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---- <br />C(1~~'P`~RATI0I~ R~Ai~~A1~T'~' DE~:I3 <br />The grantor GREEN i.ZNE EQUIP, INC <br />a earporation organised and existing under and by virtue of the iawa of the State of Nebraska <br />in eanaideratian of Ten Dollars {$10.00) and other good and valuatsle consideration <br />received from grantee, dose grant, bargain, sell convey and e~nfirm unto <br />GREENLZNE, ZNC, A Nebraska corporation <br />herein called the grantee whether one or mare, the following described real property in <br />.....................tIa~.1..•...•.•............................,.......... County, Nebraska: A tract of land comprising a part `=. <br />of the Southwest Quarter (SW~) of Section Twenty Four (24),Township Eleven (1Z) <br />North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M, more particularly described as:Be- <br />ginning at the blorthwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence Easterly along <br />the North line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of One Thousand-One Htmdred <br />Eight and Ninety Five Hundredths (1,108.95) feet to a point on the Northwesterly <br />right-of-way line of U.S. Hwy 30; thence deflecting right 149°58' and. running <br />Southwesterly along said right of way line a distance of One Hundred-Fifty Seven <br />and Seven Tenths (157.7)Feet, to a poin~ of curvature; thence continuing South- <br />westerly along the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is 2,934.79 feet <br />(initial tangent of which coincides with the last described course) a distance <br />or One Thousand One Hundred Eighty Eight and Five Tenths (1,188.5) feet; thence <br />running Northwesterly along a line which forms an angle of 90°00'right from the <br />final tangent of the last described curve, a distance of One Hundred Thirteen and ' <br />Twa Tenths (113.2)feet to a point on the West line of said Southwest Quarter, <br />thence Northerly along the West line of said Southwest Quarter s distance of <br />Seven. Hundred Ninety Five and Nine Tenths (795.9) feet, to the place of <br />beginning and containing 11~ acres, more or less. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and <br />appurteuaneea thereto belonging wtto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />And the grantor for itself and its sueeeaaors sloes hereby covenant with the grantee and with <br />erautee'= heirs a..d assign that eraait€=_ -, ta>;E°fulty seised of sari grattises; thai they .iret'ree iruui zncum- <br />brance except easements, covprtants and restrictions of rPoorrl and alt mnrrQn~roc <br />real estate taxes and assessments, which Grantee by acceptance of this deed <br />a~rees to assume. <br />t at granter has good right and lawful authority to convey- the same; and that grantor tcarrants anti wilt <br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful ciaians of all persona whosoever. <br />In witness whereof, grantor has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and thWse <br />presents signed by its President. <br />Dated September ~. ~ lg 81 <br />GREEN..? LNE...EQLIZ.P.,...?iVC ................................ <br />-. <br />13 r. pp <br />y +.,..'~~ ... .................:'~-0:-^:...... President <br />;.:;°, S3TAT& OF NhlRRA3HA, County of ...$3~.~ ............................................: <br />F3el?ore me, a notary public qualified iu said county,. personally came <br />Lynos Rerucha President of <br />Green Line Equip, Inc a corporation, <br />i[nown to me to be the President and identical person who signed the foregoiug instrument, utid ae&now- <br />iedged the execution thereof Lo be hie voluntary set and deed as such officer and the :~ofuntar}• act and <br />decd of said corporation and that its corporate aealwas thereto affixed 'by its authority. <br />Witrieaa my baud and notarial seal on ...a.;~ z. <br />1 ........._......... ....... t 9........... <br />~*...,.........,,.,` ............... .. ~~~~`'9~.... .. . _ Notary Public. <br />~~~ Ly c tam s.,ion espares ..._ __. _....._.... ... 19..... .... <br />