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<br /> <br />Tots tl+ff)l3FPP1TRE, made tfais__.--._b~}2_____..-_.. dsy of ,.._ f1S~(Z2.2_-- is ~`t., try sod t`etweeri <br />Rztzhahd E tta~6 ~nd_Sdrtdlta. iC, Vo~+.4~_~csi, artct tet~~---- --.__ ----- - ----- --- <br />of ~~~ CounrX Nsbraska, as mortgagor _-.4.-. and Horne Federal Savsnga atW LAatt Association of Grand Is6artd, a corporation <br />orgat~d and exigtfr~ utal€r the taws o£ ttu UnitW Stater of Am.-rim with its grirxipaE oifce and Dface of basircess at Crzand island, Hsbraska, as <br />~'fTN@SS8'i'F{: :hat said tnot5gagar 11._--_. !o- a:td ir. mnsid:ration sF the sum of _ <br />r hDfl r rA ~•! l9no_ rrore~irorf SeY#~ Fah Cfvnr~ 3I l bt1 .;!r,1£ <br />/ ~oEfw~a-~ ~ ~l. <br />tae reWpr M witkh is hereby aeknowkdsed, do by these Drexnta mortgge and . veto ~ .~ ~~ -and sssfgas, <br />wiX>tl~n <br />forever, aU the fotWwing described real asiate, situated in the County of _~fl.QQ___._--__- _ <br />and State o£ Neargaka, to-.rit: <br />Web~teh2y S.f.xzy-One Fevt (bd' ! ob .the Eaafien.Py Sevenfiy-Fofuf Feel 174° 1 os Lo.t <br />7ate.Ltre (i2) .fx Htoek One (i), we,ate~cho56'~ F,iJta.t Subdi.v.fa.ion, Co-tb.%a.tertg os <br />ALC ab Lox (23( and Pant o6 tot Twenty-Faro[ (24- o~ Ia.eand Ae~ta,s, <br />.in fine ttle~s.t Na,eg og .the South/tfee.t Qwvften. (GP,~Sw°,1 0~ Seeti.on Fight (8), and <br />`rani a b s~tziarss,i iafi Tc+zF (2 z o3 See~i.on Seven (7 i , ; ofifiortii, Ft°_evzr~i 1;1 i Naut `rt, <br />Range Aline (9 i , U1eb.t o 6 .the P. M. , NaX.2 Cowrty, Nebhaaka . <br />Together with ail farting, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment end futures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />doore, and window ehadea or blinds, uaetl on or in connection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property oc hereafter <br />plat'red thereon. <br />TD HAVE AND TU Hf.'LD THE BAhfE, togef6er with ell and singular the tenrmeata, hereditaments sort appurtenances thereunto ~~ <br />baging, or is rnywiae appertaining, forever, attd warrant rice title to the same. Said morgegor_S_ .hereby covenant----with said <br />mpaSiggpq that _.-. _ ~te f-~_ ~tg.__.. _.._... , st t6e delivery hereof, the lawful owtcer b. of Ehe premises above conveyed and described, <br />~~a11__~._-e ___sefzed o{ a good and indefeasible estate o[ inheritance therein, Tres and clear of sll encumbrances, and that ~_he.~will <br />- warrgtt Viand defend the title thereto forever against the c{eitns and demamis of ell parsons whomsoever. <br />.. <br />plZOYdDBD ALt'Y ° Y5, and this +^~*^+^~^^t ~ exxute~d eFl-d detieered ra secure the payment of the sum of - -_. -_ _ - -_ - <br />'e Tf~#f~tr~ti uC{e nFi?tafi~ at.zf"~ Ft3iVi ---~ 3 i /_i t~i~i I~.,tiar ~s 3. T Sh . 3 ; - i <br />_ wykb lpksaat tberepq, tgl{oiher with such chatgre and advances ~s :~,ay ha dun ar:d payable to said rwngagsr under tits terrss a,-td tt>nditions <br />of fire prtemiasory [tote of even dote herewith and secured hereby, executed by said nortgagor _ iv _ io said mottgegee. Payab:e ss expre,-a.°•ti <br />~ said reMa. altd !ASetatre the p~[r+rrnance of a the terms and condiiiotes contained iheraip. -i lee terms of said note are fssrouy hx.,~y..~Ee,i <br />Itueirt by thin teliaence. <br />tt is tits iotarition sad agraataent of the polies hereto that this mortgage shaft also secure any future advances made to said mortgagor. <br />by said motlgaQoe. and any and ell indebteaUisae in addition to the amount above stated which said mortgagors, or aqy of them, may owe to <br />said mortgagee, lwwaver avideaced, whether by note, hook actrount or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect betwn n <br />the parties hereto end Chair heirs, personal repreaeotetives, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including future <br />advartose, are gafd is fait wish interest. <br />The mortgagor.__~__ hereby msi6n __-- to said mortgagee ail rants cad income arising at any sad eU tunes fmm said propetty and <br />hereby quthsuiae said mortgagee ar ire agent, at its option, upon default, W take charge of said property and collect ail rents and income <br />eh~eftom and apply the sasae tt> the payment of interest, Principal. insurance Premiums, taxes, easesaments, repairs or improvemenu <br />iteoaaa+rty Gr kagR said pteperty in tetwntabla canditkta. or to outer chergns or payments provided for herein ur in the note hereby secured. This <br />rasa geeigtunent shall continue in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder sha0 in no manner <br />prs•tatt or retard said martgegsa in Cba co!lectxrn of said summa by foreclosure or otherwise. <br />- 3'ha fafluxe of the mrrtgagee to ee~rt any of ire tights hereunder at any time shalt rat t>r: construed as s waiver of its right to assert the <br />same at ~y I~tu time; endto insist upon and enforce strict compliance with alt the terror and provieiona of said note and of this mortgage. <br />If aid tttaq{;ggor b ahaA cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder, and under the terms and ptovisians <br />~r .:a w. tea., q.~,.mt- +~ ,Ai.,_ h~t~,.w ad.~axe, qnd any aatensions or r?aawals ihereoi in accardence with thr terms and provisions <br />'. rbw+_„f:.~ ~ tWd-~ . ~..... shall cwnnty with off the provisions of said note end of this mortgage, than these Presents shalt he void, <br />~ oiharwfar, fo ~o+isrifo io-foil force rod af~Eh qnd nafd mor[gggue shall he entittad to the possession of ail of said property. and may, at its option, <br />R daelata t4a rthttla of aa3.~note gnd.aB represented thereby to he immerfiately due sad payable, end may fanrfoee this mortgage <br />ai' take aqy ofhar bBai gctfan w prntaet ire right. ppprafaetnent waived. <br />ThkmtostlAtge shall be 6iadlryl upon anti shall enure to the bene$t of the heirs, executors, administrawrs, successors and assigns of the <br />taepotttve`psnfes fiarato. <br />lN'IVITNT9`3 WifEftEt3F. said ;dottgegor LL. _ haUQ..._ ttareunto sets„-,. ~~7.P~llf._. handd-_ _ the day and year first abe.~c <br />'. 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