<br />azt.w,-trgcH~ktc'a t.te~E ,~ ~.... :1 die} ' ~; ~ +~,rfmaa and ~m~: a vM,rr. Iw~al~. ne. D
<br />L.ie» ctaiased l+y -October. s~-•,-----------_.._ .................~x¢.
<br />Jo,'~nson L.tsl:~r~ Lumber Co., of Grand Zsianr; ttgaittst:..Jo?cn ~. qan+~ Lois A._yfsi`er
<br />Addreu..i.8..'.s',~_~Ra.~.si~..~Grand Island,,. NE _ _,__... Grand_,ZsZandr~ita 68$Cl.________
<br />rn $1 n*. t's-
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<br /> ' as Lumber, Siding= I~eiis, Znaulation, and
<br />------------
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<br />~__~_---____. -----
<br />
<br />----- ----- -- -----------------~------- ---------------°-------- -------------°-
<br />otFier misc. materials. ~
<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------j --3----. -
<br />5 783 5
<br />---------- --_.
<br />
<br />_.~ _.._.
<br />
<br />__~. .---~--
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<br />Stars of iv'ebras~aT•_-
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<br />_. ..~3>ill....._._..__. Co»»tyJJJJJJ
<br />A~i Donald A. Johr,sonL•Mana~er of .Johnson •Casho.~ay •I.umber Co, of Grand island ~
<br />._..._.._........_._.._.___._. __ st
<br />drty swor», on his oath sapr fhat the foregoing ite»azed occou»t of work, labor, skiU__.._~uildi~ -. __-_-.•.------. -~-.
<br />»~aterial-, a»d imgoeements is tr»e and correct: that same were done a»d performed a»d fxr»ishsd by the »»dersigsed
<br />fo- tlu said---?ohu._~..~a~s~sis. ~1....F£.ei.~~r---•----------------•---------------••------•---•--•-•----•--•---.........._......._..___.._.__............._
<br />»ader a' ....... yez~i}1.-•----......_ ...............•--....._.. co»tract.-•----------------------•- ------ ... --...-- ._..-..... -------•-----.._._..............__._.._._
<br />f~t~s__--..construction -.----.--.of a rtew,.residence
<br />o» the foUowisrg Iot, puce or tercel of land, vis:'.....IRat..FleY~n..t.1L....Zi..attsl...~.-.?nd..S.~th3iL.i.sian..---..._.......
<br />City of Grand Island, Rail County, i7ebraska.
<br />Thakat the rims said contract ums made and labor and materials furnished and delivered there»»der._.-..-.-_-.__.-...._
<br />=i33h.~::#a...Xx~i:~:~r...a d..l~ai.~.~=..~'f~if~r ........................_..---...----
<br />............ .................:..vas the ow»er of sand gemisat"
<br />Thor the date of the first item furnished a»d delivered rs,os....October.,41._1`?.~Q •--•----...-.... a»d the
<br />dote of the test item was........_Zu.1.Y....L4.,... ~.`?$1........._•------ _ ............._.........._........._................-------- --...................---......_......
<br />A~a»t furthsr states thee said labo- was psrfon»sd o», a»d materials were furnished for, delivsrsd at, and wstd is
<br />said bwildwyl or gemises o» a»d bstaws» the dotes sperihed,
<br />That the pries chorged thsrsfor are fair a»d rsaso»able, and that there is »ow d»e o» said arco»»t the sw» o~
<br />.._•,Five Thousand Seyen Hundr?d £i~hty-•_Thri;~,_al}d-,5;i1~Qd-,---_-------r•.;--~-,~.rT~D~s t~ ,mss
<br />Jahnson Cashway.Lumber Co, of Grand, Is1 and-.--claims a lie» on the said prentices for the fult omowt of
<br />said :astafttlt,i~pyat: The sum of a... `t,.1.835.1.....-----°-•---- ..................together with i»tersst therso» ae the Jsgai -ate,
<br />f~o>rt- Nu::;: ~o=~.e.i:.r;.?tday of...October ... --- ----------------- xp...~.),...., a»d fwthsr a~ia»t says +at.
<br />-.
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<br />.. ~ A 9 ?'
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<br />~- a u~ - .....~.aLi~~..'~..~...3.ii+`ia, ~..i~a~aj~dL...--°.__......._ ................. ...................................
<br />. ~ .. .
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<br />',. ,. -: ~, -$8~~; ~ ` my gese»re a»d swam to before mat .............................................
<br />ed i fits
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<br />+ a ~,, day of .j,. -~a :c :........................ ... 1 ry r'
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<br />s~ .. yya GENEItJLL NOTARY-suuaaeoru+u
<br />DAVID L JAI7{ •........- ~ .t-.._... + . f . .............._ ._.......
<br />~~? ` tgatrutK~Ons) Ms comm. exp., ' Notory Public.
<br />.~:~~
<br />STATE OF f -~ -_• .....-.........1 Entered on numerical indez and ~fded for record
<br />/} p' is the tiaQiater of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />(7aaAty.._ ...... ... ............_.........
<br />.......»......n.......o~y ot......:.._.:.,_ ................................ 19r.........., at-...............................o'clock end..-..................._._..nunutea ..._..........- -M-'
<br />sad s!apDnd~ ~ k•..,,..»._..........,a..,..,.... .:of...,.--------......~ ..............._a;,gage.........................................
<br />....---....._._........_.._..._.....__....,._._..Reg of Deeds
<br />t3y .......................................... .....................................Deputy
<br />