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<br />$ , °~ 'd~ i) `~ `~,' .1:.~ 1< 23 533 <br />[MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24trv;, <br />KN01Y Ald. MEN 81' THFSE PRE54ENTS- That Vickie 3. I{al los and Rosie Kal los, each in his and her <br />C7rWi1 right and as spoUSe Of each other, Mortytyor, whsther om or moo, in caorideratlov of the :~ of <br />mhi r¢s+nrs - Thtglsand_ and no1100 <br />hued to sad by Tire Erpritahle 13m'idatg and l.oarr Astaxiation of Grand island, Nebraslta, Moctpgce, upon 130 shoes of stack of <br />said ASSOCIATION, CertiRcate No. L 2400{3 , do hesxby grant, rbtrvey and »tortgsgr lotto the said ASSOCIATION the faBwing <br />d real tssate, situt~ b Ifall County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Five (5), in Block Nine (9), in Rollists' <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />tasether with as the teaerrcnts, hercditaments and appurtenances thereunto belottgirtB, including attadced Floor oowrirrgs, all wordow srreeas, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment std acasttria thereto, pumps, stores, <br />refrigentoo, and other factures and equipment now o[ hereafter attached to or used N ctsnnectiors with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said. tmrtgsaor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will Pay aU taxes and asaea®ents leveled or <br />asaeaed upon aid premises and tspon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become detivquevt; to furautr approved <br />iaaravice upon the buiWiags on said premises situated in the sum of S 13, 000.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to dtdiva to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and na[ to comatit or permit say waste on or about said paerrtises; <br />In case of default in the performance of any of the terms ud condi[aru of this rrrortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortga'ee shall, <br />on demand, be entitled to immediate postesaon of the trtor[gaged premises and [he mortgagor hereby assigns, toasters and sets over to the <br />morlgsgee all the Dots, revenues ud income to be derived from the nsortgsged premises during such tirve u the mortgage indebtedtsess shat remain <br />uapairi; sad the mortgagee shag haw the power to appoint uy agent or agents it may desire for the purpaa of repairurg aid premises and renting <br />the same and collecting the ,cuts, revenues and income, and it may MY out of aid income all expenses of repairing said premiea and nooeaary <br />rnmmiaiovs and expenses incurred in renting and rmnaging the same amt of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance resnainiag, it any, to be <br />applied toward the disrltarge of said mortgage irdebtedness: these rights of the rnorigagee may be exertixd at say time doting the exis[eaoe oC such <br />tId'auk, irrespective of coy temporary waiver of the area. <br />These Presents, however, are upon the Condition, That if the said !MaH.gagor shat repay said !tssn an err before the ttw€urity of sad shares by <br />pymerrt; pY rvonthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified m the Bond severed hereby as interest and prirtdpal on said ban, oa or before <br />the Trrm[ieth day rsf each sad every trtonth, until slid loam is fully paid; pay all taxes and asusstvents levied against said prctvises and ors this Mortgye <br />asd the bond secured thereby, before delirryu.^.rscy; furnish a .bawd insurasxe upon the buildinBa thereon in the sum of S 13, 303.30 payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION; te~Y to said ASSOCIATION tspou darrwnd ail rrsorrcy by ii paid €ot such tastes. assessments and insurance with i[tt~rc~ at- <br />tire tatYlmnm hgat rate thereon tram data L{payment all of which Mortgagor l~reby agrees to pay: permit ao walla ou std premises: knyr and warply <br />°t rdi ins aycaf~nrs and corsdieians of rite pond for a i.'s, 303.33 rills day givras by lice cab itiortgagor to aid ASSOCIA"ffOP7, std eavrpiy <br />will; aU ths:squirrmaata ssf tip Catsstitu€ion and Sy-Laws of saki A~SOCiA'rf;}N; tI~ t presents adraii 3aoretaa ntdl sad void, athzrwise itsey <br />shalt remain in full fora and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSO(IATION aRer failure for three months to make uy of said <br />Aymavts a be three rvonths in arrears in making aid monthly paYutents, or to leap and cotopiy wir6 the agreetveats and conditions of said 8ovd; <br />and Nortgsgtu agrees to haw a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclo:aue prooeedarge. <br />If them is any chaoea in owncrsbip of the ,cat elate mortgyed herein, by ale or otherwise, then the entire remaiaivg indebtedvea hereby <br />sararrad shall, at the option of The Equitable Builtfirrg sad Loan Amciation of Grand Island, Nebasta, heooma immediately due and payable without <br />fttrttter noiiae, and the amount remaining doe under said bend, and any other hood for uy additional adwvoa mde thercuvdar, shall, fmm the <br />dsde of exercise of said option, bear interest at the maximum legal ate, a~ this mortgage may Urea be forecbsed to atidy the amount due ov aid <br />bond; aced any other bold for additional ~vuces, mgether with all sums paid by aid The Equitable guddiog and Loan Aasocistion of Grand Island, <br />Ntelaaska for insurance, taxes and assestrrsents, and abstracting extension clsargea, with interest thcreoa, from date of payment at the maxirnwn <br />kpl rate. <br />1f ~avidad in the Band secrred hzraby, while this rrtorrgagc remvns in effect the mtsrrgagee nvy hereafter advance additiortn! solos to the <br />toakus of told Bond, their assigtts err successors in interest, which sums shall 6e within the security of this nwrigage tlx carne as the fuids origioalty <br />secured theta , the ~ oral unt of principal debt rso[ to exceed ai any time the original amount of this nwttgage. <br />¢ \ <br />9 day of October A. D., 19 81 <br />~~Kallos - <br />STATE OF NEBRAS1i:A, s4. t]n this 9th day of OctobeZ 19 81 , 6efcae roe, <br />C04lNTY O~ t1A11. <br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for aid County, peootraUy came <br />Vickie 3, Kallos and Rome KdllOSr each in his anti her own right anus spcwse of ~3ctt <br />OY~fE`rr w dre personally Itnavrss sa <br />me to be the identical pecwn g whose name g aLe affixed to the show irytrwrsent~mortgagor S and they several-y <br />acknowledged the aid taatrwaent to be their voluntary act and deed. 1 <br />W1TNE55 my hand ud Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. <br />~igi+tiF~Mis. <br />