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<br />a~-~nsteerarr og~o s ~a+s c~~~,, ~~,:sR, ram, <br />~ARAP4~"~ C}~~~ <br />Begir:a Me3Dermtstt '~alsh, a widow, and <br />Ai.yce itcDer~tt Thorpe, a widow <br />herein caned the grantor whether one or more, <br />in oaaratian of ei Thousand sight Hundred Four Dollars and Twenty-five Cents <br />~r 8~. <br />retained from grant, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br />Loyd A. Loehr <br />herein ctlted the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in <br />..... :~......_ ........................... County, Nebraska: <br />fibs Northeast Qterter of the Southeast {NF~S~) gparter of Section <br />Thirty {3%1}, Towashlp Ten {1G) North, Eange Eleven {11) Meet of <br />the fith P.M. in Hall Couaty, Nebraska, except the following de- <br />scribed portion thereof, vig.: <br />A tract of land consisting of varying width strip, adjacent to <br />the road right-of-ray along the Nast aide of said tract coatainiag <br />approximately .27' acres, more or leas, deeded to the Couaty of Hall, <br />State of Hebraelsa by suit v'laim Deed on date of May 19, 1939 and <br />recorded is the office of the Eegiater of Deeds of $a21 County, <br />Nebraska, in Book 1213 of Deese at Page 273 thereof. <br />The shave described real estate contains 39.73 acres, more or Iess. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all Lenements, hereditamente <br />and aggurtenanoes thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />And the grantor dose hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's hairs and assigns <br />that grantor is lewfnllg seised of said premises; that they are free from enemnbrance <br />that grantor h~S gpod right sad lawful au°-^.,ri;y to Canvey tine same; anal that grantor werraa~ sad wzll <br />aefa~a :hv _:=ts fu ~.,aia ~ .,~.,n u~i~~ - _- ';aw~,:l ~_u~ of sii ri .®..m wh~a~var, <br />Dated ~ I /`7'~ l9 7l <br />f <br />.................................................................................... ~~~,~..... V,nF..~.....~A~#aa.A~..., <br />NEBRASKA DOCI.IMEN7ARY { <br />c~Af~tP TAX 1 <br />............................................................................ ~ 1 ~ GCS= ~Q........................ ......:.' ..'.. ..............1 <br />................. <br />u !y~ 1 <br />1lItaHIflil~ 6 <br />HTATE Qk'~ Gounty oi ................_~f.AXd4~s...........................: <br />n~fo€e ale, a auiary gublic hued for said county, Ir$rsrnally ea.uc <br />.A~~ Dex~tt Tizorpe, a eridss+r, <br />ltntswn t4 tae tv be thtl $iRi'g gr geranns who signed the foregoing inatrament and acknowledged <br />tke exc~ention tUssaaf tails $ra: Apr gx~thtu° goluatary set and deed. <br />~its~ oar lid ked.tat~sia~~tala ....,.....~'g .................~+~~..... t9..'~... <br />-y" l~~ @bWYdilgSitrn C~. jziSE~ t. ~t~rw t-~+Riaw,i r. <,,,n.*Y- !s?'[#~}.~ <br />. llGt ~rn:aiss+.,rs , ,_.,, r <br />