<br />
<br />cloned by.
<br />.~:i.Schsslz,-an~...Bev~rly..Sch©l.z..-----
<br />$/b/a Plywwod Minnesota
<br />~4ddsass.....2b.2.,5...1akEat..lii~hs~a.~t. ?.~..-°.-........._-----
<br />~„-_Gz'and Island, NE 588fl1
<br />.. _.....-_.._o~t~t~er. -?..........-._....-,~s~._-,
<br />.~gc~nxt:_'~.9~Tt-•&--~ountry--Re~lty...~.` Grandy
<br />Island, Inc.
<br />.........2fi{}.8.-.West.-171d...Fair...R.cad........ .... !
<br />Grand Island, N~r 58801 & Cr.
<br /> 4215 Prizo a Aveng e {
<br />_-------•-- - -- --°-----------------------------------------------------~ran~--Isla' d; NE--- ~bBB I-------I --------
<br />-----
<br />5-14
<br />_------------
<br />----- ~
<br />_erican Emerald, 133' I
<br />-- ------------------------------------°--------------------------------------{ . 1595
<br />1-------------- .27
<br />------
<br />----------
<br />--------
<br />--- _N--- 50' of Cove-Base--4"---- _-- 1 ~ _- __-105
<br />- 00-- -----__--
<br />~-------__
<br />--------------- ------ --- ----A~__~~t~t~._Aare--.2'~-------------------------------------- 200
<br />-
<br />--- 00 --- --
<br />
<br />-- --
<br />-
<br />
<br />-- ------
<br />-
<br />------------ - -- ---°------------------------------------------Sales Tax ------- - --------57 03 - ------_--- ---------
<br /> . _________L~bar for Install . ~
<br />-------------- f - 350
<br />
<br />-- °- 00
<br />-
<br />----=.C3-_12-- ----_ aszal.laSiQn_Qf__~os~--~-a~~ ------°---------------------~ ~-------22U_ qa-- --------- ( ---------
<br /> Plus interest + l 116 55
<br />
<br />
<br />- - III - --- - -
<br />
<br />_ ~}?~~~____-A__.______i
<br />
<br />F_ 2 654
<br />
<br />85__
<br />
<br />____~°_-
<br />-- ------
<br />______._
<br />Seale a}_.~ehraska-------_._...~
<br />ss.
<br />....._.......-----H811------------- County
<br />A~1~,. Bib,.Scholz--.and--Beyerly_-,Scholz.-d/b/a Plywood Minnesota '
<br />-- •- -- - •-----•° - - -.........-- .................. being first , ~.
<br />:.
<br />duty sworn, on his oath says that the foregoing itemiaed account of work, tabor, skill ...........................
<br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were done and performed and furnished by the undersigned
<br />for the saul._.Town..&. Country---Realty-__of Grand .Island, Inc. and Richard McMichael;
<br />i
<br />under a~ ...................4JS:g~.... .....--- • •------ contract--- • - - ....... .......-... ..
<br />forthesa~le-_agtd,-,installation„_.,-..-,,,•--_-.-_-_--_...of~b _.-,_-carpeting in the property known
<br />-._.-_a~_.Wix~~~ammer__L~unge-,.-_t~est•,Hf~hway 30, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />oM the following tot, puce or parcel of land, via:'--.....Lszt_S-...o~l.~----(.i1.a-.. Tt~r~._(Z.~.._~nd Three (3) of
<br />S&ta~_Subdivis=ion__in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska .;
<br />I _
<br />"- s _~:.~~.~. ~ weir .a.,,- 1.rrsr'.st:~:u ;,~: dativ°er~d '' - Tr~w*s ~
<br />- -'--
<br />i tut at the .~ '---° -~.; Ada awd tab~r and ' ` --.... -
<br />I
<br />~or~gtzv T~ea~-t,~!.-of Grand. Island-?--_Inc•,
<br />.............nvas the owner of said premises'
<br />g~•,,;$~s~rsl__-MC[~i~ha~l-.s~s_.flx~„-Cgx~~t~~_Q,~-a~,ent..and,.o gratin with the ;.
<br />- - - - P- ~.....
<br />'~kcitwl~dge and .consent for said owner
<br />~ ,t
<br />,~ Ma - 14 1981 i
<br />That: tke data of the first stem furnished and delivered eves ................Y........s.......----.-----.-.........-....__._......... and the ;;
<br />date of the tact item rtes..........,Iurse•...12.,...,1.~$1.._---•--.....-•-------•--------...-._ ...........................
<br />AffGatat furtlur states that sold dabor alias performed on, and materials were furnished for, delivered at, and used in
<br />said. building or premises on and between the dates specified. ~ '
<br />That the priczs charged therefor are fair and reasonable, and that there is now due on said account the sum of
<br />a d 85 100 ----
<br />:~T:..~Af?371~r~I}~,..~~4..I3R1IN~7:~...k'~-Yr~.P.l#]~.---.](~............L.........`..._.......'.____._.'.'.'. Dollars, that said' i [
<br />..-.H#xb-.Bcpn2,z..aitd:.,Bev>~~c...Setwlz,....d11~1.8...P1y.-aos~d...MinnsS~.ks ......................... '~
<br />- - ,
<br />-..claims a lien on the said premises for the full amount of
<br />said accouatt, tn-ze-it; The sum of ~..2.a.~t.~4.,~5 ..................................together with interest thereon at the legal rate,
<br />2`~tf?......day a/_.. _Jul~'~: .............. -- ---•- ---- -....- q..8..-., and further affront says nor i
<br />from tbe,._ _.........._ - .. ..., r <
<br />,.:~#1~. SiG~. di~,i~... Xe~~Y _ 1 d/b/a Plywood. {
<br />Minnesota- .....~ta._. ...
<br />r
<br />,INN~i 11~ Sa§strttJed ex my ~reseiue aid sauor~ to be}ore ms this...... [ _..
<br />~ day of ............. Q~tober.. f ~ $1
<br />~~~`£.°. F@i..T~, 3~41C .L7S i~i:.~i"d~~a~P,~.) -1 J~ :- Y~tcf. _
<br />