ <br />~tatu ~~ ~m ~~ ~itst ~zasrufs <br />xtsA? Randasll L. Nie;rsoth and Sharon K+ Niemoth, husband a$d wife <br />of the Cottatq bf ~a ],~ and State of Mbi]rLt&Ka mortgagors, is conaidezation of the stun of <br />2'h3.rtEt tlei f! thousand five bond-red and FdDf1V0s-- ----- t~32,~;00.00-_}DOLLAAS, <br />the-receipt whereof 'te hereby acknowledged, do hereby SELL AND C6NVEY to Island Mortgage Co„ Inc., Hastiage, Nebraska, <br />-mortgagee, the following described real ea Cate eittiated is ~~11 Coaaly, State of ~6bP8-E~ to wit; <br />=A trzdat of land comprising apart of the Nort}Iwest `~ns?rter of the Seuthwe <br />~zarter tag) of Section 35, Township 12. North, Range 9, ;hest of the 6th <br />~.M.-, in ,x.11 County, l~ebraska, more p~lrticularly described as follows: <br />3eginning at a paint on the west line of said Section }5, said point being <br />?'~9r5 Feet south of tYle northwest enrner of said Southwest Quarter; thence <br />southerly along the Crest line of said Section 15, s distance of 20$.71 feet, <br />shenee dafleetir.~ left 90°001 and running easterly, a distance of 2E{1.71 <br />"9et;; thence deflecting left 9©° 40t and running northerly, a distance of <br />?'t?8.71 feet; thence deflectir,.g left 90° 40 and runni?~.g ,~esterlg, a distance <br />~f 21€1.71. feet to the pleas of beginning and containing 1.15$ acres I~lore or <br />t <br />-' -Tagattier with-sit 6nildinga, eaeemeats, impravameata, Efx:urea o appurtettances now or hereafter erected [hareoa, including, alt apparatus, <br />-egdipment, fixtureaF trt arrieleh, whether in aiagle units o entrally controlled, used to supply heat, gas, air conditioning, water, light, power, <br />refzi{antioa, ventilatioa;'dishwashiag,. daapaaal, or other services, and any o;.har thing now or hereafter therein or thereon, the Ftsraishfng of <br />-which }/ lessors to reuses is <wtotnary or appropriate, including screens, window shade!, storm doors sad windows, Ilooe eoveriaga, screen <br />- doom, in-a-door beds, awniriga. stove! sad water haters (all of which are declared to he a part o'_ said teal estate whether physically athehsd <br />thereto or sot}: Ths bfort{ages is hereby aubrogated ro thr righu of all mortgagees, lianhalders sad owners paid oft by the proceeds of the loan <br />hareby.eecored, This. mortgage coastiiutea a necuriry agreemeac with respect to the chattels covered hereby and with respect to the [ixturea at- <br />tached to the-above described seal estate in which mortgagee has an ordinary security iatereet. <br />TO HAYE ANp-TO HOt,D the said nraperry, with said buildings, taaemea[s. improv<meau, fixtures, appnrtewnc ea, apparatus sad equip- <br />men4 tmto laid M~tgagea, its aucceeaorn sad auigns forever. <br />The mort{agora repruesc and covenant with Cho mortgagee that they are lawfully aeisad is fee simple of said premises: these they have good <br />_ -right a~ lawful authority to sell sad camvey t,.a wma; that shay are fzea and clear Irom encumbrancer, that there are ao onsandiog security ia- <br />- tssssta-.a{afpat. say iixturaa; and that they wW wazzaat and defend the title to said pzemiser against the claims of all persona, and that theca arc <br />- as-.ottgiagdtug secarHy interests-aa to.aay sad allot tW above described fixtures. <br />PAt1YlA£D, always sad these presents a e upon expreu coalition: That, Whereas the said mortgagors have this day executed sad delivered <br />ta::hc said Company, oaa certain ante, the.amattat of-the above consider¢tion, which sum with interest ac a variable rate, subject to increase or <br />dsrrease at th opf~tt,ialf$a~ rra aaRr~ldadet~s~ititt not or any modiftcatioa s extension therau', and all sum wh h said Company !hall pay <br />- out of Its owe fu~g~Teig'~-at7tikade,~ - a on ~h property desczibsd h r ia, or rotate <aah:agvancemanta_ `s.tiy th- --o tgaga t-ens <br />msri{a{ar ar Ifl+ s as~ -~ ~ f titan hefora the releaaa and canccilation of this martgag (prevld<d that the id ad- <br />vancement, tognw~u~h a as ?ia time at th said advaa sat„ nh.ll not axcaad Ltte a.igina, amount a, .ha taLr.e..da sni, <br />pravldsd'_ftttth._ 4ptihNb~1 be onafdared as limiting the amounts that shall be ascursd hereby when advanced to protect <br />~a tec3tr£tq or in atc:ordancc with-the tovenaaiscantaiaw 'aercialaiufi ctuutiwte- the debt awing m grid Ca~,pasy rad.hy said.ttnte saidmartga{- <br />-sir $i'aattat-fo-pay-aaid~'ebt-kBd-nfaze-s= ta-the-Csmpaay is monthly +~ntailutents ae grnvided in said nnie_af avsa data hsra±aith, Utt~ena.. od-ified - <br />~- on~aanadad~ Wes fieakpayir:_ant is due Thirty six {~6~ ----------'~-months from date. jtjpyei7lber 1st, ~. <br />Mort`ygra;fy;tber a{rea,to pay, hefora deliaquaacy, the sums secured hreby, an3 all taxes and, Charges of every-character queued or now <br />dos. tmdsr the Lws of~e~Apon said zsa7 estate, sad tipoa thin mortgage ar the note or. debt secured hereby; to kelp the huildiaga neon <br />Nid prsmius taaured, 03 at extended coverage is Dome company ar compsniea acceptable to more{ogee Lor an amount no[ lean than the <br />vale}.-oE. the Lu{liiag, aa. daia#tRiMd by the mortgages or the uapaid.ba3aaee of the loan, whichever is lea: to kaap all itnprovament! is good ra- <br />gir:afid aondltila, without waste during the life of this mdrtgage: and to permit mortgagee or its agent to enter vpoa.said pramtses to examine <br />the Couditloa a[ s!W-improvements ip.ordar to ensyze campliaace herewith. <br />- Sk?tild t~a(aait 6a tnade~la payment of the sum aeburcd hereby; or-soy part thereof, and said default coatiaua for sixty (ba) days, or should said <br />_ igaur_apSa $ot..tis pramptlY atfactld, or taxes or aneomaau sot bs paid bafora delisgnenry, or dmteult in soy of tb< terms a! [he note for which <br />thG. maregaga is security, or said property sold or [raaatarred without approval o! a supplemental sop'-icatiaa for auu:nptioa of thts mortgage <br />- sad,tha dabt.avldspced thereby, by the Compwy, or is case of !allure to duly observe sad be governed by the provts ions and condltioas o[ the said <br />GwaiMAy. aM rules and regulntiana o! the Company, or it- insured by more{age insuzante corpozatioaa, to pay iii addition at the optiw of the <br />Gamganys: flies pramia~a !or acid inauraoce, or the discovery by [he Company, or fta oftlter s, that any of the mtemenu contaia<d in the appli- <br />utioa tar sbs lwa axeeutad by mortgagors are !-be, or lF a Federal tax lies to thed o! record which Lnpoaes a lice ¢galns[ the shave deacr[hed <br />-- real aspq, than the whole of said indehtedusa remaining u-tpaid shall at the option of the laid Company, become duo and payable without natite, <br />- Lima 6eio{ the essence of th[s coatrwct. <br />_ - ~auW dtotepgot! tail to keep the buildings inayred, as herein agreed, oz tail to pay real scuts taxes! sad special aaasalmenta on the raid <br />-- martgagad. prppsrq 6gfora daiiaquency, mortgagee may eftact sold insurance, pxy true! sad laauranca premlW`tta, sni all cacti paymeatr, wits, <br />tata{asYJm psttvldad W elm firs[ mortga{e note secured by Chi. mortgage, !halt be a lien upon a:id p:amiaas sad secured hereby. <br />_ -tisarE~agura heaby r-alirrtttisb all-#oarnestead-and :rsarital Fights at.every klai in add to the said premius. <br />- --- For the ptugosc. of iuzail~in;_tyrt[ter lssuzity for the debt latnrad haraby, t14e mpFegxgata harlby #latga. trana(sr and sat aver to [he more- <br />- i{a{M. W bs appltsd, tuwsrd the paymea[ of the- sofa and aH other stana; aacured hcsaby, -in case ors daGUlt is the parlormaace of any of the terms <br />sad ceaditlpas- o! Chi.! mort{sge or tba said note, all eha treaU, raveauas, aad.incuma to be derived-from the maregagsd premise! durlag tuth <br />tinge a~-sLia mortgage indcbtetiaeu rball remain ynpaW: and the: mortgagee shall Nava power to ap?~int'Sy agent, ar sgeata, it may desire for the <br />patpshs of sspaie}og sold Pramtau rod .ift _rantist{ the -Hine sad-aollaeiittg thn teats, tevenµes,, and income, and it may pay out of said in all <br />aptness df rspalrlnf uW premise! agd.alcafNZy cnmatisiloPll, and-.sspahNia lacurkad to regtla{. atcd managing the acme, and o[ collecting rent- <br />- - -ale theratrom; tba 6alaace remaloipg if say; -so-he stye!/ed [a+rard-(ltd dfiebsrgo-of laid-mortgsge fndahtadssis. Moriga gss shall aecouat fez rents <br />atiwlly colLc4d sad Dot !or the rentai.a•alua oI-•aid prsmlua. .. - <br />IbtLa ualstR adn<u secured hereby ba gttarantssd oz lnsyred yader the.9grvicemen'a RsadfustmentAet, as amsndad, such Act and R<gulatioaa <br />iHUCd-tbsreaadlr sad In etflct au tha.df,te filPtpad shall-govern the rf{ht, duties and-liibiAtlea of Lha paretsa hereto, sni any proviaiona a; Chia or <br />asiar -ta•arytnettt! ~axaeuted'!n eapae<tloa trltti asid.iadebtadkess wbichate incodsiataat with said Aet or Rs{uLtiona are hereby amesdsd to con- <br />1oRM tJtetum - - - - - ~ - - - <br />Tba-.#zma u!M- to eea3`tittta arty of ebe pastleit hsrafa shill! he deemed to include (its hafrx, repreasstativaa, aucteasora and aaaignn of acid <br />partlaa; sad she team ••MOretajor^ altzil slso 1acltKTa-say Tawlul avrner, hu]Asx or pleii{or of any tngebtedaeae setursd hereby, <br />