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<br />therein, or the remedies at law for recovering from ~e parties 2iahie to pay the sanaa~ tae hafance of
<br />said principal sum, with interest, seemed thereby,
<br />hl'i Rf; ~eeresi,f, the said T>~>: Pr3L~IDE.~TLLL T:~st:~r~~ Ca~P~:aY O>< AatEnaca, has
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<br />wed, a lsotfry Public of Minpesota, pereo HOwdrd C, Sackr~der.__ . ,
<br />to ma_rtal~ known and-known to mo tin be a ice idest of The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a corporation
<br />oYgaelaed under the laws of the State of New Jersoy, and also known to me to be the ideotioal person whose name is subscribed to the
<br />t utg wstrnwept as Vino President of the above mentioned corporation, who, being by mo duly sworn did acknowledge and say
<br />fi~he rs a Ftaa I4szident of 'Phe Pnsdeatial Insurance Company of America, the corporation dexrittocl [n and which executed the
<br />f insiaumes6 avid that Eire soot adixed tU the foregoing inatrutnent is the corporaW seal of said corporation; that, beu[g informed
<br />ofoantsnta of said instaumeat, hesigned, sealed and dehveral the samo, as such oBloer, in behalf of said corporation by authority
<br />.o:! itr ~1oard o[ Diraotorx; and that he- exeontecl -the said- instrument as his froo and voluntary sot and deed and as t3te free and
<br />voluntary sot and d,3et1 of the said corpurwUen far rho uses, purposes and consideration therein set forth.
<br />IR -Y lYiaweoA, I havo herouAtu seG my hand and afBsed my offi ' -real at my ofhc~ in t City of inneapoliy [he day
<br />emd yr~rst above writt~u. , . » , ,, i
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