~. ~J~T-[~~~-=vr'i'Fi'f .'._i i ~i;~`i ~'~yi ~,',~ii'~'4'~.Q'T.~" ~•K41~i-'~ rt?'.'ri ~[~ - ~ ~:.~. i, l'3 `,"
<br />', ,'
<br />~ J.~ ~'~dl: C:uTlt~7'~S' fvv"fP"J (J~......._.._-- - -_.tts.l~___ _.._..- _,.,.._....w,._.. _ ~.i(~'t;i1.':~~'TY', exi~'I:~i.il~'..r1,ai1?i„ttr
<br />- -fit 7`ltis is Po cerPi~!'~ Ph;;P there is pnn,finq in Ph_e !",.ttndt, ~,'our± 3f__ a`'` ~ ------_-._ ~_L'our.P;;,
<br />_;
<br />'~~ :vehr~~c, a proceeding entitled:
<br />~~ In the fitter of the .7oint~on~rv~Q~ahi~and_,in4nt tt,ard;ansfii.~.~f------
<br />'~~~ MLARZE T. Gt?C, A Protected Person, ' --
<br />~Y{ -- - -- ----- --
<br />r"fa. ~l'ye P.ac. 3 Page_~3.a__---
<br />wlticlt is a proceeding involving for Annointment of Special 3oint Conservators
<br />(probate of wi(f, admintstraticn of estate, determination of heirs, determination
<br />of inher£tan_^e lax, guardianship. or ronsrrc¢torship
<br />in which proceeding the following described real
<br />estate is involved, Po-wiP:
<br />Lot Twenty (20), Block Five (5), Morris Third Addition to the City of
<br />Grand island, Aall County, Nebraska, also known as 2t?8 West 19th Street,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />~t
<br />ji~''~ Richard E. Weaver
<br />~; -~~ LounPg Judge u( said cuuntq
<br />-a;
<br />- ~ -_ - 4fer~ VJ Phfi l [Jt~tr7Pf% li(~ ~f..
<br />ti.
<br />s} .2.
<br />F y~,
<br />~,, Section l9 .iiD. "tn ¢ny proaldirtp in £he county tour! ine-ro(oiny (1) (trc prob:rle or wills under the p
<br />~ Z. (2)-thestdri;iAistrafi¢n aJestatex undo the prouisiona of C:traptar,?p, article :l. (3) the dctua+inativr+ o
<br />d ~ :j G.~r:;ter-.~', article :7, {~} iha deterntirratiori of inheritance £ax uirder the prucisians of G'hapirr 7i,
<br />~, ;; ~ uAdar the provisions of Ch¢ptu 33, article !, 3, 3, or J, or (t;) ronserualarshit+s under the provisions of
<br />i '~ rtol rstate tt auy part of fhe ass+7x of the estate ar pracredinp, the cvurtfy judge before wham the procee<fin
<br />( -~~. cerfificutr +:tlaich ahall be tiled :uith the register of deeds of the County ua euhish the real estate is toc¢ted wi
<br />~~ _~ ~ descri liar: o Phe real estate is eled in the roceedua '
<br />' ~, p 1 J p p.' ........................................
<br />7~i"
<br />w+er td
<br />to
<br />thz
<br />