<br />P'T4Q^S 1 'te'e
<br />1 > t~.C °'-~'tJ it _ .'~;'~iw
<br />arm enteret~-into this bt?x tEZey or G~to~r
<br />!~ Sl b'd a~"1 Cron You and. Rutlx Pox. hust~and sad wife, joint tenants with
<br />rfc~tt oi: stt.rvivorship .
<br />({teresaaFtec refesrred tv as savrigagvrl 2nd Cotamereial Nattormt Bartle sad Trust Company
<br />{hereitafter refe.•_ ' to as
<br />, s err office artd p of business at 424 ty. 3zd street in Grand is:artd,
<br />Hai County, i~lebraska.
<br />Wt1'strH; ttiai'fc~r the cx~6deratiaa hereinafter stated, rectipt of which is hereby acktaowiedged, the mortgagor
<br />dog hxteby ~~ seq, grant, assign, and convey unto the mvrtgaga, its stlcceasors and- assigns. all of the fot-
<br />iMrlrit d~ y sitltattd atni being in the County of Hal l
<br />State of Nebraska.-
<br />Lot Forty-T[sree i43?, in Wolfe's 6ubdi~is±on in the City of Grand island, Hali
<br />txlunty, btebraska
<br />tvgefher arith aU the tenements ami appurtenances thereto betoasing, ail tM rests, issues and profits thereof, sad all
<br />dlaetaettts, rialtts. toyatt~, lnimrat, oil aad gas rights and profits, water. water rights. and water stack, and including
<br />alt heating; plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, equipment sad all fixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />tortgagor flow yr heFeafter alts€heti thl~eto or used in cvnaection with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />ttt~€t€: tt~ f~tr_sxs d~ribed pr~~.i°$ wl~ch are artd ;hall Lx deerr=ed t_ r r, •~ a~ a part ^r .~ real:y_ a^d
<br />------ -- - n ~ _,x..E(..~
<br />arc a-portion of the security for the indebtedness herein stated. itf none, state "none") Hone - _ -- -_
<br />'Fv tl$ve and to tsotd the same tlaty the Mortgagee, as herein provided:
<br />The-raastgagpt is lawfully seized and possesses? of and has the right to sell and convey said property; that the
<br />setae-is ftett from ali:ettenmbrattces except as hereinabaye recited; sad that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend xht tint aforesaid ilrereto sad every part thereof against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />'this instrumdet-is;given tv secure the payttteat of a proatissory note dated ~tober 6, 1981
<br />is the priadpai sum of S 373,300.00 ,signed. by Cameron Fox and Ruth Fox -
<br />ta behalf of tll~eaai3elves
<br />also, as such pate or notes taay from drat to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />IA the_ev~eaE th2 dtk is said real estate is tra>sferred, yr contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />rFasvtt oc• by -nay method whatspever, the eatirt priaciptal sutra and. accrued. interest shall at once become due and
<br />t~y~ ~ the tLtlctit7a_of the holder her+evf. Failure to exucise this option because of transfer of tide as above stated
<br />one instance s~ rant cxmcEttute_a wit#ver of the right to exercise the setae in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />I . Tiec mtixt~at cortaaata itad-agrees. at, foll9ws:
<br />a, To pTaily, pAy. the ids evidence by saint grotaissory note-at the times and in the manner
<br />thcreau provided,
<br />b: 'I`@ ~~r all texts, g==~e~-~ts~ Water- rtes, sad Othor governments! ar muniapal charges, fines, er
<br />inlpasitioas; far which- provision has not hart made hereinbefore, and wilt promptly deliver the official receipts
<br />thxrefvr to the said taortgagee.
<br />€. Tu pay sit4h ~ptr~ and fern ax ntay be incurred in the protectitrn and lnaintenan€e of said property,
<br />inciuaiag t~ fees of afty stts3rney emistoyed bD the auartgagee for the wllection of any or all of the indebtedness
<br />ia::e:.y se`uieu, car for~:l:,;ure by :ttartgagc-c's sale, ar .cute prcce~ings, or in any ether iitigatian ar prxecc#ing
<br />affatittg said properly.
<br />