<br />TH!$ II~ID&I+TPURB. tsf~e t~s_- __-g~L.__ -. - - -- day of __ _ Cc #~be?I i4 ~1 _. . _ „d ;.r,'weea
<br />~~~_. ~-.4~L~Z-IJ~f~ CQJf.O~.~t~, __l*237,~2~ _i2t~S~.i2tt_[Ult~ i?u~e-- ----
<br />of ffff~-~ CwtmY, Neixas~a, as trttutgagar ~_. aatd Home Federal Savings atM Losn Assodation of Grand istaMl, a auporation
<br />Err and earoting utsaer the taws oC t:te United States of America with it prirtcipsf office and place of business at Grand !stand, Nebraska, as
<br />tao!'Igebee;
<br />WiTFIESSE TH: That said tttortgaaor _~__, for and in coroidera!ian of tE~ sum of _ ____,
<br />N.fsle Thof~sand five Hfuidated S.ixtu-These do~Eafu arld_ JD Y00 >zt~t: 4.63.00 f,
<br />tiro reeeiptaf atdeh is M_reby ackaowkdged, do --- b- eftese G: assets mtrtgage and wamnt ttnro sold morfgsd6ct'ifa`sttrs and assigns,
<br />Forever, tdf the foifowfag describxd reef estate, situated in the County oC _~_______._._..__._~f~-e
<br />and State of NeMasks, to-wit:
<br />Lod Twenty-b-ix (26 } .f.n N.idden Lahea Sttbdiv.t3.i on Neuitben 7uto (2) , Be.i.ng
<br />a Pant a ~ the Soettheab.t Qttan~en. o b xiee No>ttheaa.t ~,t tanxet (S~'i.NEta) and a Pant
<br />o~ seetun r~teen6(i31.Nro~wne~ Eeev~ef~f~(1il~onth,~~tge Nile (9y(~wea~z ~/)
<br />a~ .t}Ie bxfl P.bf. , Ha.YX County, Nebnaaha
<br />Together xith all heating, air rnnditioning, Ughting, and plumbing equipment and fixinres, including scrams, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doers, atdwiodew shades w blinds, used on or N connection with said property. whether the same are now located on said property or hrraniter
<br />piatad~thereoa.
<br />Tf) HAVE AHD TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and aiogular the tenements, hrreditarnence and appurtenances thereunw be-
<br />longitts, or ie artywi9e appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor yi.._... hereby covenant with said
<br />tavrtga6ea that .__ .t he t~.,,alie. _..__ _. _. , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner _~.. of the premises above conveyed and described,
<br />aada~~4~eraaed of s good and indefeasible aerate of inheritance therein, free and clear of all encumbrances, and that--~te~ will
<br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever agaittet the ctnims and dermnds of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrttinent is executed aad delivered w stxwa the payment of rho sum of _ .- _ _. _ _ . _
<br />t~Ite,_ThQU,~ar~~.ve_.N~n~Qd_S~.x#u_7h~f,e~d_9~~/te_a~d_.0011OOuaEEaroES_ 9,.f~_~.Qa - - 1.
<br />with ingest €~raan, togel.:~r with st~h ehseges ores.{ udvartrra as may ba due artd payable u, sari ntorigapne urnlev tExo trr:ns and wtxletiana
<br />of t h. p. ~° of ova:. wro ' :c^ ::. a_e,-...,,: ~ _ - _ - ,.
<br />in said not~.and W aewre the perfotmaooe of all the utnw end coaditioos contained therein. 'Fite terms of satd note ere~heteby incorporated
<br />hssrdn !ry- tBis sattvenea.
<br />it is tlra iotaotion sad agreemeni of the 1Hrtiem twaW.o that this mortgage shalt elao aeons any future advances made to said atarigagwo--.
<br />SY.ttaid auo[tgagfe, and any and all iadebtednesa in addition to Lhe amount above stated whic}. said martgago:x;. or any of them, nwy awe w
<br />said tnoctgst~e, however eviderteed, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in Full force and effect ttetwaeu
<br />the ptutiea tterato end their h®ira, personal rapteeeutatives, successorx arsd assigns, until all tunounts secured hereunder, including lutun-
<br />advaaa», ors paid in fuL' with ingest.
<br />T~ rnortgagnr-d-__. hereby assign _ to said mortgagee ell rents and income arising at any and all times from said property end
<br />heaehy sutltm'ixe said mortgagee or its agent. at iW optftut, upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all rents and inz:ome
<br />therefrom sod app1Y the aante to the payrrom of interest, ptiecipal, insurance premiums, razes, aseeaenteots, repave or improventen[s
<br />nacaua[Y,tq ksepaa~ prnS~Y is tetmat;sbla r.~nditioo. ar W other charges tK paytomte provided for basis or ip the tests hereby secured. This
<br />cent aseigneoent shall eontfnue ift foece uutit the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. 'Phe taking of poasevsion hereunder shall in no manner
<br />peevant or retard said moctgagea in the eolieciian of said atttns by foreclosure or uthsuwiae.
<br />Tka fafldre of the moetgsgae to attsart a+Y of its tights hereunder at any Elms shell not be construed es a waiver of its right to assert. the
<br />aatua at.ttny lag tiraa, and to irssiat upon arsd ersforr~ strict compliance with all the terms and provisiaru of said note ami of this marttfaga'.
<br />If seed ~ shall cause to Eta paid to =auf mortgages Etta entire amount due it hereundor. and under the tarots turd provisions
<br />of said ttogt I~aibY sacst[sd, itrtludog fncuro advances, aml_ any exteasiaas of renewals thereof in accordwu.e with the terms and provisions
<br />64is[ep1. sad ~ Mid mans. ~._ shall aartpiy with all the-pmvisitins of said testa end of this mortgage, than these- presents shall ba void;
<br />~as~:s* is -sa€ss -.arire, s a3itt ~ni js.y~cE 'affi`l isa c atit`r~ w t:ru aion of all of said proper ig. arm maY,.a:, iw opc:an.
<br />d+e+ier~ha,.+3i aatd crud ail reptpsantv~s _ tltnr€by w ba itrtrs~~isiy due and payable, and may fargctose Skis rrwrtgagc
<br />as tti3ta say atiret legal aotioa io protect its right. Apprsiaehsaat waived.
<br />Tide trwtfi~a ah4[ be triading upon aed shall enure to Etta betaCtt of the heirs, execusors, adrninistrakus, successors and assigns a! the
<br />~Aective'y~tie~ hemtn,
<br />lAi W[7`¢iErS& WHEREOF, s9sd Moxtgsgor b~... ha _ve- hereunto set.,.._... .- •._ hand !~.._ the day and year fleet alwve
<br />pavui E. LQn~tz -"
<br />_._ ._.____ W..__._. _.___.---__- ~._ _._ ~
<br />Cr~~.~e Ff'~ e~z ~o ,, ~ r. ~ . ,
<br />