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<br />. -- ..., - _ _ p <br />5~3-J4-I~EAt. ES?'>gs3'E hlt3ft~6#ra~-(YYith Tone S<`iauaes •_ Td isut!m~n a+PfT FE7fiir~n 5 ?ee*H Y~'t'~±, Eke w~V~~q+t7 '~ <br />IKNL}w AI.L ME?J BY TH£8£ PI2£;3EN2'S: That vaorge . _:or:`5 ~ ,_.._ :la=Fa"'%`t .,__,,.. :'fot't~'ti, <br />nu~aaT`ri and °.;.f2, each ~., .,is and her o•~€:: , <~nt, <br />of Ha7..;. County. and State of ~ei~raSki; , in caasidera"~ ~ the sum of <br />Seven Thausand three lundred (~7,j~,OO} JdLLARB <br />in hand paid. do Isereby SELL and Ct3NVEY unto :?1Clfierd H. '.der any f".ri^.ia n. '.'~:];~8r, :^usband <br />and brife, as joint tenants ~~th right of surrivors%:i~e and .not as >enants i,. eo~~~aon, <br />of County, State of 2dahe the following described premfs~ situated <br />in Hall County, and state of ;eTebraska . W-wit: <br />I,ot ?Lne (4} in Amick acres Secand Subdivisicn located in <br />part of the'dorth Half of the Scuth~aest ~aarter !,:yS'r'd=} and <br />par's of the South =Ialf of the idortt;raest wuarter (S-~ ~+''~~} of <br />Seatiaa Two (2}, Totrnship "line (9} north, '~ar:ge en c;lO} <br />1Yest of ±.he bt'r: 9..:., in ?fall Country, idebraska. <br />The intention beinz to rnnvey hereby an absolute tit]e in fee simple, including all the rigbts of homestead and dower. <br />Tf? HAVE AND TfD HiJLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said <br />mortgagee{s1 and *_o hes. her or thrir hems and assigns forever, provided always, and these preseata are upon the ezpress <br />ec,rtditioa that if the saxi mortgagotts). his, her or their heirs, ezecutora, adtoinistratozs or assigns shall pay or cause to be <br />paid to the said rmsrtga~rtsi, his, het or their heirs, ezecutors, administrators ar assigns, the pri>icipsi sum oI ~ ~,i~1.'~~ <br />payable ~ foflows, to uit: <br />%n eq~Tal ~ent::ly installments of One Hundred Sixty-no ~olSars <br />arxi rort~, Ot:azts ~1.^.~.!a'~}, _nciuding interest the _'irst <br />pay°~ent sue Tavember lO, 1481, :rith a like payment on ::Te l:th <br />of eaoh and every ..^..onth thereafter until a total of sixty (bCi} <br />payments have been :Wade, the final pa;,rment being the balance <br />t':en due in the rcuzit of One r?undred Sixty Ooilars and Seventy <br />Six Cents ($1?+-'•'6} <br />with interest according to the tenssr and effect of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with these preaeata <br />and shall pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said teal estate, and ell other lazes. levies and assessments levied upon this <br />mortgage or [he note 'which this martgagr is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings oa <br />said premises insured far the sum of s ~=~ ,loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then these presents <br />to be void, otherwur to be and ;rmaia ~n full tatce. <br />IT I9 FC't~'I'HEIt AGREEli tt.` `f'hat if the said mortgagor shall fail W pay such taxes or procure such insirance, the <br />snit! rr~ttgatrr mar f,uy +uah taxe» arM~ l.ri,cur+~ t.i~n insuranr e; arwi the _~ __ _____c_ ____ intrtnst at per <br />.-sat. s,.all ~ .-paid b, ,e ., ~..-lgagar, e.... N.., .,~> Fs'as~ al:ali stood as ~.xrity,f a t'u- satna.' {2i "' hat a fa;lum *o pay say <br />of said nro.^ev: either pri::~ ut :. interest, evt:e.: ?x ~:ne Px~om~ dam, or s fs9!ure to c~nply with any of th° fo:~u-ing <br />mcrtgag~ ~u...a„~ ....~ ,.,,~,~~ ~,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,, , ,,G.~,.. ~..,..F..,..., .,~=,,.o ~u~ A.«, 4-.,.,~..u..,o ~. v,.U~ e~ u.o _ ~ o, .~ <br />Signed this 1Gtir day of C~tcber t9 ~' <br />6 <br />t presence of ... .. -~,~~,~~~~.//.(Y/~s.....~~.._......_....._....---_....._.. <br />rr~~,, <br />`~..~`.:t,r:.1.E..,Ln~i._~:.~.~..~-rf:.-:.L..t~.-~.:.+...t-.[-:."..`...- ......... ..... ._ ~i.~i .T :L...~,.L.l. .. .!/1/.L6~:~ <br />~.xaret ~ en .Warris <br />STATE OF .. ~Iegz ~r~~ ................ . Gottnty of ..... Ha71.. <br />The foregoing inatrttanent was acknowledged before me .........O~LO4~I'..~.'~, ...............19 31. <br />by ..Ge~g~. Pd, .vlp~ ~. s X3~. G~~-~'garet Ellen ",~arris <br />~~~ SigsrAt~re of person Taktng Acknowle~gtne~et <br />~ ............. ~ t . ~ .~ ... ...... . <br />Title _.~ ~-~,__.:' :~-_ '' <br />i~I`ATE f>F .............._......................._......_...............__ } rn the RePdateum<raDeeds OBiue of said Caounty tha I <br />Cot}aty .................. ......_.. - °..-.............-........._.....-..... sa. <br />1)) ~ . t I <br /> of_......._...,,..........,...................., I9............, at....................._.........o'clock and................ ... _.minutee .. _ .........._....M' <br />and r~r$~ in $oc!< .........................................of...._.._..............................e6 page......_.......-.............. .._... ~ <br />_....._ ..............__......_........._...._.._...... ....Iteg. of Deeds <br />sy._........._...._ _.._.......__._ ..... .... ....................Deputy <br />