<br />
<br />THiB ZNl38L+TltIRE, ands tka ~~ day of ~f'-~D62Y fs _. by ash betweeen
<br />Hex~ar+ 1?- Drranernteett and AnJti3 IifiRt6 Pbcr}es~a~, 1w,bi~lfd r ittt~$,
<br />d H~'~ Cormty, Ne[arslca, as mortgagor b ,and Grand Intend Trns Company of Gsand Inland, a aapnntioe
<br />org*nimsd aqd a nadae tits ktrs ~ Nebraska with its principal o}6ce sad pLce of business at Grand Ia1a~, Nebraska, as me:
<br />WITNi That said mort;agor~-. , for and in oonnhiarati~t of the aztm ~
<br />r.~,xt~T~s_ ~ tts._ ~;~,4~.4~1 1,
<br />the teneipt of whim ie haaby aelmowkdgad, do ~ by these presnte mortgage and warmuao saidmorg~w:, its nt>ceaiaortrsmf aasigaa.
<br />forever. a0 the tolbwingdesar'bed reel estate. situated iatheCounty of - HaCP - - -. ~ -
<br />®d 9tads of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />South Halo as ,the Nontheabt Quantelc o~ .the Nontheaa.t 2uufitPlt o5 Seeti.an Four ,14),
<br />Tawnakip E.Peven I11) North, Range N.ute 19) wean ab .the S,ixtk P. M., Ezeepzing a Tifaat
<br />281 Feet 6y 45.1 Feet as deacnibed .crl Geed Reeonded .cn Book 129 at Page 591.
<br />AND
<br />Lot Five I S) , .t.n Ga~cden P.Qace, A Subdiv.te.ton o 6 Pant a ~ .the Nonthweet Quante>t { Nw'~ )
<br />o~ Seeti.on 7hnee (3) , .crt TottMbltip Eeeven (11) Nontlt, Range Nine 19) went os xhe
<br />S~,xth P. M. , -cn Haf?.E County, Nelvtaeha
<br />Together with ell heating. av conditioning. righting, and ptumbirtg equipment and futures, including screens, awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors, and window ahadee or blinds. used oa or in catnectioa with said Property, whether the same are now located on said Property or hereafter
<br />placed thaeeon.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all end singular the tenements, trereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be-
<br />1oa$ng, or in anywise appeetsinieg, forever. evd warrant the tick to the same. Said morgagor-.d_ hereby covenant --with said
<br />moetgugse ~- ~-N - QJie , ac the delivery taeeof, the lawful owner b . of the premiaee shove conveyed and described.
<br />and-?r'O sued of a good and iodeferibk aerate of irrharitance therein, tree end clear of all encumbeancee, and that~he{~will
<br />- warrant and dahod the title thereto forover against the rLima end demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />f?HOV fI3ED ALWAYS, s~ this imtrrrment is ~~~±rtsd sad delivered to secure the payment of the sum of __~ _ _-_-_ _ ~~___ -v_~
<br />„tys~Y~.Qlzaand Six fktndr^~ ~~x~y-Ti~nee._.anti aiti..dtl~offarals_c2,i>~i ~~_ r.
<br />;gent-:: m 9~ °' ~ aasd~-'. ss ws Ire 3.a; sort payable to said :rortgagee user t~ a...... and c^.^_:.+et:.....,
<br />--oE-tfielaar}~ sate of ovt® dots :~-swit6 asd Wired hue~ty. ercaeutatf f:y saw mnrtgae°or .~__ to said :~rtgsgaa. paYahM as =xprnvse~l
<br />R Aid Hats, and to seeues the paefeemaooe o[ ail the teems end eoadiCions contained therein. The [acme of said note are hereby incorporeted
<br />hrie.by this rsQereaee.
<br />it b the iepWieia and ageeemmt of the partis Itaeto that this mortgage shall oleo eacure aqy future advances made to said mortgagar 6..._
<br />ley said , acrd nay and sU indsbtednse in addition to the amount above stated whic}. said mortgagors, or any of them. may owe to
<br />acid moetgsgss, however evidaaoed, whether by rota, book.acoount or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain rn full force and effect between
<br />the paetiss herald and their hairs. peeaonat repreasntativs, auorseaore and assigns, until ell amounts secured fmreunder, i~luding future
<br />advanas, are paid in tel: with interest.
<br />The morigagorJj.._ hereby assign __ -. to said mortgagee ell rents and income erfeing at any end all times from said Property and
<br />hereby authariae sid mortgagee ~ its asaat, at its option. upon default, to tslre charge of said property and collect all rents and income
<br />theeatrom and apply the wino to [hs psymaet of mtaraet. principal. rnsuraoce premiums. tease. asaeesmente, repairs or improvements
<br />nao~esary to ksp said pmpcy in teneoeehb condition, or to other rhargas or payments provided for herein ar in khe note hereby secured. This
<br />cwt assigaateotehall contirate in foss until the unpaid hakene of said Hots U fatly Paid. The taking of possseion herermder shall in no moaner
<br />pewraai.or retard acid. ie the aoUaciiatc of said sums try forsrlosura or otherwise.
<br />The tathas aE tlw mortgagee to asseet any of its rig6ta hereunder at any time shall not 6e construed u a waiver of ire right to asserq the
<br />name at ~ Isflirtimp,snd to ioskt upon sad eofonas Kriet eompliwce with all the terms sad provisions of said note and of this mortgage.
<br />E€ aitid-~- b shalt ceruae rtr be past is sad ~ the s~ntire sssotrat due it ~.n~a antl utr~<the terms and pmvisions
<br />d sold rwta horabY. ne_pttatl. iuclaaing tutus advances, sad arty aateasioae ar rauswah thereof in accardaace with the Lerm.9 and provisions
<br />titeeetd, t~pd fl;esid __6..,__ shell osmPlY with all tlr provisioea of said coca and of this awrtgnge, rhea these preaent- shall be void:
<br />at:ite fatlu t41!rwahr i4 fldl tun and efflaet, ad eeid martgtr~s shall Igentitled W the possession of aft of said ProPwtY. and may, at its option,
<br />dt~ wllpif of acid safe sod ~ sdehtedeass eepesaot#d thseaby W tre immediately due and payable. and may foreelasa this mortgage
<br />or; tote +!oY othef Ir`al octim.to pro4at its right. Appesismwt wefvsd.
<br />Thfs-motF~,ga shall he hi~urq ctpon asd shaft emus to the benefit of t!m hens. ezecutors, administrators, sucrosaors and assigns of the
<br />pRttiM hseto.
<br />IN WtTliES6 WHE,REQF, eakl Mottgagor~ __ ha .yQr_ haeeunw set ---, hied _ the day and first above
<br />writfas
<br />--- _ H.rt R. Pttncoc ~ v
<br />Anne Marie Pustcochra~t
<br />J
<br />